Rate This Season So Far


God tier:

Great tier:

Good tier:
Nami yo Kiitekure

Ok tier:
Tower of God

meh tier:
Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou!

Shit tier:
Bungo to Alchemist
Sakura Wars
Tamayomi vv

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Tower of God

So far what I've watched
Kakushigoto > Nami yo Kiitekure >>>>> Listeners >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tower of God

>above anything at all

yeah tower of god was that shit

ToG has nice OST by Kevin Penkin, and episode was built to not get boring decently (though the overeall story is not appealing and can see it ruin itself very quickly)

Listeners was just not captivating in any single second of the show and mediocre and not worth watching in every aspect.

I dunno I just have zero patience for the type of characters tower of god presented

The Princess and her Goon were ok. Its just the MC and the girl reek of Mekakucity Actors too much and overall felt like RPGmaker indie game adaptation like Satsuriku no Tenshi

ToG was pretty shit. And it's not on his list but Hachi-nan was even worse.

Hachi-nan had very slow start, but i actually love those type of "feod building" isekai stories.

The princess gave some literally who an apparently important magic sword because he was cute. She was garbage.
Someone has to, I guess. The most interesting part for me was that they didn't even bother hitting the MC with a truck or anything, he just fell asleep. Which isn't much of a highlight.

>Faggot tier:

It was perfectly fine

>God tier:
>Great tier:
>Good tier:
>Ok tier:
>meh tier:
>Shit tier:

I have a high tolerance for shitty cgi so I am not turned off sakura wars right away from the first few minutes I watched but then I suddenly remembered it's the name of a videogame, should I bother watching it if I have not played the game?

This only show I really enjoyed so far was Tamayomi and I don't care if the threads stay small as long the same guys who watched Cinderella 9 last year with me are all there again
you guys are fucking awesome

Listeners didn't seem that bad to me

My condolences

Some people are worried that the desire to promote music will come at the cost of the story being bad, objectively it is at least adequate and had a rare example of an actually good girl mistakenly thinks dude is a pervert jokes

It's basically just the first episode of Eureka Seven again (yes I know who's behind the show). If you're absolutely allergic to CG I can get the dislike but beyond that it seems fine.

I haven't watched Kakushigoto but I read some of the manga previously and it's basically just a comedy that isn't funny at all.

Kakushigoto > Major 2nd S2 > Hachi-nan = Nami yo kiitekure > Tanayomi > BNA > Listeners > Tower of God

Major has cuter girls than Tanayomi and is much better drawn, even better than S1
Hachi-nan didn't show much potential. Nami yo was boring and I prefer listening to real radio shows instead of this stupid show.
Tanayomi is shit, but at least it was fun to laugh at. BNA has characters too stupid to breath, but some style, Listeners has nothing, Tower of God gave me brain cancer.

Eureka Seven was decent (at best). Listeners is Comet Lucifer but worse. It reeks artificially manufactured show like Rage of Bahamut but without anything that made it watchable and stock full of generic inserts.

People only like it because of the Kumeta designs basically, it was nothing special otherwise. You'll see anons saying that they like the father-daughter aspect but it's barely present.

Its basically Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei prequel. A lot comes to execution and voice acting. Watch it.

Also, a lot of social commentary and referneces.

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Speaking of listeners why did jannie delete the thread?

>Listeners is Comet Lucifer but worse
I'm not seeing the comparison. If you said it was Eureka Seven but worse I'd agree though.

>It reeks artificially manufactured show
I feel like that applies to everything this season honestly.

It had the least shit first episode out of a selection of pretty unremarkable first episodes all in all.

>I feel like that applies to everything this season honestly.
Nami yo Kiitekure is anything but

Isn't it just 12 episodes too? And with a cast that big it can only hope to be Mayoiga tier at best, though it already has worse characters, worse setting and more ugly CGI than Mayoiga.

Some user reported it for being a template thread, because OP post said "What went wrong?". It was probably someone who was looking forward to Listeners and is butthurt about all the negative reactions. I've never seen a "what went right/wrong" thread 404 before.

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That would make sense, it sounds like exactly the sort of thread where the mods care enough to delete it if it's reported but not enough to delete it on sight

Nami yo Kiitekure
Tower of God
Sakura Wars

SZS and Kakushigoto are completely unrelated, except for the author reusing some designs for minor characters.

Anime using the exact same VAs as SZS make them related. Its not like SZS has big story to connect it too. You`ll immidiately associate this show with SZS as soon as you hear it.

the only returning VA is Kamiya

Too soon.
Bungo to Alchemist (I'm putting it on "great" because surprisingly I enjoyed the first episode at least as much as a "good" tier despite being a straight guy)
Kakushigoto (too many japanese puns for poor pleb me, but I like the style and Hime is a sweet little princess)
Nami yo Kiitekure (it didn't really catch my interest so far, but it's not a bother to watch si it's not "meh"-tier.)

