Greatest shonen anime of all time bar none
Apologize to Hero Academia right now
>Greatest shonen anime of all time bar none
Watch more anime.
Low effort bait
>any shonen
Mob psycho is better than oh my 7 quirks
>wife-beating child abuser thinks he's a symbol of peace
lmao look at him go, it's like he actually believes it!
Fuck off shounentard.
100% this, better animation, better characters, better message (unless you're a br/a/inlet who somehow misunderstands the message of a shounen)
And it has a ending too
he is trying to be what society needs him to be
a hero
based heroCHAD
7 quirks!
>100% this
I see what you did there
>a hero
Pick one. He's a total hypocrite. How can he have the balls to call himself a hero when he couldn't even save his own family from himself? Absolutely deplorable.
The episode was amazing and I like some parts of BNHA a lot, but why did you have to make that the OP? It's encouraging shitposting. The discussion in the last thread was fun. This one will likely go down the shitter
>Half-ass an entire season to make Endeavor and Hawks look and sound really really good
Actually worth it.
>It's encouraging shitposting
What an episode
Good trade, the arcs sucked anyway. The only loses are Mirio and Gentle.
Not when we have actual quality content to discuss
Why did they pick a mediocre English singer instead of a good Japanese singer?
Nakamura and Inada both sounded fantastic.
>greatest anime
I cachinnate jubilantly.
Because they're just high-school kiddies.
How fucking strong would Endeavor be if he had Shoto's quirk instead of just his fire?
>Sad Mans Parade reveal given this much detail in animation
Because English is my native language
I liked the Gentle fight but yeah, even if that wasn't good, it'd be worth it
Shouto not having to worry about overheating makes him look so much worse because he could be so much stronger than he is.
Why weren’t you doing that already?
>7 quirks
That's so bullshit
Shoto's self limiting though from his trauma. Once he gets over that, he'll honestly be scary strong.
Deku shoud kill himself and then the manga would be saved
That and Shoto isn't trying to literally kill anyone.
Mha fans in a nutshell
Shut up spic.
Well the quirks get stronger by each generation so there's no real way to compare. The question is how strong will Shoto be if he masters both to this degree
>Greatest shonen anime of all time bar none
>Boku No Shitro fags ACTUALLY believe this
I laughed IRL
What's with the overreactions?
sound design was so kino
>inane babble
>this is the last thing Hood saw before it died
Jesus christ how terrifying must it be for an ordinary person to fight Endeavor?
Because they’re a shitposter trying to use an inflammatory op so people will come use his bait shitposting thread instead of the other thread that wasn’t started by a false flagging shitposter.
His wife was the real villain
Because they are MHA fans
The purple evening sky was such a good choice.
As always.
>notices quirk
It must make you assblasted to see him among the most popular of the manga.
>greatest piece of shit of all time bar none
Why do non-whites love shounen so much?
Has Deku fucked "K-Kachhan OwO" yet?
>Best episode to date. Endeavour CHADS can't stop winning.
Yeah that OP is so much better
Also possibly the greatest hero
Yeah which is why he spams. Don’t give him attention
Can someone make a still of Hood when he was giving that cheeky smile upside down?
I dont wanna encourage shitposting, but isnt this fight very low budget compared to (for example) one for all vs all for one, deku vs shoto or all might vs nomu first season?
How? It's just as well, if not even better animation than in those fights. It might just be the best fucking episode Bones has made for MHA period.
Rank the best s4 fights
Endeavor>>>>>>>>>Mirio vs Overhaul>Gentile Criminal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Deku vs Overhaul
kimetsu killed mhashit many times already can't wait the movie BTFOing you fags agian
non-whites made anime
Only redditors liked this overrated trash.
Saying this was the best MHA episode and saying it's the best shonen ever isn't even in the same realm, retard-kun
He's so fucking pathetic trying to compare himself with All Might
Question: From what I gather, Hawks being an undercover spy was a first for him. The Hero Commission says they chose him because he has no high aspirations, doesn't go after fame and is pretty intelligent so it fits. So why some fags here say that the Hero Commission trained him to be a soldier/spy when all they did was take advantage of his power to make him a hero?
Nope. Those you mentioned only have one scene worth noting for but Endeavor vs HE have many.
>greated shonen because animation
>story is shit
>characters are bland
>generic as fuck
but its flashy so it's good, no wonder modern anime is dead
No, they copied Walt Disney