
What do you feel when thou see this goblin?

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Uncontrollable lust.

Bad design but not a horrible character

Almost uncontrollable hatred and disgust.

What an ugly baby

>accidently skipped both Twinkle and Kira's fairy episode
>lost nothing of value
I will skip all fucking fairy episodes from now on.

Are you girls excited to hang out with the Precure this week?

She looked cute in the timeskip epilogue.

fuck off

wish we got bibury instead

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Of all the pics of all the characters you could've chosen.

>a little girl's bare feet

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El goblino..

Pretty fucking ugly not gonna lie


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Pekorin is cute, stop being mean to her

A fucking bald gnome

She isn't cute and no I won't stop.

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>Makes a Human Pekorin OP in the day that the new episode airs
Nobody is going to watch it now.

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Wait a minute, was HaCha the footfag season?

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I didn't pay too much attention aside from the obvious shots, but HaCha in general seemed more lewd to me than any other season really. Maybe my head's just in the gutter

Attached: Happiness Charge Precure! - 24 [BD 1080p][HugMan][F65D4383].mkv_snapshot_09.18.798.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

Where is that gif of iona and her sister.

HaCha is the
Season. Fresh is the
Season. GoPri is the
Season. What about the rest? I can't think of another season with a prominent fetish.

Gopri was the everything season

Megumi's animated dropping trou after karate practice too. Those sets of bare feet are probably also a little smelly from the workout, and Iona is touching them even.

My head's probably just in the gutter too, I mean look at my footfag posting, but I honestly get the same feeling from this season. It's not actually lewd, but like it's much further towards the lewd side of the spectrum than other precure seasons. Like they wanted to see how far they could push the boundaries in the season about romantic love in the franchise targeted at an audience that is four years old, primarily.

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I fucking forgot to write
Haa-sama, please spare my soul.

I'm not against lewd or anything but something about hacha seemed like they were honestly being perverted. There's no way the japanese parents didn't pick up on it.

Smellfags are probably into Nagisa, Saki, Rin, Akane, Nao, all the sporty cures. Miyuki apparently too because of that shot where Akane is holding her and she smells from the candy, so maybe Smile is the smellfag season. I wouldn't know, I'm just spitballin' here. I am into feet but not because they smell sometimes.

They were too busy rioting about the romance angle that everything flew under their radar.

More like the cures in general. I don't like Nagisa like that.

Wow, 10 episodes in and they're already about to fight more than one at the same time.

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Heartcatch is the cutest girls season.

Maybe! What's the plot synopsis for this one?

Mirai is a lucky woman.

Well, it won't as pathetic as last year where every general JOBBED HARD to the new finisher, this time everyone'll just summon their MotW and let them do the bidding.
The girls goes to a museum visit, shit goes south when 3 Megabyougermz are summoned, Fountaine and Sparkle defeated theirs but something happened to Grace. It's a two-partner for the new finisher tho.

take this in the meantime

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Jobbing is such a worthless word in precure.

Oooo sounds exciting. I'm definitely excited for today's episode and am now going to make sure I find a decent stream this time because last weeks was a couple minutes behind and very laggy.

It usually is. But when a general fights by itself only to lose by hyping a new finisher then it's the literal definition of jobbing.

But that always happens

Gotta make the new toy look strong, brother.

No? Usually a general just summon a monster, and when it is defeated then just fucks off. When they lose (usually) is during a climax episode, and it wouldn't be jobbing but instead a part of an angle. Learn your terms.

For Precure, it makes more sense with the Cure side than the villain side, the villains are always going to be defeated no matter what, but a specific Cure can be shown to be a jobber in unintentional ways, like having their shield always break, doing very little in a fight to fight basis, being the punching bag of a monster so the other Cures can save her, etc, it's something that you need to pay attention through the season to notice a pattern.

I am having problems with the precure app, anyone else?

user, I...

It got Corona'd

Pekorin is cute, delete this picture. Anyone can retarded when you take a picture of them at a bad moment.
She has a lot of very cute moments in this very episode.

also, it's kinda bad just how much of the fairy population in precure that I'd bang, whether they take on human shape or not

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not that user but considering the origins of the term, the fact that generals exist in the narrative solely to be a foil that loses to the Precure means they are unequivocally jobbers.

But I know you're getting at the more colloquial usage of the term so I get what you mean. That said there's still some that come across as jobbers, Pissard in FW and Trio the Minor in Suite for example.

we need more like this

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There were memesubs for HaCha?

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