Honestly I just watched these so far: I'll just try to avoid whatever looks too unremarkable or unfit for my taste this time, because otherwise I'm so autistic that I'll generrally drop nothing no matter how much I hate it.

I really liked the first episode of Listeners. You people hate anything that isn't a LN adaptation or some moe SoL shit.

Do you like watching the paint dry too?

Yeah, i don't get what with people thinking either, it seems they expecting it to be regular mecha battle or something.

Listeners grounded as music series rather than mecha, so this series will be Historical music first and Mecha battle in second.

and episode one literally just showing the dynamic between Echo and layed out their personality and motivation,and people already jump into conclusion this is bad series or something?

If you comparing episode 1 Listeners and Episode 1 Eureka seven you can see how how similarities of the series grounded.

but most people just like comparing 1 episode of Listeners and Eureka seven as complited series, it's total retarded.

>cool setting
>good designs
>good music
>decent action scenes
It was perfectly fine and I was entertained. If you want something that's like watching paint dry then watch Kakushigoto.

Bakarina hasn't aired yet.

>cool setting
>good designs
god no
>good music
thats not Tower of God, i could have bought it if the rock music was decent, but it was uninspired generic shit
>decent action scenes
hell no, fucking Sakura Wars had better

What does it change at it deservably being an AOTS?

The anime can be botched at any time.

I wasn't impressed, but I'm not going to write it off yet.

Not a comedy ones. See Saiki - lowest budget in universe and still anime of decade

Tower of God

For now only Kakushigoto looks interesting and genuinely good.
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta which is releasing today looks interesting.

-Tamayomi - below average start.

-Listeners - drop. I hate western pandering trash with ugly characters and shitty writing.
- Sakura Taisen - drop. Garbage 3DCG.

I love how "moe shit" is the new scapegoat for every wrong opinion these days, just shows how people in Yas Forums only watch seasonal shounen and not much else. Though the feMC of Listeners is very moe-ish herself so I don't get why you hate that style so much.

>hurr durr no
Great argument, smooth brain.

Tower of Kino
Everything else

I have no problem with moe, and that's not what I said retard. Nice strawman.

Anyone who is shitting on moe is instantly invalidated. Hating on moe is like hating on whole Japanese popculture. Literal brain damage.

>hell no, fucking Sakura Wars had better
Lets not get carried away here

not that user but..
it's actually yes.

>god no
You prubably just a moe eaters who can't stand with a character who has racial features.
or you are ok with devianart-like design on ToG?

>thats not Tower of God, i could have bought it if the rock music was decent, but it was uninspired generic shit
nah, Listeners OP literally better than ToG though.

>decent action scenes
i never come to this series just for hoping an action mecha scenes.

They probably can't stand with a racial face features. most of anime chara design literally state-less, they want all character is cool and cute, can't accepted if its fat and ugly.

>w-waaah, japanese culture numba wan ! ! !

>racial features
What is this meme? They're cartoon characters from Japan, they don't need to apply to your tumblr tier representation requirements. Make your own cartoons if you want to see your ugly mutt faces represented.

Kakushigoto, Appare-Ranman!, and BNA seem pretty good so far, ranked in that order.

The first episode of Listeners was ok but the character designs are kind of ugly and the MC seems like a boring doormat. Nami yo was ok but I'm not a big fan of the humor so far.

Bakarina, Arte, Yesterday wo Utatte, and Jashin S2 are the other shows I'm looking forward to this season.

Attached: [MGD] Appare-Ranman! - S01E01 - 720P [English Subs]_[00_19_04.268]_[2020-04-04][09].png (1280x720, 1.17M)

BNA of course.
Wave, Appare
Listeners, Tog, Kakusihgoto
Everything else, still have to watch Sevens though.
Let's see how the next episodes turn out.
Listeners still has potential but I don't see the point in Kakushigoto. Just read the manga.


I'm always open to any kind character design since it's also part creation of a creative mind.
what wrong if characters portrayed not cute or handsome?
i really don't get about your point.

Kill yourself ignorant burger faggot.

>not argument

No, kys.

I checked out all the recent things.
I miss the last batch of stuff, I even liked the one about the animals at school.
>Not bestars the one with the wolf girl
I made it through one episode of tower of god and the one about the doofus dad and dropped everything else within 10 minutes, I didn't even enjoy the rezero special thing.
It's all way too girly.

If not cute and thus waifuable and marketable enough, then no sell, no money, no finanical interest in that project, no future.
Capitalism ho.

Yeah, but it's not wrong if they want to make the characters very ugly right?
you are the one who has a problem by hating it.