Is anyone else hyped for this show?
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Me. I've been reading the manga for awhile and hearing that it was getting an adaptation was great
I'm going to check it out just because there's so much good press around it, but honestly it's hard to imagine it being up my alley. Is it just a reverse-harem romance series with a fantasy setting?
It's omni-harem with a fantasy setting.
Iori looks like THAT?
AOTY if is as good as manga/ln
However trailer makes me cautions - hopefully they fully deliver the comedy and not go otome game adaptation like instead.
I certainly am. Bakarina is precious and hilarious, I can't wait to see what they do with her in the anime.
I am. Checked the manga out recently, and I thought it was fun.
My expectations are high.
Episode when?
>people get hyped and expect Ouran tier comedy
>will get Farming anime instead
can't wait
1:30 am Japan time.
I am, though I'm wary that the anime adaptation looks a little bit low budget and directionally uninspired. Hope to be proven wrong.
Also worried about the threads devolving into shitposting for and against yuri.
>Hope to be proven wrong.
Its Silverlink. So expect it to be as low budget as their every other show and in particular isekai shows. Max we can expect is quality being sufficient not to distract from good things in the show.
I didn't actually watch it, but I heard Bofuri was quite a decent adaptation?
>zero action slice of bland
Into the trash
Yeah, it was decent, also again, low budget. But decently made, so minutes of stills with genki music looked ok.
I love Catarina! I can't wait to see her animated!
Episode could all have been stills while this played and it still would be ok
>Latest PV(4th one)
Also, Nicole is for ___me
You're the trash
You can have Nicole, I'll have Katarina's mom.
Its not Otome. Its at best parody of Otome, like Ouran. But basically its sitcom with obvious to everything around her heroine.
>implying I'm not here for the farming too
With all these lockdowns, it's important to be self-sufficient!
I'm gonna watch it, because I'm finally curious enough to find out why Yas Forums likes otome so much.
Bofuri was definitely not low budget. It had astounding sakuga at times.
Why do I always edit post too late, fuck.
I see. Still, it seemed to me that's not the only manga like this that's appreciated here.
>All that Maria focus
>Is the one holding hands with Katarina in the key visual
>Made a point of her 'confession' scene in the previous PV
Are they going to do it?
She just needs a few good dickings
For once you can self insert as cruel villainess and not generic good MC
Maria is a turbo lesbo user, she probably holds Katarina's hand more than Gerald ever did.
This is what a face of Master Seducer looks like
What a nefarious black hole!
Hopefully it only adapts until the end of the game.
Imagine her putting a metal rod up your dick.
>self-inserting as a gi-
Oh right. I forgot that I was a little girl for a second, here.
That's Mary
every single time
>it's AotY guys, I swear
why are all LNtards like this
Wait, it's not about stupid ballerinas?
>Farming anime
Farming arc are the best thing ever though
And every single time they are right. See Kaguya or any other actually commonly accepted as popular on Yas Forums manga or LN (not the controversally popular, but that everyone tells is good).
Why are animeonly fags always like this.
I can't wait to see her get analmated!
I am for one, waiting for Bakarina`s mother getting voiced. Hope she`ll get some pixiv art too.
The assembled harem.
It'd be nice if we could get an OVA of the spinoff.
Shut up.
This and they clearly put a lot of passion in it.
Silver link already finished bakarina months ago too so it's not gonna fall apart.
Is it regular fantasy or isekaishit?
Otome is great
Neither. Its "Died and appered in Otome Dating Game as main Villaines that dies in every Route ending"
It litterally spawned a genre on its own, that has now hundreds of entries.
There were otome isekai before Bakarina.
Bakarina made Villainess isekai a mainstream standalone genre. Thus its also the first one (but not the last one) to get anime.
>Bakarina made Villainess isekai a mainstream standalone genre
That's Reika. Bakarina only came after.
I know right, I can't believe there are people who like things different from me.
Explain for dumb people please
Yeah but this is definitely not their A team. Thankfully a show like this doesn't really need a lot of budget just decent enough direction to let the source material shine.
And yeah, their other show got delayed and thankfully this one seems to be free from Corona-chan's grasp.
>Bakarina made Villainess isekai a mainstream standalone genre
*hohoho in drill hair*
Everybody falls for Bakarina, doesn't matter if they're male or female.
Bakarina's initial harem has 4 guys and 2 girls who are unambiguously in love with her. There's a third girl who's more interested in hooking her up with her brother so that she can be sisters with her.
What a foul temptress.
>third girl who's more interested in hooking her up with her brother
Is this a new girl? I never really read Bakarina beyond the original ending.
Sophia, user. She's trying to pair Katarina up with Nicole, compared to Maria and Mary who are after her romantically.
Don't forget her maid.
Ah fuck I'm retarded. I completely misread that and thought you said that there was another girl who was trying to hook up with HER brother.
To be fair I can see how you'd misread it like that.