Enormous height makes it an easy target you can see from a mile away

>Enormous height makes it an easy target you can see from a mile away
>Destroying one of the legs renders it totally unusable
>Can't realistically fire and maneuver
>Only crewed by one guy in most cases
>Undefended back, has to rotate its entire body in order to fire on a flanking enemy
>A major pain in the ass to maintain, repair and transport
Why would anyone decide that mechas are a good idea when you have tanks?
Are there any shows where they are actually justified?

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Other urls found in this thread:


> Are there any shows where they are actually justified?

unironically gundam uc

Fuck off Yas Forums

You're too late for your yapping, mate
Mecha genre is dead

Why do realismtards think their opinions are relevant to fiction?

Based signit destroy mechtards with LOGIC and FACTS

Ridiculousness is an excuse of a bad writer.

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There is literally no reason for fiction to adhere to reality.

Not like tanks and heavy artillery are typically going for stealth
Same goes for a tanks tracks/engine
>fire and shoot
They literally can fire and move and are always shown doing so
>single pilot
This is a positive, less man power needed to mobilize
Same goes with nearly anything and they have the mobility to deal with it better
>maintain, repair, transport
Maintain and repair you have a point with how fucking high tech any actual mech would be. Transport is simply building a dedicated transport like you do for any other type of vehicle or weapon

Where's that from?

It's called good writing.

Muv-Luv Alternative: Schwarzesmarken.

Thanks bro. Where I can download it?

They do, dude. Tanks are capable of stealth and there are now tanks that can hide from radar signals and coated in a metal that can hide heat signatures

A tank with a broken engine is a still a pillbox. A mech thatfell on its back/face is done for as it cannot rotate,

Single pilots are bad because, realitically, a tank crew handles different roles such as gunner, driver, commander, radio, loader, and so on. A single pilot doing all roles is just asking to be shot by a coordinated team

>Not like tanks and heavy artillery are typically going for stealth
Tanks aren't three stories tall either, still huge tho.
>Same goes for a tanks tracks/engine
Threads are just solid steel link together and can be repair in the field by its crews.
Just saiyan.

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>FTL shit
>a guy being able to create giant balls and throw at people
>Retard being able to gather enough energy to destroy a planet by screeming like a retard and putting his fists out
>Hero spitting a few bits of blood after being slammed at a wall that would of had him splattered like those /rekt/ gif threads
>5-50m tall giants
Why does mecha attract these fucking autists?

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>fucking decepticons

Because saying it's magic means that the author just don't want to explain it
If you are in sci-fi, you better be ready to actually be handled in scientific grounds.

Also, mind you, magic is not "fine" at all
There are many bs is magic stories are hghly criticized for thinking that a battle in such a world would actually still function like a medieval battlefield.
Every isekai thread has all these complains over nonsense cliches like guilds system, levels, and slavery.

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Mechs can be coated in the same shit then. Its not like its as simple as "cut its legs off". One of the biggest strengths of a mech is its mobility. As for a crew a mech doesnt need one. They use independent weapon systems that can be reloaded like a normal gun or swapped out for a new one just like a regular soldier would do. Is there any mech that isnt assisted by a targeting system/ full out AI. Sure its more info than a crew member of a tank deals with but a trained soldier would be able to handle it

>Not like tanks and heavy artillery are typically going for stealth
They are, actually, especially Soviet/Russian ones. Pic related is a Swedish rank which is one of the most extreme examples.
Camouflage and making yourself a smaller and less noticeable target is pretty much a universal rule anyway.
>Same goes for a tanks tracks/engine
If you disable the tracks, it's only a mobility kill. A tank can still shoot, and once the tracks are replaced it's good to go.
On the other hand, if a mecha's leg is destroyed, the mecha will just fall on its ass and will be completely useless and require special forward repair systems to get back into action.
Engine kill is hard to achieve in any modern tank.
>They literally can fire and move and are always shown doing so
And they typically can't hit shit unless the pilot is some kind of ace. Which makes sense - how do you even stabilize the gun when your mecha is running?
>This is a positive, less man power needed to mobilize
a) But they typically need fighter pilot level training, which is longer, more selective and expensive
b) More crew means more people to maintain and defend it in the field in case if something happens
c) One guy having to control everything that's going on is suboptimal. That's why the Russians switched from one-seat Ka-50 to two-seat Ka-52, for example
>Same goes with nearly anything and they have the mobility to deal with it better
On a tank, you have a rotating turret AND a rotating machine gun on top. Mechas don't usually have that
>Transport is simply building a dedicated transport like you do for any other type of vehicle or weapon
Abrams tanks are already difficult to maintain and transport, and mecha are larger, heavier and much more complicated. It would be literally orders of magnitute more difficult to use them from the logistics standpoint

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Because you watch mecha to scratch that itch, dumbass. If you do it wrong, it's glaring.

Why in the FUCK can't we have just a mecha thread? Why is it either "TTGL is the only good one because it's about the characters" or shitposting like this
I want to talk about comfy mecha shows but Yas Forums doesn't know fucking shit about mecha

^^^^^^^ THIS

logic trumps all. make sure all the pieces fit,
your story WILL be shit and I WILL take it apart if its defense are not properly fortified with fact and reason

No you can't, actually.
In order to hide from radar, your shape must be in such a way that radar signals are instead deflected away instead of reflected. The heat signals must be dissipated in a large area, and noise minimized
You cannot do that in a machine that walks, bends over, and jumps.

