My hero academia season 5
New 7 quirks is Awaking!
Endeavour’s top spin was kino
>only 7 powers
What a looser
7 ass pulls
I am looking forward to seeing the hate storm that will be generated when that episode is aired.
>7 quirks
I remember how manga fags reacted to this last year. Will normalfags be pissed or consoom it blindly?
>normies care about asspulls
>we got deku masturbating at night rather than Hawks helping Endeavour down
I'm still mad
>Oh no no no hater say we don't get season 5
Where him?
Why is everyone in-universe weirded out by the NOMUs having multiple quirks when people like Shoto *arguably* already have multiple quirks
Shouto is a god. An exception not the norm.
Noumu are not weird even AFO have more
Yeah but AFO was an urban myth for most people
They do though. That's why bleach fell off the map.
Why would they be pissed? It's interesting
because hori can't do long-term story planning to save his fucking life
This is your brain on shounen schlock, everyone
>it's interesting
Hori please
t. Horikoshi
Because he loves Kacchan.
Even though this series is ASS this episode was absolute kino. Endeavor is the best fucking thing to happen to this shitshow.
Gee Bill, SEVEN quirks?
He sure does.
Any news as for when it comes out?
It's actually 8.
only small minded people get angry when a story expands upon itself because their little brains cant keep up with all the foreshadowing of it about to happen
>Why would they be pissed? It's interesting
It’s boring!
Bleach fell off the map because it moved really slowly. Lots of cases where a whole chapter was dedicated to just a character doing a single attack (which may or may not work the following chapter).
Rise and repeat
Don't listen to the haters and contrarians. It's not an asspull like O MY FIREBREATHING in Demon Slayer and not all seven quirks are unlocked one one. And he doesn't master it in two seconds. The compounding and multiple quirks was foreshadowed ages ago. And let's be realistic. Izuku won't be able to get close to Shiggy after this arc with just One for All alone.
Mob psycho > both
The similarities are intentional to make you pay attention to how they contrast.
>to be honest, you really need a very high IQ to understand O MY SEVEN QUIRKS
They're RACIST, they only freak out over the black Nomus, even Endeavour called them black
Is there a shonen without asspulls?
so there's gonna be a fifth season
but how's that possible, I've been told that it's going to be axed
>th-they're supposed to be the same arc!
This was an awful season. Mafia arc was too damn long, only plot progression that happened was the LoE swooping in and taking the vile (How are they still resourceful to manufacture super monsters with a ragtag group you can count on two hands), Fan service of characters helping kids to get license, What was the point of Gentle Criminal arc in the larger scheme than a What if for Midoria? These last few eps moved the plot, where it was stagnate before, to show the world moving forward but "undefeated cuz regeneration, is getting old.
bokuhero blacked academia is shit only liked by underaged retards literally babby's first shounen
yeah but endeavor is kino
Imagine if they had just left it off at that, the final episode ends with endeavour being a new form of Nomu and is still alive and standing, and then nothing after that, no new season.
How would fans react?
>Mafia arc was too damn long.
True, there were episodes were almost nothing happened and the Overhaul fight was underwhelming and dragged on.
>Literally too stupid to understand shounen capeshit
How dumb are you holy shit.
>7 quirks
>still weaker than Bakugo
I haven't even watched past the first episode. Maybe it's just me but the whole thing is boring, the setting feels under-used and the plot hardly progresses, just punch harder and harder.
Perhaps I'm just too old for shonen now
>This was an awful season
Because it’s based off an awful manga
Mob psycho
They'll probably be hyped?
It's called a parallel.
daily reminder that Toga-chan is cute and is my wife
>n-noooo not my 7 quirkerinos!!! MHA Is ruined ny the asspulls!
>one of the quirks is literally just to float and the other is a glorified rope
Wow, it's nothing.
>Meanwhile, Shiggy can basically just destroy anything by standing near it
Shut up, Twice. You're dead.
Do we have a date for season 5?
Whoa he PUNCHED the literally faceless bad guy in the FACE really HARD again while yelling PRRUSSS ALTRAA owO
ah shit here i go again boiling things down to their basics so that I can basically address it like it's a stickfigure fight and act intellectually superior over not liking it