Best episode to date. Endeavour CHADS can't stop winning.
Boku no Hero Academia
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Isnt he a rapist?
AM vs AFO is much more emotional but Endy vs HE is better overall.
And domestic abuser
Yes, he raped that Nomu.
okay, lets get this straight. He did not rape rei. He did not he did not he did not. He FUCKED rei
>shitposting bait thread
No, cope
No we're not. GTFO bitch
Fuck off retard
Stay there.
Everyone can. It's pretty obvious
This episode represents the absolute peak of this series(Endy against High-End) and the irremediable downfall(Oh, my seven quirks). Perfect time to drop this shit.
it was bad
Chapter 266 full colored
Thank you Can't Ya See-kun, my eyes are opened.
>Episode was so good the Endeavorhaters were actually left speechless
>That or drowned out by the sheer hype
feels good to be an endyCHAD
you can't
her boyfriend won't let you
I feel safe looking at Hawks's back.
endeavor mating pressing this pink haired qt
for people who wanted Endeavor to be exposed and go to jail, this post is for you
who will benefit from that? family? wrong
>imaging your entire history being exposed for everyone to see "the ones who love you and the one who hates you"
>of course a Rumors travel fast but not right you will be hearing lies about you and unbelievable things
>you will be the butt of a joke in social media
>and since your family are famous you will get swamped by Journalists
>you won't be able to go outside or browse the social media
>and for someone who is Recovering psychologically it will Destroy him/her mentally
>living to bad past you are trying to leave behind
>pity from people you don't even know "it's not helping at all"
>looks and whispers everywhere you go
not only Endeavor will get hut but his family "assuming you're on their side and want justice" will get it worst. Endeavor may or may not go to jail, but his family will live in a social jail with their past on Repeat mode slapping their faces every day
people want to heal to find peace, they don't pity or sympathy from anyone
exposing Endeavor isn't justice it's vengeance
>saves the day in both manga and anime
good week for him
Why didn't Endeavor do this when they were fighting against AFO?
is there any version that isn't darkened during action scenes?
The dance episode was better.
Yeah, the blu-rays lel.
I am not mad that they are trying to dindu nuffin endeavor.
I am mad that they have written him in a way where he actually tries to atone for it. It would have been more interesting if he was just an asshole the whole way, it would have added a nice dynamic to the story.
Endeavor is still trending in Japan!
How would he? There were people all around him and AfO blew away his flames easily. He literally had to fly high as fuck up in the air so he wouldn't melt everything around him.
You have to wait for the last BLU-RAY which is out on June
I agree. Or at least try to redeem him in a less stupid way. Makes Rei look like a fucking idiot when she's talking about the flowers.
>Shiggy vs Redestro with this level of animation quality
BONES better not get cocky and slack off.
hmm idk, just he seems as powerful as All Might in this episode and in Kamino he was pretty much useless, i find it weird
Based retard!
Shitty fight.
Cute and CANON.
He's even stronger now.
Not gonna lie I expected more epicness and less fujoshi from the sketch
I want this scene to be so smooth with his hair and cape flowing around
For what? He didn't commit any crimes unlike his wife. He didn't do nothing wrong but he was correct.
Yeah no that worthless fight is 100% getting the Togata vs Overhaul treatment.
nips hate villains so they won't do it justice
To be fair, we got enough epic stuff already
It's just two bros competitively shoving hot meat in their mouths, nothing fujo about that.
He's written just fine, I think. Trying to step up to AM's giant existence and make things better for his family in his awkward, crude way, which naturally explodes in his face since he has the social skills of a bull. It's Rei and Fuyumi who are weird as fuck in the Tododrama arc imo which comes off as a little dindu nuffin. Hori's writing them to be way too forgiving all of a sudden, it's strange
The Todoroki episode was still better. Actually, the one where Overhaul gets beat was better too.
I enjoyed this episode too, though. Good shit.
I totally fell for the halfway cliffhanger, by the way. Thought Endeavor was gonna get beat to set up how things are dark as fuck now that All Might is no more.
Say it with me Yas Forums.
Nah, i would rather they properly animated Twice getting over his trauma.
But we know they will just CG his clones when he will create an army of himself
>shiggy and toga in the top 10 popularity poll
whether he did or did not getting your family history "even if you don't have anything to hide" on media is a bad bad bad idea.
I thought this was corny in the manga but here it's beautiful and almost too subtle. Blink and you miss it.
Probably because women.
Pretty much.
>this is the first kiss he's had in at least 15 years
His wife was always a criminal abusive idiot who was 100% complicit in Endeavor's eugenics scheme.
Endeavor's only #1 until Shoto takes over and he knows it. He has to be a symbol so the world doesn't fall apart til then, he's being nice because he won not having regrets.
...yeah it was pretty good. I'm really looking forward to the next season though. Shit is going to be bonkers.
>Let it rip!
sweetie, that's because the poll was at the same time as the MVA arc. and their number isn't even that high
I agree. The sudden "it's okay he dindu nuffin" attitude from the women is so jarring. I feel bad for Natsuo.
I wish I was raped by Endy too
>Best episode of the series
How angry are Dabifags right now?
Endeavor can't die until that kid gets his well earned autograph.
They're constantly unhappy about anyone liking Endeavor so the same as always.
This image is making me uncomfortable
Stop using 'fujo' or 'fujoshi' as adj, you retarded brainlets