Royal girls are for

Royal girls are for

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Other urls found in this thread: dote on

Impregnation and continuation of royal family.

Their attendants are also for sex!

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Serving in every way

Political marriage to improve foreign relations.

Being overthrown and being subservient to the masses as public property.

Tender loving, of course

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>S2 never

Which one would you pick, Yas Forums?

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Gang rape by angry peasants.

Oyakodon. Sent Malty to the janitor.

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just finished watching this anime the other day

what the fuck was wrong with Sylphy?
is Sento in love with Kanie?
why is Tiramie acting like a old perv if he looks like a female cat?

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You tell me.

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Yas Forums please go.

It could be worse.

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You're a bunch of sick fucks.
I would never suggest removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples. Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours. It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she murmurs breathlessly, "You came so much inside of me," then her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside again.

Royal old men?

why not a royal gf?

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>why is Tiramie acting like a old perv if he looks like a female cat?
It's the perfect crime.

he's from Yas Forums though

Haven't watched this. Guessing bottom left is best girl.


i am of royal blood! im above u by magnitudes! you will do as i demand!

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>they taxidermy her and cook the loli
Should've been the other way around.

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>Royal girls are for

Everything else falls into pedophilia


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The older girl also gets eaten, just her skin is preserved as a trophy. Nothing goes to waste.

>selling princess to the slave market
probably the brainless idea ever
you can marry them and claim the throne
making yourself a royalty

fuck monarchies

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Bratty princesses are hot.

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>monarchy overthrown
>throne still claimable when supporters for the throne are either dead or too weak to assert power

Would you serve her?

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Incest babies to keep bloodlines pure.

fuck these inbred privileged parasites

Bratty princesses are the best.

You are just jelly you don't have such /fa/ princesses.

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Only if she lets me call her little girl.

she looks familiar
amamagi park?

The only good monarch is a dead monarch.

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well that escalated quickly

>yet anothr cunny thread
why are weebs so attracted to little girls?

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fuck off normalfag

I want to dote on melty

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I heard she became a teen mom. Is that true?

I summon Shieldfag, how much screentime does she get in season 2?

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Name one thing wrong with loving little girls.

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Yeah, she's my wife.

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By me.

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Royal cunny thread.

i am also a weeb dont worry
name one thing it makes them better than other girls

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Did she win in the LN?

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i still dont get what dote on means

It's when you draw a dot on someone's head with your finger.

Yes, but he also gave this dumb dog a litter of pups.

Attached: 76734560_p0.png (944x1517, 1003.24K) dote on

>name one thing it makes them better than other girls
>flat, immature chest
>small, undeveloped hips
>cute, dainty little hands
>cute, tiny feet
>adorable smiles worthy of protecting
>vise-like cunny
>cute brown eye
>squid belly
>inquisitive nature and strong desire to learn about the world around them
>cute clothing
>headpattable at any distance

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yeah but it says when you love someone very very very much right?
but he says he wants to love her very much
the wants to part doesnt make sense to me

you just described a toddler man

Marrying into the royalty seems like a pain in the ass.

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A weeb is someone that thinks grorious nippon is the best place on earth and that if you train with your shitty replica katana and study the ways of the bushido and broken ass japanese from sugoi anime, you'll be able to go to """your people""" in japan where they will accept you with open arms as the OP to your favorite anime plays in the background and catgirl maids flock to your smelly neckbeard ass to get your penis kissus

Or you can just be a fag that likes anime/manga/videogames from japan for whatever reason but arent deluded enough to think that Japan is some sort of utopia.

Normalfags have bastardized "weeb" to meaning the latter when it was always used to mock the former. Its literally the same as referring to yourself unironically as an "otaku" because you watches 20 whole animes

Quite literally constant impregnation.

I really don't know how you can give a clearer example than like how a "Grandparent dotes on a grandchild".
It's about giving them attention and spoiling them.

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>cute, tiny feet
You must be from the Based Division as well

He wants to fucking headpat the loli.

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>A weeb is someone that thinks grorious nippon is the best place on earth and that if you train with your shitty replica katana and study the ways of the bushido and broken ass japanese from sugoi anime, you'll be able to go to """your people""" in japan where they will accept you with open arms
like i said
literally me
and we all here

Satan confirms the basedness of a loli is determined solely by how cute and small her feet are.

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Speak for yourself faglord

>He wants to fucking the loli.
oh i got i now
but would you call melty a loli? more like your typical 14 yo animu girl

>and we all here
Literally not speaking for me, Asia is a shithole and I thoroughly enjoy living in the hoods of North Memphis