Let's have a nice mecha thread.
If you've only seen TTGL then read the Getter manga, then watch its OVAs
If you've never seen a mecha show then Code Geass is a good place to start, and I'm sure anons will provide other good entry points
What's your favourite show and favourite design?
Let's have a nice mecha thread
>square cubed laws fuck your mech
>tanks fucks your mech
LMAO at mech fags who fucking watches this unrealistic shit.
Other good entry points:
Gaiking Legend of Daikyu Maryu
SDF Macross
>talking about mecha on Yas Forums
Lost cause. This board thinks TTGL is a unique series and the peak of the genre.
You want the shitpost thread
The Braves are also pretty cool from what I've seen but I don't think they'd be a good entry point besides GGG
>Yas Forums would rather shitpost than actually discuss something without irony
This board is a fucking joke
I just finished watching Granbelm earlier today and I enjoyed it a lot. Next I'm going to watch Regalia since I hear it's similar and I'm looking for more along those lines. Cute girls + mecha is a winning formula for me.
I haven't seen it but you might like Symphogear if you like cute girls and mecha
Also Robot Girls Z
>What's your favourite shows
My top 10
Kidou Senkan Nadesico
Victory Gundam
Overman King Gainer
Infinite Ryvius
Hello, based department? Yes I need to speak to the CEO, it's an emergency claim
Although is IR any good? It sounds interesting but I've heard it's complete garbage
>mecha thread.
/m/ is this way
>literal eva threads are up right now are allowed
>this isn't
>the multitude of TTGL threads are also allowed
>mecha anime isn't anime
/m/ is not a containment board and mecha has always been allowed on Yas Forums.
Goldran is an amazing comedy.
What Yuusha shows are worth watching?
J-Decker and GaoGaiGar are the ones that get praised the most, I find.
J-Decker's like Patlabor but with super robots and aimed at children while GaoGaiGar feels more like a throwback to 70s super robot show even moreso than the other Braves.
This is shonen generals board and your mecha shit kills generals that matter. Fuck off. Go back
Are there any arthouse mecha other than the stuff everyone knows about like gankutsuou?
>SDF Macross
Is it good or just a meme like the original Gundam? I've only seen Frontier and really liked it (tv series were just average but the movies were awesome)
Based fuck /m/anchildren for killing my boku no pico academia general
It's actually great, although the animation wavers between absolutely incredible to "what the fuck is this". Well worth watching though, especially the film
The original Macross is great. Not at all like Gundam. It's funny, it has good moments and good songs too.
I really disagree with you on Frontier though. I thought the TV series was great, but the movies removed all I liked about the TV series.
Star Driver, maybe? Despite being a mecha show it plays out more similarly to stuff like Utena or Revue Starlight.
Very unorthodox mecha designs and very surreal visuals in battle, though the weird high school SoL/teen drama that takes up like half of every episode can throw you off.
I almost thought I got meme'd when Star Driver was recced to me until it got to the actual action.
>arthouse mecha
If someone were very pretentious they'd say all mecha is art because all anime is art, as animation is art
But that guy isn't me and I know what you mean so some recs
>haven't seen but Time Etranger is supposed to be amazing
>Baldios, but you can replace with the film for a more compressed story
>Gunbuster, although you've probably seen it
>Do You Remember Love
>Casshern Sins
What the fuck, this looks amazing. /m/ was shitting all over this show, but because of this post I'm starting this
Star Driver is barely a mecha show even though there's mecha battles in every episode, it's pretty much Utena but the swords are robots.
>utena but the swords are robots
Fucking double sold
>that guy on /m/ who thinks fucking Grendizer isn't goofy
I have watched it few years ago. It's not that impressive.
I'm not calling it particularly great or amazing, but I'm certain it does fall into the arthouse mecha territory.
Sounds pretty rad, I'll put it on my list
Lol, by arthouse I mostly meant "experimental and pretentious, but in a good way". I've seen the latter three but I'll check out Etranger and Baldios, thanks
Also Gasaraki is probably good, but I didn't know what the fuck was going on and then they talked about rice or some shit for like 15 minutes
>the movies removed all I liked about the TV series.
