BD/DVD , Music , Novel , Manga
>1 KnY
>2 Go toubun-no-hanayome
>3 Love Live
>4 One Piece
>5 Fate Series
Ranking of the top 20 anime/manga IP as measured by revenue
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holy shit how can nips have such bas taste
>toubun beat love live
>5Toubun surpassed Fate
Is that fire force at #20?
That does not count mobages, so it's pretty impressive that Fate is so high considering most of its profits are from FGO.
>2 months old chart
>1 KnY
>2 Go toubun-no-hanayome
>3 Love Live
>4 One Piece
>5 Fate Series
>6 Haikyuu
>7 Neverland
>8 Heroaca
>9 Bang Dream
>10 Hanako-kun
>11 Spyxfamily
>12 Jujutsu kaisen
>13 Kaguya
>14 Idolmaster
>15 Touken ranbu
>16 Joker (the movie)
>17 Pokemon
>18 Conan
>19 Kamen rider
>20 Fire force
First quarter
I thought Kaguya was doing better than Gotouben?
Wasn't expecting fire force to make the list.
>Hanako in the top 10
1 volume vs 1 volume and 3 character books.
Damn nice.
yes, Japanese have Based taste
>BD/DVD , Music , Novel , Manga
>19 Kamen rider
No you actual retard, this is a january chart that you are reposting now because you have brain damage, you literally have the dates written on the top right
According to the list
>Fire force
How can you be so fucking retarded you can't even read the dates RIGHT BESIDE IT and think that 1 refers to january?
Negi is literally swimming in money and he botched his series. Fuck.
holy fucking shit you are an actual retard, it goes from the 30th of december to the 2nd of february which is just january+ a couple of days, plus
>Oricon's January Top 20 Franchises
Woops this very chart was posted on the 13th of february
Now do yourself a favor and kill yourself, you imbecile cuck
It's only going down from here though
What the fuck makes Toubun so popular?
My girl. Miku.
I've asked myself that for the past year or so when I open the catalog. It just seems like generic haremshit.
Waifu wars.
5 Girls 1 MC 1 Winner
It's just a tiny part of the revenue. LL has gacha games and other shit not counted here.
Romcoms literally never have well done ends. When will you people learn?
It could have had a well done end, you know.
Those are some disgusting numbers for KnY
This list is shit because it excludes a lot of other things that rake in cash, such as games.
>posting January list in April
New gen of salesfags will be even more retarded than the ones before them.
Butthurt DB fan?
None of these are good
>toubun beat love live
Look at the period, retard (2019/12/30 - 2020/02/02)
No Black Blood Brothers.
In a normal situation I'd say "read it to find out" but in this case it's better to avoid it like Corona and spare yourself the cringe.
Not really, just saying the list doesn't really give correct information, but that doesn't matter for your shitposting, does it?
How low can OP fall?
if one piece was in its final volumes it would easily be higher than what kny has now
Cope more
>That powergap between the first and the rest
>Also doing stupidly great in all fronts besides manga
I think it's pretty much confirmed KnY is the biggest phenomenon ever and nothing will ever surpass it
It's good shit, hits all the right notes.
Proud DBChad because it's more popular than all of them.
>5toubun that high
Wow. Nagi did save romcom after all. Nice.
Now this is some real coping.
>7 Neverland
>8 Heroaca
>Neverland not having an anime
Based. MHA keeps on jobbing against cartoon Attack On Titan.
psssst... it doesn't fit that kimetsutard agenda
wait does this count movie? mhafags told me it's a massive hit.
It wouldn't even matter which month or time period it is, kimetsu would dominate them all. That guy is just a retard.
>chart is only for 2 month
>fate had no anime BD or other stuff released at this time
No, it doesn't. It counts movie singles and stuff though.
How much KnY was there for anime newfags to catch up in order to create such an influx?
Around 2.5 million new people picking it up.
It's not really anime newfags -- it caused a buzz on social media, which made it reach a much greater market.