What makes vamps so irresistible?

What makes vamps so irresistible?

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Eternal youth and the fact they literally use their vampire magic to charm you.

they always got that Cunny game going on.

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Smug Aoi Yuuki noises.

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Isn't some janny delete vamp threads?

He's a massive faggot then.

Cute and immortal.

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Two best vampire girls

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She was pretty neat, probably the best thing to come out of Hellsing TV other than the music. Also Seras' character design and civie outfit.

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Why specifically vamp threads?

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Sunako wasn't so smug after meeting Ragebeard.

You are a degenerate, that is why.

No need for any kind of magic.

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>She sees your Gungnir

SHAFT could have done her chest better.

She deserved a better adaptation.

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It's hypnosis

Their bodies are hypnotic.

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who is this?


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I want to flan Flan's flan

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A vampire from Priconne.

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Hope she makes it to the show

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More nopan lolipires are needed.

They are lewd.

Shit! These images are undermining my resistance to not Jerk-off.

>that body type

Seras is always great, but I also prefer her 2001 design

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I pick 2.

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They better not give her the Vampy treatment.

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Calm down super Satan. They are just little girls.

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She deserves some better kinds of doujin from the author.

They need microbikinis.

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They're cute.

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Which is it?

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

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Why microbikinis?

Why does he have a reflection?

Not a silver based mirror, also

Ragebeard wasn't so smug after meeting the monk

Because its hot.

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the beasts constantly use hypnotism

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Faggot monk deserves to burn in hell for betraying GARbeard.

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But the monk did it to obtain a loli vampire. I would do the same.

Sunako a shit though.