They've fixed Alto's, Ranka's and Grace's characters. In case of Alto I especially hated his guts in the tv series. And in the movies he is surprisingly far more tolerable.
Also the movies gave a happy end to Klan which I really liked as well.
Is the original Jeeg any good?
>star driver
It's a shame how many people forgot about it after it aired. The threads were legendary. It's as fun to watch as it is stupid.
What do you think the best 70s super robot show is?
at least the movie end with Alto chosing Sheryl and didn't end open ending about the girl that Alto choose like the tv series
Star Driver is a great example of post-ironic anime. It's a shame the pacing really sucks and the background art was lacking in the real world segments.
what the fuck is this shitpost
There’s an entire board dedicated to mecha
/m/ is not a containment board you utter retard, and there's never been a rule against mecha discussion on Yas Forums. In fact plenty of times complaining on mecha discussion on Yas Forums gets deleted and banned.
/m/ exists because mecha is a vast medium that transcends anime and manga, reaching into vidya, live action series and even Western media like cartoons and comics. It's not strictly a board about anime discussion.
Mecha anime and manga is allowed on Yas Forums under the same virtue that ecchi is allowed on Yas Forums.
Why do people think mecha isn't allowed on Yas Forums when there have been tons of TTGL threads?
Just watch Cross Ange and Valvrave bros
/m/ is a containment board.
These threads aren't any better than all those Yas Forums incursions. You come here as invaders trying to push an agenda while disguising it as a normal thread.
Explain why TTGL has multiple threads allowed on Yas Forums if mecha isn't allowed
>that guy who thinks VOTOMS is a gritty military drama
Is that all you have seen on Yas Forums? Either lurk more or go back to your containment if you don't understand how this board works.
To add to my post, Yas Forums has retro video game and pokemon threads all the time despite /vr/ and /vp/ existing. Why? There's no rule against discussing those things there. Those boards only exist because there's a considerable amount of traffic for those particular things.
These are not containment boards. The only real containment boards on this website are /mlp/ and /trash/.
Mecha anime and manga have always been allowed on Yas Forums and has been discussed on Yas Forums for decades. Your autistic bickering and revisionism won't change this.
>talking about mecha is pushing an agenda
dude just hide the thread if it triggers you so much
Ah so you can't. It's why I love the question, because if you answer "because TTGL is different" then it shows you know nothing, but if you deflect like you did then you know I'm right
For over a decade**
My bad.
I really don't like Getter bros, I only sort of enjoyed the manga and haven't liked any of the OVAs
I don't get what people see in it
/m/ was initially created to contain obnoxious Gundam SEED fags because the mods and a lot of Yas Forums were Gundamfags who were mad at Gundam Seed fans for being annoying and filling up Yas Forums with their garbage.
The original idea behind /m/ is that a lot of shitty nu-mecha in the vein of Seed would be directed there, since Gundam Seed fans during the mid-2000s were the mecha equivalent of Naruto fans.
Evangelion or Code Geass are /m/ and yet Yas Forums has always had threads about them, barely a single day goes by without an Eva thread in this place, and yet you have the audacity to shitpost like this.
The problem isn't mecha anime or manga, it's the cancerous fanbase that infects /m/.
I used to go there years ago but the board is a lost cause now, I don't want to lose Yas Forums as well.
It's GAR. It's bloody. It's scary. It's getter.
No you see Code Geass isn't really about the mecha, it's an intricate political narrative where the mecha are just tools of war. Gasaraki, Layzner, 0079, Gaiking, no I haven't heard of those why do you ask
>I don't want to lose Yas Forums as well
Why complain now? Yas Forums's had daily mecha-related threads every single day for over a decade.
Yas Forums even has Pokemon anime threads and those are left alone.
There's a difference between mecha-related thread and trying to shove everything mecha into one thread.
That's exactly what's wrong with /m/. Want to talk about something in Getter, make a thread about it. Want to talk about CG, make another. This site doesn't need general threads.
>mechachads make ironicfags seethe just because mechachads have true passion and share it
Fucking based