Man I really want some spec-ops anime, why can't we get more anime with tactical and army themes

Man I really want some spec-ops anime, why can't we get more anime with tactical and army themes

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Probably because autists would nit-pick every inaccuracy (and presumed inaccuracy) and no one else would be interested.

I don't even remember any anime that qualify. Black Lagoon and Jormungand had special ops units, but as antagonists/secondary characters mostly.
You could say GATE, but that's not exactly it.

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This is arousing

Why can't we get more anime with skateboarding meidos? Because we've developed fetishes so obscure that they aren't comercially viable. Go pay pig a patreon artist.

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I dunno the SAO spinoff with the guns was received pretty well.

> female only cast rubbish


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Wouldn't her skin get pinched on the receiver if she cocked her gun while under her thighs?


Shes close to it but no, her skirt might've gotten caught on the bolt though if I was pressed against that opening hard enough

I'd want to see Sigsawa's reaction to that.

oh mama....

Watch Jormungand.
But don't fap to Chiquita. She is MY waifu. MINE.

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Hey user:

is somewhat right

what you need to look for is MILITARY anime, there is plenty of that.

some close to spec-ops anime to tide you over (you should know these)

Jin Roh
Jormugand, Black Lagoon
Gunslinger Girl
Genocidal Organ

spec ops usually blends with something else.
that is the nature of spec-ops.

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dude, she and i had kids and divorced ages ago..

Then I have to kill you..

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GitS SAC, some episode are just about operators operating

Title: The Bayonet Brigade

A modern military drama about a female commander who's hired by her superior to undertake the most deadly mission in the Mongolian civil war.

The mission in question: To hire a group of convicts from a women's prison to form a death squad who would cause havoc to the Communist side of the war, and help the Democratic opposition to liberate Ulaanbaatar and the rest of the country.

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Yeah. It's a related plot I've written to entertain you. What else do you think I'm doing?

You know, one of my dream is making a third-person Tom Clancy game with anime girls.
The problem is will the photorealism setting will not contrast with the idolmaster-esqe character design?

I think it could work.


How hard is it to just make a cawadooty anime girl series?

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>Genocidal Organ
I was going to suggest this one. Too bad the animation quality isn't consistent throughout the entire movie.

Because Japan is a firmly anti-militaristic country and have been since 1945. International law strictly restricts the size and scale of military that the nation is even allowed to have.

Or did you forget about the time that they conquered all of southeast Asia, half of China, and invaded Alaska? They were so war hungry that they became famous for their suicidal kamikaze pilots. They were to off the deep end that they were the only nation in the history of humanity that had to be nuked into submission...and we had to nuke them TWICE before they got the message and came to their senses.

The military is pretty glorified in the US. In Japan is almost precisely the opposite.

I think there are some war elements in wombs

I did the work so you don't have to. Remember me and pay it forward someday, user.

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>that had to be nuked into submission
Arguable whether it was absolutely necessary or if it was done to further US desires to prevent turning Post-WWII Japan into another Korea and Germany. It really wasn't like Japan was capable of fighting on the seas for much longer following their numerous naval defeats and them continuing to lose islands.

>everyone who doesn't like waifushit casts is an incel
If incels and normalfags agree on something being garbage, you're wrong.

>Bolt is open
>Doesn't just hit the bolt release after reloading

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>is almost precisely the opposite.
Wasn't that Canada?

There's plenty of military otaku and /k/fags in Japan, though. It's a little more obscure, but not too crazy. Remember that kid in Full Metal Panic who obsessed over arm slaves? I imagine it's kind of like that. Not to mention that I think there's a good number of war stories coming out of Japan. They just tend to feature mecha or magic rather than people with guns.

I think the main issue is that writers have little experience with the military, like you've said, and because of that they can't really think of any interesting plots that incorporate military themes. They'd also have to do a shit-ton of research, and most don't seem that interested in doing so. Why spend time and effort trying to meet the impossibly high standards of military otaku when you can just make up you own bullshit?

