Ishuzoku Reviewers

no new episode today.

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Go read the newly translated stuff on mangadex

Lie!!! Fucking lie !!!!!!

Last chapter that was translated was the heroine chapter right? Then I am up to speed.

more like ishitter redditors

Let's just wait for the BD's, alright?

Where can I see when Amahara releases a new chapter in japan? I want to be up to date on the content.

Wich chapter should i read first? I'm a animefag



Read all of it. It's like less than 30 minutes of reading.

The anthology is also being translated.

Any new chapters recently?

1-5 plus 16

Now that the dust has settled, what was the best upload to rule them all?


Episode 3 still the hottest.

I sort of miss it. On what will I spill my beer to on saturdays now?

Attached: [AnimePlaza]_Ishuzoku_Reviewers_-_02_[720p]_[Uncensored]_[AVC].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 166.27K)

Fuck judas!


You could try a sink, would that work?


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3 was the best, but 10 had the feels.

would you?

Attached: Stunk63Golem.png (900x1350, 1.41M)

HOLY SHIT. Now this needs to be a full fledged doujin.

I want a Demia brothel where they create a temporary genderswapped clone of yourself.

Attached: f66.jpg (207x204, 8.56K)

Attached: 9.jpg (443x432, 44.09K)

meh it really peaked with the fairy madam, could've saved myself 8 episodes of the same tits and bodies on the 20 or so bland girls.

Ohys-raws with DIY subs.

>Tags: Gender Bender, Selfcest

Attached: toadstool_dick.png (502x544, 124.67K)

Is fucking your (non genderbent) clone considered gay?

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You think it's based, but look at how near death the reviewers were after their one on one fucking with the succubi. This guy took on two. So he is either dead, or near critical condition.

What if two loli-sized succubi just equal one full-sized one?

Can't all of them shapeshift though? Like I got the impression, that if you ask for a loli sized succubus, a regular sized one will just morph into a smaller girl.

Attached: closer to what he's actually saying.jpg (1280x720, 122.6K)

Maybe she can split into two or make it look like that?

Huh, I guess Judas subs were bad

He really does say "loli" and "onee-san".

I miss Crim...

t. Jesus.

The one by the maid dragon artist is about what I'd heard.

Yes, very.

It's masturbation.

Attached: believe it.jpg (772x620, 120.02K)

I can't believe Kanchal is fucking dead.


Here, maybe this will comfort you

Sleep tight sweet prince.

demia bros...

I can't access it right now (I'm on a lomg car ride). What is it?

demia getting captured by her clones, dismembered, then being forcefully impregnated with magic tools so the clones can use her nugget body as a generator to keep themselves alive

But do we have any confirmation that the BD's will be uncensored? Or do we have to wait for Taiwan releases?

are they fucking female stunk?



Probably going to need to wait for Taiwan due to Japan's censorship laws.

OK, kinda figured as much.

Well how far behind can that be from the japanese release? Id wager a couple of days. Don't they send out the BD's to every country that wants them, at the same time?

Takes the US a couple of months at least.

Yeah but we don't really need US. We need the very next country that gets it after japan. It can be fucking Antarctica for all I care, the most important thing is that it ain't japan.

Needs to be some country that isn't run by people that are triggered by attractive women, at least.