So Yas Forumsnons

Which fu do you pick and why?

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>cute, shy, tall, track club ace
i have no other options

No one, suicidal people are extremely whiny and annoying faggots that I would never want to deal with again.

Tall > Poor > Gloomy > Bused > Uggo > Burns


How do you unlock the other names?

But this time it's GF

This, plus in my experience they pull the suicidal card anytime they want attention or someone on their side.

Top right.

My brain picks gloomy, but my heart picks abused.

>hot body
>ugly face
My fetish. I'd give her 10 kids.

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If I was suicidal as in I wanted to do it today I wouldn't tell anybody and just do it. Talking about it only ensures that you get "rescued" and 5150'd.

The swim team girl because I like to swim and hope she would eventually too again one day. Scars can be pretty cool too at times.

I'll try the D-cup. Hopefully 1v1 the father at north station with my seven years of mma will be enough.

Top right

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The Childhood Friend

My wife, the poor girl of course.

Track club girl for sure

neither because i don't bother with people


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>picking damaged goods

Let them die

I can just imagine the kind of shit I can get away with gloomy girl.


They should kill themselves

used =/= damaged

>shit I can get away with gloomy girl
more like shit I can get into with gloomy girl

>be an emotional wreck who is finding increasingly flimsy excuses as to why they are still alive
>see a girl with depression
>"I can fix her"

This is some real psychopath shit right here.

>used =/= damaged
disgusting cuck

I need to see how ugly the osananajimi is before I can make a choice

I pick poorfag-chan because imagine the smell

IRL, I'd chose Tall girl, no contest
Pervert Childhood friend maybe distant 2nd

Abused gf because protecting someone is my fetish.Pervert childhood friend would be fun to hang out with though.

hey man, i'm just stating facts. i'm not that guy.

Gloomy of course

Top left, no contest.

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>AA cup
>super caring and feminine
>the cutest girl
Obviously her.

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Mew mew is super cute.

>bullied for her height

i'm around 180cm and i'm bullied for my height, for different reasons

I already have my mentally disturbed waifu thank you very much!

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are you all fucking dwarfs or what?
180cm is normal height for women where I live
look at this shit 155cm what is she live fucking 12?

pls b my gf

They are Japanese you twat, the average girl in there is around 150cm.

Being hikkineets together with top left.

Uggo Childhood friend, easy. Perverted, we've been friends and already know everything about each other, and her tits are pretty big. She can keep hiding her face and once we graducate and get enough money, buy her some quality Cosmetic Surgery + Makeup.

Yeah but then your kids will be ugly too.

>AA cup
Sign me the fuck up

i'm a guy

a guy wouldn't be 180, that's for sure

i'm 179


stop calling me cute, i'm a man

jesus christ that shortstack

alright, big boy

that makes it better!

i'm really not cute at all, i'm pretty ugly

Why not a harem? Give them all children who they can love and will love them in return?

Abused girl or Hex maniac.

Lanklet or poorfag


I rape them all.

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Harem rouite, obviously

Top left, she looks cute

Bottom right, no contest.

Top left without a doubt.

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I once knew a guy who based his entire personality around being depressed and suicidal. And he was the most annoying, attention seeking faggot I ever had to deal with.

>No one
Bottom right's inarguably the least fucked up. Her only problem is that she's poor, has some health problems due to long-term starvation, and her family can barely afford to wash their clothes once a week. No doubt her H-scene involves fucking in your bathtub.

Imagine making her a big meal and cumming onto it