No, a tank already runs at 30km/s
A mech follows the cubic law and as such, the pressure on the legs would be enough to destroy roads, sink in the mud, and actually cause itself to collapse.
Threads are used for heavy tanks because it distributes the weight and reduces pressure.

Using independent weapon systems in a machine completely misses the point of being a mobile weapons platform.



TTGL is a good mecha because it actually embraces the ridiculousness of the concept and makes it all about fun

Gundam, Code Geass, Muv Luv, etc. All tries to put reason over mechas and try to show how it is unstoppable - completely missing the point.

The point of the mecha genre is to sell toys and have fun. It isn't, and shouldn't, be used to incorporate pseudo science and bad research.

Muv Luv verse says that planes are no longer possible because of enemies that shoots lasers. Their response was to create flying mechs. What the fuck

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Tanks must be manned by several people, mecha can be piloted by one utterly untrained child. They can also maneuver better in outer space for some reason.

>Why in the FUCK can't we have just a mecha thread?
You do know that there's an entire board dedicated to mecha right?

Then why aren't TTGL threads banned retard?
>that spacing
>that lack of knowledge
Don't know where you came from but go back

Nobody ever claimed that Code Geass was realistic

We have a board dedicated to the topic.
I’m not telling you to go back but is /m/ such a terrible place that you’d rather deal with Yas Forumsutists?

Really, why do giant robots attract these autistic retards? Of all the ludicrous things that you can find in fiction, why does this particular subject set them off?

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The fact that the show presented mechs destroying tanks and fortified bases is offensive enough to set my inner /k/ ablaze. Excuse me for that

>Its another tank fag+realism retard sperging over mechs thread
Its all so tiresome. You never see this much autism for anything else.

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Not exactly, but it's nice to discuss it with outsiders in theory at least. Too bad Yas Forums won't admit they're ignorant and ask for information, just double down by saying things like "TTGL was about the characters unlike other mecha"

>if a mechas leg is destroyed it will be completely uselss
What? The mech can still shoot or drag himself forward with his arms.

The only realistic mecha show is Gasaraki

Not at all, but who cares?

Because when mechs exist alongside a otherwise identical world where everything is the same i.e. have tanks you have a problem. It'll be like as if Vegeta steps out of his spaceship and gets capped by the generic farmer with a gunpowder shotgun.

I think because ignorant people look at a military mecha show and think "surely it adheres to my boring /k/ faggotry", then it doesn't and they get triggered

That's exactly how I feel about the show's "history" as a /his/ fag. It's best not to think too much about it.

Kill yourself.

Don't spoonfeed when the answer is in the meta data. People need to learn to at least read the available information before begging for help.

I'll make a real mecha thread

Don't some mecha shows at least try to give a reason? Like mecha work in Code Geass because of Unobtanium or something, and in Gundam there's a particle that breaks physics and makes mecha in space practical all of a sudden

Made a proper mecha thread

Because someone thought the aesthetic of mecha was cool and others agreed, so they made a story with mecha in it. It's really as simple as that.

There's nothing more fearsome than a 50 meter tall robot limping around. or would it roll? Yeah, a rolling mecha would be super scary.

Didnt they show combat between mechs and tanks in code geass? Tanks got completely obliterated each time

Please. Shut the fuck up. Ever heard of fiction?


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>typically going for stealth
You are missing the point of hugging the ground.
Big targets are easy to aim at.
>Same goes for a tanks tracks
Behind the tank's main armor that does not have any joints.
>This is a positive,
Because a single person has to steer, navigate and communicate with the other combatants. No.
>less man power needed to mobilize
The maintenance crew of a mecha would be larger than the one of a tank. The crew itself is the smallest part of the team.
Tanks can run across a lot of difficult terrain. Mecha would simply sink into the ground and get stuck.

Because a lot of mecha tries to be grounded so it opens the door for this subject. Mecha is fun and cool but a lot of charm is wasted when tank Chads can just pick holes in it and there is no defense other than "i-its just fiction".

Code Geass and Gundam just make it worse with explanations where you just apply the magic to things that make more sense and make it more effective. That's why Gurren Lagann is the only magic explanation that makes sense.


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How come the faggots that complain they want dark stories in mecha never seem to actually watch them? They never talk about Baldios, the pinnacle of mecha depression

Back to your GuP thread.

> Be a gigantic bipedal robot
> Take a single step
> Ground collapses
> Foot is stuck 10 feet deep in sewers
> Pick up foot
> Other leg collapses into 20 feet deep subway system
> Pick up arm to shoot self
> Fall backwards into sinkhole
> Immobilized with 0 kills, 3000 deaths
I'm quaking in my boots, lads.

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When people say they want "dark" stories, I think they usually just mean they want an edgy protagonist who blows shit up without consequences. Nobody is going into anime hoping to see rape/torture.

>Are there any shows where they are actually justified?
Zoids, though they are biomechanical rather than true mechs. Still though, why the hell would you try to develop tanks in a world where you can actually design and build a better roboanimal? They're also apparently better at powering themselves than other forms of technology in I think all versions of the story.

Nah this is bullshit. We never found out how spice works, but you'd have to be a turbo-pleb to say that Dune was poorly written.

>Nobody is going into anime hoping to see rape/torture.

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>thread works
nothing personnel