Prichan, Mewkledreamy, AiPare

Rejoice, Prichan S3 and Mewkledreamy will start soon!
What are you looking forward to the most?

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aipare sucks

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I am looking forward to these tiny adorable babies the most!

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You're not Woz

Is this gay?

You don't know that.

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No, it's completely heterosexual.

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All is gonna be garbage and you know it.

Attached: the real amufag posting this you guys.webm (450x540, 2.05M)


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stop that

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At least it will be better than AiFure, not that it's saying much.

Yummy leaves her door open for Subaru every night

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>fairilu subs are still in the exact same place as they were 2 years ago
were there really that few people watching it? I watched the raws and stuff but it's still kind of sad to see that there is a show with slower subspeed than doki-era pripara.

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the flood...

>no time for retarded boys, too busy doing gay shit in here

I support shipping Ann and Cat together.

Attached: [Gelatin] Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live - 36.mkv_snapshot_15.04_[2020.03.31_21.34.00].jpg (1920x1080, 381.16K)

Remember when she was supposed to be good at baking sweets?

>not adding XD

fuck off

>still thinking muh gay XDDD funny after 200 threads

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Maybe the guys that finally subbed Sunshine will pick it up.

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Pop vs Ethnic type
Who would win?

Yeah, /u/fags forcing their shit should leave.

>Ethnic type
I still don't know who this applies to

>wild liger
Oh my.

Attached: [YES] Zoids Wild Zero - 25 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_03.44_[2020.04.04_10.46.09].jpg (1920x1080, 162.51K)

>aifure shitposter

oh no

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>G Y
What does it mean?

That pretty series bends the knee to korean overlords once again.

Gooks have proven their /ai/ superiority with Shining Star.

Girl's Yell: name of brand that Emo uses.

Movie when?

Oh no, Sally is dead.

Attached: [YES] Zoids Wild Zero - 25 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_15.49_[2020.04.04_11.05.41].jpg (1920x1080, 152.33K)

>i killed people i'm sad
Bitch soldiers are paid to kill, that's their one job.

Attached: [YES] Zoids Wild Zero - 25 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_18.10_[2020.04.04_11.08.40].jpg (1920x1080, 63.72K)

>Girl's Yell
Was it rape?

>what is ptsd

Australian's don't feel emotions.

>Prichan S1
>we want to tone down the fantasy elements
>Prichan S3
>magic VR themepark and at least four (4) magic babies

>it's a haunted porn magazine episode

Attached: [YES] Youkai Watch Jam Youkai Gakuen Y - N to no Souguu - 13 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_00.16_[2020.04.04_11.18.29].jpg (1920x1080, 183.65K)

>coord change system is realistic
>VR and virtual pets aren't
What did he mean by that?

Sally's got a cute butt.

They're allowed to change their minds if the original idea wasn't working. and the change since s1 is clearly for the better.

S1 was mostly Mirai and friends doing dumb prituber stuff, S2 actually broke reality a few times

I only remember one time in the library episode.
Other than that, it was as wacky as S1.

The western version of YW was censored as fuck.

>principal send the boys to throw the haunted porn into a volcano to destroy it once and for all
Just like in that movie... Shrek IIRC.

Attached: [YES] Youkai Watch Jam Youkai Gakuen Y - N to no Souguu - 13 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_10.11_[2020.04.04_11.30.48].jpg (1920x1080, 285.47K)

Fun is illegal in the west.

Attached: [YES] Youkai Watch Jam Youkai Gakuen Y - N to no Souguu - 13 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_11.40_[2020.04.04_11.35.23].jpg (1920x1080, 223.58K)

Attached: [YES] Youkai Watch Jam Youkai Gakuen Y - N to no Souguu - 13 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_19.34_[2020.04.04_11.44.31].jpg (1920x1080, 154.02K)

Attached: [YES] Youkai Watch Jam Youkai Gakuen Y - N to no Souguu - 13 (AniTV 1920x1080 AVC AAC).mkv_snapshot_20.49_[2020.04.04_11.46.14].jpg (1920x1080, 163.7K)