>Digimon adventure ended a long time ago. Quit living in the past.
Who’s living in the past now?
Digimon adventure ended a long time ago. Quit living in the past
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>Who’s living in the past now
I leb meinen Traum, denn er wird wahr
The Digimon are, since it's going to be revealed later on that the human world was reset like Tri talked about and that's why the Digimon are already familiar with their human partners
Can't wait to see Tai get cucked again
>this retarded theory has reared its head again
>Crest of Friendzoning
I just wanted to help get the thread moving and maybe get some discussion going on.
Is the only official way to watch this in the US just Crunchyroll for now? Has there been any talk about a dub yet?
Why the fuck would you want a dub?
A mixture of nostalgia and I'm curious how they'd handle it. Would they recast as many of the old cast as possible due to the recent movies showing they can still get most of them to reprise their roles, or would they do a new cast to try to set things apart from the old 90s show?
>In a shocking twist, Paul Gordon is doing the music.
Does it have shit pacing and will have 50 episodes again?
original adventure didn't have shit pacing
So, when it is airing?
They better show victorygreymon and zeedgarurumon
>reset digital world
>people hate it
>reset human world
>people love it
Fuck toei
Localised broadcast times for Colon episode 1 on 5th April:
>Sunday 10:00am (AEST)
Sunday 9:00am (JST)
>Sunday 2:00am (CEST)
>Sunday 1:00am (BST)
>Saturday 8:00pm (EDT)
>Saturday 5:00pm (PDT)
The CR simulcast is at 7:30pm PDT.
>people love it
We haven't seen a single episode of Colon yet.
Later today huh. Thanks
Thank you user
And because it would get the series more attention in the west.
Also the factor that with having lost the Power Rangers license to Hasbro and that they can only rely on currently popular anime and current Disney movies for how long, Bandai of America may as well milk the franchise as much as possible especially with the focus on the season most people know about.
I expected to see a thread with about 300 replies here, what killed the hype?
Kizuna being released only over a month ago didn't help.
Forgot to add that the spoilers for Kizuna and eventual novel translation revealing it was total shit didn't help. Think corona had an impact as well.
I tried to not read the spoilers but just knowing Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon don't show up was bad enough for me, and then I read the other digidestined don't even get to do stuff after suffering through 6 Tri ovas getting their own megas to stand as equals to Tai and Matt
I tried to avoid the spoilers but just felt compelled to read them. For all the positives it might have in the animation and bringing back Nakatsuru for the character designs, the actual story is abysmal. Sora being totally written out was especially disgraceful.
They have been pandering to old otaku faggots like us so why not go all the way? Add titties and cute girls everywhere, make some figures of these sexy designs and try to get the FGO and battleship-hoes audience.
Gee, maybe it's because the episode haven't even aired yet?
>Airs earlier than One Piece
>Gets simulcast subs later than One Piece
Imagine that
are you surprised by that whatsoever
This. Who wants a slutty tomboy when you have a cute lovely imouto wanted even for a loveftcranian God?
Horrible subs magnet when?
so, how are we supposed to call this, or how is the title supposed to be officially read as.
Psy? Colon? New? has anyone mentioned that?
i guess im going to hell for this.
It's officially "Digimon Adventure:"
yeah, but how are we supposed to read that?
"Digimon Adventure Colon" I guess.
>new unnecessary reboot series literally called colon
gee, I wonder if it will be shit
Mimi will achieve main girl status this time and get with Taichi while Yamato gets the dumpy girl again
I like watching it in japanese, but all the german songs are fucking amazing god damn nigga.
>ending up with anyone
She's too free-spirited for that
Digimon Pendulum Japanese Commercial
Tai gets a new love interest name Rei Saiba
Still waiting for some footage of Yuuko...
Digimon is fujo now, i'm ready for more Taichi x Yamato fujoshit.
Patamom was hotter
Will Koji Wada come back for this?
user... sorry to break the news, but...
It has Omegamon head on it
Digimon Adventure Omegamon
>a girl will never try to destroy the world because you're not part of it anymore
It sucks, man.
Here's your mid-season new party member.
I wonder what villain for first 10 episodes will be? Devilmon?
This anime was always gay
I know Digimon is kinda fujo but why?
I hope so, he was very creepy.
But I'm not sure the new anime will focus on despair as much as Adventure. It doesn't even look like they'll be fighting the danger of surviving in the digital world, it's some internet code world instead of crazy locations.
Did the original show draw inspiration from the Narnia books? Vague Christian imagery, kids battling to save a fantasy world where time moves differently, one of the leaders of the good creatures is a Lion who dies saving people.
Because two nukes weren't enought
Well nips like western culture so...
When you write it like that, it seems obvious. It might be a coincidence but Digimon was in fact very western influenced...
The real question is if it truly was western influence, or if they were just copying Shin Megami Tensei.
I expected doujins from the artist you quoted. I'm disappointed.