What is the deal with the wings? They seem to be the strongest form his DM takes. Why not make full DM body armor? Why are wings important in angels and espers?
Damn it user, you ruined the whole thread
Why do you think every korean/chinese MMO has wing?
Cause they look cool.
wings look nice but how they're used is more interesting
Probably simply due to the aesthetic
Really hope this fight is done well in the anime.
For Kakine it's probably to keep the aesthetic that Ringo/White Haired Girl loved. It's the ultimate proof that they existed which is why he is so prideful when Accel says he looks ridiculous
For espers in general it's probably related to thelematic paths and angelic themes before reaching Keter
I do hope this arc is getting adapted.
Maybe if the upcoming fight of Daihaseisai only takes three more episodes.
Didn't they confirm to adapt dream ranker already?
Yes, some anons are just living under a rock.
Are these the tanks? Were they added to the translated chapters like the seven dragons?
This is one inconsistent thing. He's butthurt in Railgun when people mention his wings, which happens AFTER Ringo (Ringo takes place in the middle of of the Necromancer arc, which takes place before Daihaiseisai) and quite a bit before OT15. He should have instantly gotten mad at Accelerator instead of puffing up with pride as he's had a good few weeks to seethe about Ringo
Correct, but no one added them to the chapters.
What he was mad about in railgun wasn't exactly the wings joke itself but the implication that he can do anything for children being self-evident. It's the same with him attacking Yomikawa but sparing Hamazura/Takitsubo. He could have killed Takitsubo to prove to Hamazura that he can't protect anyone like Accel, but he didn't.
>It's the ultimate proof that they existed
>NT6 kakine is just his surface ego hence he didn't have/use wings enough
>Beetle05 instinctively uses wings when he protects someone
>NT8 (likely OG) Kakine makes large wings that engulf everything
If this is intentional and I'm not reaching too hard then Kamachi is actually insane
I hope Nagai expands on the fight in the airship and Robutts motivation since it was pretty dull in the manga and ruined the entire arc
There was nothing wrong with her motivation. Mikoto just taking her word for it with little struggle was the issue.
It felt rushed and anticlimatic, there should have been another exchange after Robutt told her to kill her before Mikoto did it
Is there a release date for GT 2?
I don't think the fight felt rushed and anticlimactic but the arc kind of did. Daihasi really felt like a big climax for the first three stories and the dream ranker story feels like it is not sure if it is building to something larger or it was just created for the cyborg stuff.
Not yet; give it another 4-6 days. If it's got a June release, we'll see a tidbit big enough to let us start speculating then.
As of now, there are about 4 or 5 different directions I see off the top of my head he could go for GT2, with a few of them being quite similar except with different characters and actual details.
DM wings might have a similar function as Misaki's remote or Awaki's fleshlight
It always seemed a bit odd, that gabe, Accel, and Aiwass, pointing to wings being a major source of power none of the magic gods had wings.
Mikoto accepting it with little struggle makes perfect sense though. Mikoto has a character flaw of not being able to force her ideals on to someone despite what her own selfish desires might be. She wanted to save Robutt, but Robutt was an anomaly which only suffered from identity crisis. She couldn't force her to live no matter how much she wanted. Mikoto takes someone else's opinion into consideration while making such decisions, unlike Touma, this is why Touma even sticks in her head and why she feels inferior to him.
But Aleister did
Railgun editor said they are adaptating Saten-Frenda, Kuroko-Shota but there has been no mention of Doppel arc.
In speaking of June novels, I wonder if they could just delay all physical releases instead of cancelling all releases entirely. Surely a digital arrangement of the text and artwork comes before printing a physical copy, no? And it's not like formatting the text and art requires going to a special building with special equipment like making physical copies would. Sure, you might a special program, but said program could likely work just fine on a decent modern computer
NT6 Kakine ('main' body) only used wings once, when he turned his arm into a wing to shoot the feathers like spears at Accel. Though I can't recall if the spears/spikes he used against Accel and Mugino later were from a wing or straight from the DM puddle he was spreading.
The 300+ clones he sent after Accel earlier all used their wings.
Who is that blonde eyepatch chick I keep seeing running from a cat?
Sphinx's wife
He was using christian spells
Cant wait for another thread of constant complaining
There's no complaint so far though. Say something nice.
Shitdex should just die already
>Random firefighter downloads magic app
>showcases more magic spells in one sitting than 95% of magicians in the series
And he didn't even get an illustration
Kamachi should write Mikoto better.
I feel like Mikoto should have shown more struggle to the idea, it feels a bit OOC that she accepted it with no hesitation, maybe its just an issue with the manga since next page you see her kill robutt and it all seems too fast
Mikoto should have completely rejected the idea of killing Robutt since the situation is too similar to the sisters
One funny thing about this is it wasn't JUST a random firefighter. It was a fire fighter that had a good deal of money of and political power. Someone that could help spread the app, but not be so powerful they might become a problem if they did get a little extra power, OR have some built-in defense against some sort of magical coercion or other puppeteering. Almost like he was ~perfect~ for the role he played and was selected for the role he played intentionally. Of course I could be tin foil hatting here...
