
Make or request Yas Forumsrt

Attached: 2D3CECA1-A3E4-495E-82FA-8FEE6F2C25BF.png (800x600, 54.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting Aloe ruining someone else's wedding cake with her big fat skanky ass.

She's sitting on top of a knocked-over plastic bride and gazing wistfully at the plastic groom, dreaming of the romance and love she will never have.

Attached: Aloe (Ishuzoku Reviewers).jpg (900x4725, 1.09M)

Requesting rockstar Megumin humping/grinding on a guitar, like her staff in the right screencap.

Attached: megu_rock.jpg (1934x1000, 378.67K)

Requesting Naofumi literally living rent-free inside the head of one of his haters.

Attached: Chadfumi.png (1034x1363, 1.64M)

Melty and Filo from Shield hero dancing on a stage in sexy tuxedos. Complete with top hats, fishnet stockings, canes, and high heel boots. The tuxedos should look like the one Hatsune Miku wears in her Project Diva games. Have Naofumi sitting in the front row enjoying the view.

Attached: MikuFiloMelty.jpg (590x1088, 327.21K)

Shimakaze as the conductor of the Shimakaze. Have her have a cutely serious yet somehow bored expression.

Attached: Shimakaze-Shimakaze.jpg (2000x2000, 2.14M)

Previous Thread deliveries.

Join me, design and sketch new Plague Waifus.

Attached: spanishflu.jpg (453x680, 42.05K)

O my

Attached: 712449C8-B9AD-4030-A5EF-22C8DE94CAF0.jpg (1280x1046, 90.34K)

Anchoring for Ononoki:

Attached: 1585529291555.png (840x761, 230.4K)

Pls dont make me wanna fuck influenzas tits, im weak to big tiddie chocolate

/r/ing Hiasa being rescued before getting axed. Drawfags that've seen Babylon know what's being referenced. or just give her a full body picture with her mouth taped shut and maybe cuffed wrists and ankles.

Attached: rip best girl.png (216x631, 67.36K)

Requesting Mechander Robo, God Sigma, and Sasuraiger holding signs up demanding english subs for their shows.

Attached: 1plus1plus1.png (2114x872, 1.98M)

Giguelf in a parody of Gundam Build Fighters or Divers. Or just a full body picture with its rifle.

Attached: 1561047667791.png (1948x734, 2.01M)

Requesting two version coloring please
color ref

Attached: 1586017288492.jpg (620x440, 27.05K)

Requesting Scarlet from No Guns Life as a trad girl

Attached: Scarlet.jpg (1864x1268, 468.69K)

Requesting a male character of your choice punching Hitomi-chan hard in the belly, while simultaneously groping her tiddy.

Attached: hitomi chan.png (1242x1588, 1.93M)

Requesting Maria and Matsurika from Maria Holic posed similarly to the photo and wearing the same dresses, with their panties showing through, both holding hands and Maria giving the V sign. Have Matsurika on the left and Maria on the right.

Maria is also the blonde and a trap.

Attached: 1537319721421.jpg (1644x1740, 917.3K)

Requesting Kougyoku Ren from Magi bound and gagged with a white cloth over her mouth.

Attached: 9ED87358-12D5-4258-8978-F2969933D590.jpg (1125x1115, 925.15K)

Requesting Mizuka Sonohara from Plunderer wearing a police uniform,a bunnysuit or a reverse bunnysuit.

Attached: Mizuka Sonohara request.png (2777x1200, 3.21M)

Requesting Walkure looking like KISS with their tongues hanging out and makind the same hand gesture like Gene Simmons. Not necessarily in the same poses. Showing them like they are rocking out would be a huge plus with everything above. Additionally Freya would need new make up variation. I leave that to the imagination of the maker.

