Why isn't there any good kung-fu anime?

Why isn't there any good kung-fu anime?
Is it really that hard to animate motion nowadays?
They could just simplify the art style and use a little bit of CG magic for the more difficult parts to make it more feasible to animate.

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Not much interest from studios and animators most likely.

>Why isn't there any good kung-fu anime?
Good choreography is expensive.
>Is it really that hard to animate motion nowadays?
It always has been.
>They could just simplify the art style and use a little bit of CG magic for the more difficult parts to make it more feasible to animate.
Just watch kungfu panda then.

There are. They're just old.

Dragon Ball


but also its not the 80-90s anymore kungfu boom is over

>Is it really that hard to animate motion nowadays?
Animating full body full screen motion was hard back then, and is still hard. Unless you have movie-tier budget + good staff + relaxed timeline you won't be able to keep a consistent level of quality even if you are able to draw such action scenes.

Yes watch superior Chinese wuxia. Stop watching stupid Japanese moe crap

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>I must apologize for Wimp Lo... he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.


Fist of the North Star?

>Superior to anything

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Modern anime is too badong

G Gundam is the best kung-fu anime.

There's a few shows here and there that are gnodab.

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MMA > Kung Fu

OP you know what you have to do

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Wasn't Dragonball used to be an martial arts anime especially during those tournament episodes?

Most shounen anime are traced from chinese movies

Stream that movie if you're so great

Kung fu is one of those trends that died, MMA took its place.

Thunderbolt chads rise up.

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I've noticed that about most anime. The fantastic moves are both a way to make fights more flashy and an excuse to avoid battle coreography as much as possible. I would like to watch a good martial arts anime. I can't believe the last memory from a good martial arts fight I have is from fucking Tenjou Tenge (and only from first half, they also went stupid with the super moves later).

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Fair enough but I also haven't seen good depictions of MMA in anime.

Kung Flu is all the rage now!

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>tfw love the idea of kung fu but it's all mcdojo scams around here

Just go up into the mountains and punch and kick shit

Newfags don't even know Kung Pow, OP.

When's S3 coming out AAAA

Most of anything calling itself Kung Fu outside very specific regions of China is. Been that way since the 70s fad of Hong Kong cinema. Though before then there wasn't even any of that.

But as an actual fighting/self defence system, you're better going off for the less flashy more modern stuff.

>But as an actual fighting/self defence system, you're better going off for the less flashy more modern stuff
Are there places where one can go specifically to pay money to learn how to break the shit of its fellow human beans? Or you need to forcefully join an organization (police, military, private security, etc) in order to learn the real deal?

You know the rules faggot.

Because kung fu is Chinese and they can't make anything even remotely of interest to someone with an IQ of over 80

I would like a The Breaker anime, but I know that'll more than likely never happen

Most martial arts have had their fangs removed since their primary purpose is no longer to defend you in life-or-death situations. If it's tournament-capable, you can be sure that it's not a MARTIAL art.
You should be able to find people willing to teach you how to do your best to break (or kill) people in a variety of arts, but if that's your goal, you should just invest in a weapon, and maybe look into knife-fighting styles.
The reason Europe doesn't have a big culture of unarmed martial arts is that Europeans didn't expect to get caught unarmed.

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What I always loved about eastern martial arts is that they often implemented philosophy into it.
I judt don't like all those MMA fights. They lack the charm.
It feels so much better to watch stories of some nobe eastern martial artists and not some niggers or irish who just say mean things to the crowd and act like baboons.

jackie chan's cartoon was pretty good

It's true, our culture has grown a little too cynical for stories of pure warriors pursuing the true path of chivalry.
It disgusts me that writing this posts reminds me of Captain America.

>Yes watch superior Chinese wuxia. Stop watching stupid Japanese moe crap

What if I told you, you can do...both?

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That's a lot of nuts!

Speaking of Kung-fu
I highly recommend watching Xu Xiadong - an MMA fighter who is hell bent on destroying Chinese belief about how martial artists are also able to harness supernatural powers

Every single kung-fu, tai-chi, and pressure point master artist he fought gets reduced to a bloody pulp in just 1 minute. The government was butthurt at his attack against traditional beliefs that they often declare his fights a draw and reduces his social credit to abysmal low

Point taken, they guy refuses to accept any challenges from Sanda and Hung-gar martial artists because "he only fights frauds"

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So you want McDojo bullshit, then.

Martial arts are killing tools, the philosophy got folded in when we developed better methods of killing.

Read some fucking Buddhist/Stoic literature and do some Muay Thai.

MMA, dude
It's all useful martial arts combined into 1 - as what Bruce Lee did to become a legendary fighter

I'm reminded of that guy in china whose life has been ruined by the chinese government because he basically said that the majority of chinese martial artist styles that are revered are largely all flash and no substance, not very useful in an actual fight. In retaliation, China reduced his social credit to basically nothing, now he can't get loans, can't get an apartment, is limited on what public transportation he can use. They apparently even force him to wear like clown makeup for the fights he does now.

>Taiga, Taiga Taiga Taiga

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>and pressure point master artist he fought gets reduced to a bloody pulp in just 1 minute
He's not fighting the right ones.

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Didn't he beat a renowned tai chi master before that? After that fight almost everyone shits on him.

Big cost, little benefit.

Why blow out the budget choreographing a series of specific kicks and punches when you can just have big lazer beams and power levels

Literally for me the greatest show last decade.

This looks like The Rolling Girls

One of the cornerstones of MMA standup is Muay Thai.

Muay Thai and Boxing for stand up, BJJ and/or Wrestling for ground game.

Screw Kung Fu. Chinks have no martial ability, Kung Fu shouldn't be idealized.
They've won maybe a handful of real battles, but otherwise had their asses kicked by everyone. Remember when a bunch of Chinese chimped out and thought their mystical kung fu abilities could beat the modernized armies of 8 countries? That turned out well.

What we really need are some fucking Samurai anime. For as entrenched in their own history as they are, and for much it's been in their regular media, there's not enough good true historical Samurai anime. It's usually just inspired by it. But where's some Kurosawa-inspired Ronin shit from the last 10 years?

Yeah, I was wrong. Practicing MMA at once may leave you wanting because your master may have tought you something that's not enough
Train in all martial arts and take what you believe is useful for you- that's what MMA is all about

He basically beat every single one of the TV posers that challenged him. And by his own admission, he's a past his prime, mediocre MMA practicioner

>What we really need are some fucking Samurai anime.
After your prior reasoning, this stance makes no sense. The samurai are about as idealized as Chinese martial arts and were even more ineffective, considering that they were trained for their entire lives and their (non-firearm) weapon sets were consistently behind European standards, and this discrepancy was the reason why Japan closed their borders until they were suddenly surrounded by overteched enemies.

Tekken Chinmi?

One of Xu Xiadong's students in a literal one-armed boxer who cannot use his right for any hard beatings
He still destroyed Ding Hao's master in 1 minute

Ding Hao was the one Xu destroyed on TV

Ding Hao made an exuse saying they haven't eaten enough that night

He then challenged another MMA fighter
Who gave him loaves of bread before the fight to mock his excuse
Ding Hao was KOd in 74 seconds and said he was having cramps

Forgot the vid

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I figure it had to be a lot more mental when you were an aristocrat that had to be prepared to cut or stab another dude and be cut or stabbed yourself. Plus aristocrats needed to look busy with that shit even if it was partly useless. Fake martial arts just carried on those traditions when the underlying conditions changed.

MMA probably gets a whole lot of its juice from existing in an era where you can practice at like 75% and not die from infected cuts or fake doctors setting a bone wrong.