I personally hate Index, Railgun, Accel, AB, and anything else kamachi related, but I'm going to keep lurking and posting everyday in Raildex general rather then go watch/read something I actually like. Dont you fucking dare call me out on this because it will offend me and I promise that I will absolutely sperg the fuck out about it. If you really back me int a corner I'll default to Yas Forumstard buzzwords then claim you cant possibly know its crossboarder lingo shit because I assume you have subhuman level intelligence just like me
To say that, we'd have to know how Mikoto would have reacted to a clone genuinely wanting to die because she feels as though no matter what laws are inacted, who fights for her, who hugs her, pats her head and tells her she's a real girl, that she will never feel like it and that such a feeling is worse than dying. Of course, that is highly unlikely to happen. Unless of course that's gonna be the big plot twist of having everyone knowing about the clones.
I thought Christianity was an old system that offered no paths for true salvation? Ingrate pagan heretics returning to the god once in desperation
Some more interactions would have been good yeah. But her decision was not OOC, if Mikoto say someday got over her inferiority complex to Touma and learned how to be selfish for her own sake the it would have made sense. Here it would have contradicted canon.
I daresay it was based on the idea in OT16 where Touma was so badly hurt she wanted to stop him, take him to the hospital or follow him to the battlefield but in the end she couldn't step on his opinion and let him stand on his own as she felt it was something important to him.
Why didn't the blonde guy do his
>zero ni suru
This is also why Touma didn't immediately go to Accelerator and tell him to stop his plan and to go fight Dorito/stay with Last Order. Doesn't mean he didn't want to or feels like Accelerator deserves prison, it just means he didn't want to step on Accelerator's feelings...just yet. He is basically giving Accelerator some room for the time being. Of course, Accelerator's plan failing doesn't mean he'll die like Touma failing to deal with Acqua meant, so Touma would have more room to say "Alright, I gave you some space and you're falling on your ass here, so I'm gonna step in and help, even if it feels like I'm shitting on you" than Mikoto did in OT16. And Touma is a lot stronger than Mikoto.
I don't think Norito had a part in spreading the app. He certainly wouldn't want his rivals to find the source of his power. He's just one of the few people to realize it wasn't bullshit.
It wasn't similar to the sisters. The sisters had the project which manipulated them into thinking they were lab rats, it was that notion Mikoto was fighting against. It's the reason why she doesn't hold much antagonistic feelings towards Accel. Shinobu told her about the epiphany and intrigue the clones had towards life. She knew ending the project would give them the chance to live. The sisters weren't suicidal, they were going along their intended purpose without any complaints.
Robutt was an anomaly that should have never existed, Mikoto's charcter flaw makes sense as to why she couldn't force her to live.
Except he directly said he had a part in the app growing? But as you said, not everyone realizes it isn't bullshit. He's likely just spreading it like TikTok or whatever epic site was spread.
Yes, but the difference is Mikoto didn't know about Aqua, she just couldn't force her ideals in this scenario and be selfish. It's more Mikoto's own flaw than her being considerate.
Touma in the LN looks like a fucking faggot, at least on the anime he looks like a teenager that is tired of life.
Crowley completely and shamelessly reneged on the shit he said to Fiamma.
>“You are a fool, Coronzon. The new builds atop of the old. The Aeons are not a rejection of different methods. It is the bond with Isis that gave us Osiris and it is the death of Osiris that allows Horus to shine. A child’s temper tantrum is not enough to change history. If I had not hated Christianity, I never would have studied magic. The crucified Son of God was always there at the foundation. No matter how much I might loathe him, that fact remains.”
Thanks Jesus t, Aleister Crowley
Accelerator doesn't need to keep getting power ups if he is not actually going to use them
But he looks a cute twink at least; that's a million times better than his anime potrayal.
Misaki gud Mikoto bad
Which is probably why he went 8 years without one 2011-2019
It brings nothing but joy to my heart knowing that Aleister was a fuck-up on every level possibly imaginable.
I kind of like how he looks like 7/10 japanese teenager in the anime, he indeed looks like a cute twink in the LN and I don't think that fits 100% with the shit he does and says.
this but unironically
Reminder that Touma x Othinus is an asspull.
Who says he won't use Clonoth? Do you really think he's going stay in jail forever and do nothing but play mind games and flaunt political power from his cell until the series ends (with a confirmation he never gets out?)
magic gods are dumb poo poo heads
Accelerator was barely appeared during that time. When he became a plot regular again he got a demon buddy and platinum wings. But hey at least he used them in the following volume so it's already a step above white wings.