Attached: KISSWalkure.jpg (1349x679, 309.55K)

Requesting a 3 panel comic. In the first one all of the astra crew would look horrified and scared shitless. Second one would show Kanata in his normal space suit sitting in the captains chair facing others, smiling widely and looking like dr. Weir (eyes only and bloody face) saying ''What's wrong guys? where we're going we won't need eyes to see'' and a blurred plate with ''per aspera ad astra''. Third panel would show that very plate with the ships quote scratched out and ''Event Horizon'' written below in jagged letters and a huge black hole appearing outside the bridge window.

Attached: Kanata no Event Horizon.jpg (1719x796, 215.95K)

Requesting either of the two scenarios or both if you want to. First one would be Goblin Slayer and Jareth meeting at the edventurer's guild tavern. Goblin Slayer would ask who Jareth is, since he haven't seen him before. After jareth says he's the goblin king nexxt panel would show Jareth completely terrified and Goblin Slayer furiously chasing him with that red eye thingie. Second one would be Goblin Slayer and his party entering a huge cave after coming out of the tunnel to see Jareth sitting/laying on his throne, crystal ball in his hand and surrounded by a bunch of goblins.

Attached: JarethGoblinSlayer.jpg (1801x671, 197.88K)

Akira wearing Hibiki's Gungrir while holding up her severed head saying "I win power level discussions".

Attached: satelight studio showdown.png (853x1000, 363.2K)

Requesting Maka in a cute bunny girl outfit.

Attached: Maka concept art.jpg (500x957, 61.4K)

thanks for making me the op pic :)

Attached: sketch231.png (400x400, 17.24K)

Requesting Rem (right, either design is fine) riding around in Herbie (left) and having a great time!

Attached: request.png (1500x900, 1.75M)

Requesting Nagato Yuki lifting up her top in a volleyball outfit like Haruhi, but also pulling on her bikini and looking directly at the viewer while smirking. Have her sweating and with her sunglasses up too.

Attached: 1vball.jpg (1792x996, 381.59K)

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!
Requesting Hiro and his janitors begging Kanamori to join the janitorial staff on Yas Forums, but Kanamori rejects them because she doesn't do anything for free.

Attached: Kanamori.jpg (3000x4000, 3.15M)

Requesting Thin Mode Hikafune dressed in an apron, sweater and jeans looking at the viewer while leaning over and tying/untying the apron

Attached: a8f763cf481c21bb031b3bad2253d0ac.png (1140x1568, 1.79M)

Requesting Centorea jousting Takahiro or one of the girls from Walkure Romanze

Attached: Joust.jpg (3746x1922, 1.79M)

Didn't one of these get filled recently? Then again I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got filled awhile ago, or that it's not even a real person posting these fucking things.

The goblin slayer got one but it wasn’t either of what he wanted so i guess he feels he can just keep requesting

Requesting nemesis(to love ru)playing resident evil 3 nemesis

Attached: images (1).jpg (384x779, 48.52K)

Since his posts are never deleted and he's seemingly never banned he's probably correct in thinking that (I think he should get deleted and banned though)

Requesting Vados from Dragon Ball Super extending her halo and using it as a hula hoop.

Attached: Vados.jpg (474x1292, 105.32K)

Requesting someone draw a double-sided dakimakura of Maria Pier Di Romagna (from Strike Witches Season 2 ep. 5) similar to the official ones on the right. Her familiar type (animal ears and tail) is up to you.

Attached: maria_daki.jpg (3732x2716, 1.72M)

Requesting Tomoyo Daidouji in this kind of style and dress.

Attached: Goth girl tomoyo.jpg (1560x1260, 673.82K)

Requesting these cows from Interspecies reviewers welcoming the viewer for some good fun times. But I'd also be happy with anything cute or lewd related.

Attached: EOq29I2X0AUuZ1R.jpg (1920x1080, 260.15K)

Requesting Kuwabara as a super smart and well composed model student.

Attached: smart Kuwabara.jpg (1539x1403, 217.89K)

OR here, I'm sorry for being late!
All I can say so far is:
Holy shit that's a incredible lewd Big Nep!
>if you dont have amything againts it
Nope, it's already looking fantastic, so please do continue having fun with it!