There's a thread for that, actually:

That's a very good point. As far as I know it was chosen by Truman as the "lesser of two evils," knowing that a prolonged land invasion of Japan would have cost millions upon millions of lives and had devastated their infrastructure and economy. Largely to avoid Japan turning into another Germany post WW1, to your point.

>I think the main issue is that writers have little experience with the military

That's a really good point. There is some demand for military stories over there I think, but it's almost certainly VERY niche. And there aren't enough creators with adequate real life experience or exposure to write those kinds of stories.

>with anime girls
Why? Really, why do you absolutely have to make everything some idolshit off-shoot? Couldn't a good Tom Clancy be enough? Why do you have to shoehorn in little girls in everything?

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>Largely to avoid Japan turning into another Germany post WW1
I was more implying that had they gone ahead with a land invasion of Japan, Russia would have become involved in the Pacific War and the following peace negotiations would have drastically altered the face of Japanese international politics, culture, and life for the following decades as the USSR would demand control over some chunk of mainland Japan, including the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Given Japan and Russia's relations in the earlier parts of the 20th century, there's no doubt in my mind the Japanese under USSR control would be subject to gross abuse and conduct in retaliation to prior military defeats and the like.

>Why do you have to shoehorn in little girls in everything
It must hurt being so gay.

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jesus calm down in the orange fad, nip.

In fiction, "tactical" doesn't necessarily mean military-themed. People just want accurate representations of firearms and tactics alongside a decent story. Just as fantasy doesn't have to have elves and orcs, "tactical" doesn't have to have politics and incompetent generals. Solid gunplay with realistic mechanics shoved into any anime plot would be enough for a lot of people.

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There's a bunch of mangas you can read if you search for /ak/ translations you fag.

>People just want accurate representations of firearms and tactics alongside a decent story.
>Solid gunplay with realistic mechanics
That's what I mean about the research, though. Without military experience (and even with it), you'd have to spend a lot of effort researching things to make them accurate. That's considerably more time spent than making up the mechanics of magic or mechs, which don't exist, therefore you can fudge the details a bit. It's completely plausible to have a fantastical "tactically-accurate" story, but it's a lot harder than just making up whatever you want without consequences.

This reminds me of the setup for The Place Promised in Our Early Days, actually.

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Civilians in japan SUCK at making realistic .mil stuff and the people who are interested in consuming that kind of thing don't want softcore mil porn, their fantasy demands FULL ON HARDCORE REALISM.

JP creators are literally the equivalent of wikipedia nerds who have zero first-hand experience and are forced to rely on second-hand information, and they obsess over this stuff. Then it comes through in their work, where they feel like they have to defend their credibility by shoehorning in all sorts of pointless autismo details like — which is great for people who have never handed a gun, or their motivation for owning one comes from this kind of shit, but when you start getting into the practical usage of the stuff, the specific gear or individual techniques and all the other stuff .jp media focuses on becomes damn near irrelevant. GSC was probably the most successful any series has come to not sucking, and the guy literally got tours of Chicago to handle and shoot guns as research.

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Battle Angel Alita is a good example, I think

>why do you want to mix two things you like together? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I CAN'T COMPREHEND IT
Kill yourself.

she doesn't even press the mag release

Gunslinger girl is alright
But read the manga, the second season of the anime was done by a different studio than the first, and on the cheap as well

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Triela best girl.

GSC is good
But the official (Dark Horse?) translation is terrible, and wish people would stop reading it
Also fuck CZfags, Rally included

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From what I have seen, Aiji, does a good job at that, at least the old man knows how to use a weapon, but I am actually more interested in
manga with hunting and poaching

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At this point I'll even take another "guns/planes/ships/tanks and cute girls" shitshow, just don't make it some garbage /u/fest for God's sake.

Girl's Frontline someday.

I liked GFL when it was called Upotte!!.

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Your little girls fixation doesn't make you straight. get laid

>why do you want to mix two antithetical things together, even though it doesn't make sense to mix them and cheapens both
Do you jerk off while following an interesting course/conference?

Normalfag get out.

>He doesn't
What are you some kinda brainlet who can't listen and nut at the same time?