Senpai... Am I... dirty?

Senpai... Am I... dirty?

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no u arnt :)

Yeah but that's not going to stop me putting my sausage yoghurt inside your womb.

Lets find out


Go back

Not dirty enough. At least not yet


Need some sauce

that's what she said lmao

>wanting anal first
Ok *unzips*

Boku no pico

there is no doubt

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So how many guys did she fuck before this?

Come on man I'm serious

Until we get more toilet paper just wash it out in the shower

Just Shinji.

legs can fold that way ?

I said you were wormy, not dirty.

She isn't Caren

Shut up retard, no one is going to help you. If you can’t recognize the girl in OP then lurk moar faggot

“Yes you are, which is why you’re going last after Rin and Saber”

Of course, but don't say it as if were something bad.

you were born to be a slut

Only Shirou's slut

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does it all really matter in the grand scheme of the universe?

And Shinji.

Rape doesn't count. She has a virgin SOUL

No, you're straight.

>Rape doesn't count. She has a virgin SOUL

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*Sniff *Sniff
Yeah, go take a bath

This isn't the pizza I ordered.


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Shinji isn't a magus, and Zouken probably doesn't have semen any more, so he must have found magi to run trains on her.


Shinji is a magus, he's just a shitty one. He was even used as the grail's vessel in UBW

Its not the hymen in your crotch that matters, its the hymen in your heart

Wait, what? If she got horny all the time for guys, she only fucked Shinji? Like, she didn't fuck old men and classmates, then consume them?

Ehh, no. The shadow only eats people. It doesn't fuck them. Sakura is just the Matou's sex slave

I mean, she's still horny when she's the Shadow, right? She can fuck them first, THEN eat them after. Just to drive home the vagina dentana thing.

Post butt

Did she pee herself? That's sad

Yes, you're a rotten meat pleagued with maggots.

Why is she such a slut bros?

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Did she pee herself? That's hot

I want to drink Sakura's pee

I think that picture is self explanatory

No, but you should do something about those worms.
I'm more of a Rin type of guy only mainly because she's Aoko replica (and thus inferior to her).

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More refined version

nah Im just going around shooping stuff, nuthin personal. I take requests too

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It makes me sad that so many anons blame Sakura for things that aren't her fault. She didn't choose to be transformed into a literal succubus or be abused by the Matou family. She's just horny and broken, literally /ourgirl/. Seeing her decapitate Shinji and crush Zouken's soul was the most satisfying thing ever

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show vegana

What is she doing to Saber's Nubian boyfriend/master?

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>kikebook filename

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ok user you asked for it

Do you not use Google images

Wait, let me laugh even harder

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Well whatever dude my iPhone doesn't let me change filenames easy so ok.


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Don't pretend to be me

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here ya go

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Even more cringy than tattoo shit. If you're gonna be a degenerate cuck at least be more tasteful