Attached: 1585940589201.jpg (3000x3000, 417.4K)

Lan from Lagrange with her mouth taped shut

Attached: not lesbo.png (522x848, 809.42K)

Requesting Sakura with some bad wounds (like holes and slashes) but with a smug face and her healing seal activated

Attached: sakura.jpg (648x818, 75.28K)

Requesting Kenshiro doing his Hyakuretsu Ken (Hundred Crack Fist towards the viewer) with Kaguya standing behind him. Using the technique Yasogami Kugeki. (with the fists of hers taking up the left and right side of the image). And both eminating the same blue aura.

Attached: refs.png (1603x1202, 510.59K)

Requesting Jack the Ripper/Assassin Of Black, with Astolfo wearing the same outfit as them, both in action poses in close proximity with Astolfo sporting a full erection with pre-cum and an awkward expression, with Jack not noticing.

Try to avoid making either look too young.

Attached: ast-.png (1633x1267, 2.96M)

Maria bulge in spring attire.

Attached: Maria.jpg (532x458, 61.58K)

Requesting this Carol and Tuesday request I made a while back be finished and/or colored.
costume color ref:
Character haircolor/skintone ref:

Attached: carole and tuesday boobies uniform color request.png (4824x4160, 1.79M)

requesting again. madotsuki from yume nikki and yakui the maid hanging out

Requesting Kotori and Nozomi sitting in two bathroom stalls beside each other. Kotori's taking a huge dump, and is loudly grunting and splashing. Nozomi is laughing at her, calling her "Bloat-ori" while just peeing.

Attached: image.jpg (1555x894, 345.57K)

Requesting this cover with Loli, Teen and Adult Chariot, in the same lewd outfits of course. Loli in back, Teen in middle, Adult in front. imgur.com/a/hCVtvEn

Attached: 3 of Chariots.png (1800x1637, 3.96M)

Requesting Shirai Kuroko from Raildex doing Dekomori Sanae's (from Chu2) hair. Have Dekomori in pajamas and Kuroko lingerie (or both in lingerie) with Kuroko making a perverted expression with Dekomori looking annoyed and wary.

(lower right image is from Garupan, just an example of what I had in mind)

Attached: 2334289.jpg (1460x2045, 871.39K)

In which thread was the goblin slayer one? I didn't see it.

The Labyrinth crossover one got answered. The one I made didn't get answered yet.

legit thought this was Hinata and genderbent Shikamaru. God awful character design for Carole.

It's slim pickings for Carole And Tuesday fanservice. What do you want for nothing?

How many threads ago was the labyrinth posted?

Two or three? Maybe four?

Requesting Goblin Slayer dragging Darkness from Konosuba away from a Goblin Cave. her kicking and screaming and begging to be let go and him just being frustrated and annoyed. The Goblins freaked out and disturbed by how horny she is.

Attached: konogoblin darkness request.png (835x655, 519.87K)


Requesting Handsome Amanda as a greaser and Hannah with her hair down in the flower dress posed like in the top middle; with the image being split, Amandas left side in a sketchy comic style and Hannah’s right side in color(doesn’t have to be in color, clean line art would do)

Attached: Take On Me but its Gay Witches.png (1800x2011, 3.21M)

Requesting Marina from Bang Dream receiving thank you gifts from the other bands.

Attached: Marina.png (1334x750, 509.47K)

>thick, hot ropes of thanks all over her face and naked chest
Woah, that's way too lewd!

Requesting Cirno and Kurama fighting, with Cirno pelting him with an avalanche of icicles as he slices and pulverizes them with his vine whip.

Attached: Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama-PNG-File-For-Designing-Projects.png (800x600, 783.2K)

She’s cute

Requesting a version of this from behind, with her shorts pulled down further, showing off a thong and looking back. Character is Sakura Kyouko from Madoka.

Attached: __sakura_kyouko_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_yutsumoe__a9f000a2ecb59449ead6de13c491974b.jpg (1100x1400, 329.33K)