Lolisaki is the cutest!
Why was the previous thread deleted? It barely had 200 posts
OP probably got banned for shitposting somewhere else so it deleted the post
>This thread has been pruned or deleted
What the FUCK?
Yet she is still so weak. The absolute state of Mikoto
>Not purple
Why is Nagai such a lazy hack?
Because it was a garbage thread
Seems someone report it
I swear if JC Staff fucks this part up, there will be hell to pay!
I know. The deleted thread had an interesting line of discussion and it's all gone now.
>The deleted thread had an interesting line of discussion
you can start praying at Aoki. He will have to do the whole episode alone. Poor man.
They do it for free.
The last 20 posts had nothing being discussed, the most notable thing was some user insulting MP enough to make her go run off and cry
No. Hell, I didn't even post much in the last thread. Beats me what got that thread deleted.
t.that OP
What the fuck then, I'm stumped. Guess a mod doesnt like that you reference it being a "new thread", or maybe they burned the hotpockets or something, dunno
Is that level 6 Misaka?
Not really
>Guess a mod didn't like that the OP had literally no content in it and said nothing but "old thread gone, now new thread"
Gee what a shocker.
Level 6 Mikoto doesnt exist
Well, the thread died on me when the discussion was about Mikoto being 'Aleister's favorite toy'
Railgun strong
>Mod didnt like that there was literally nothing needed to be said about a thread on a fucking currently running anime on airing date just having come out
>Said mods dont step in at all when there is an equally zero substance shitpost OP for the other 21687123871 times though
Why yes retard, it IS a fucking shocker
I mean it better be pulling that shit, it has literally no competition this season
I would watch an A Certain Scientific Mental Out.anime.
The OP's post was a non-topic (lol new thread because old thread died), making it look like a general.
>No reference to the anime
>No call to discussion
>No attempt to bring up topics
>Just refer to the old thread and say "post here lads :D" and hope mods leave it up
Maybe make better quality threads if you don't want them deleted
Mods are fags there is no doubt about that but those kind of OP literally bait them to delete the thread, you'd think by now people would understand how to create a thread with a proper subject and without making it look like a general.
Based Nogi
Who said it was purple
>nothing needed to be said
Mods aren't following every single anime and every single topic on all the boards they moderate user. If you don't put anything in the OP at all it's going to count as a low effort post and get deleted.
Why? Just because she’s a girl?
Cool I hope youre here to say this when we have all other zero substance shitpost OPs that dont get deleted or moderated in the slightest, I especially like the nonsensical MP OPs that mods dont bat an eye too and dont ban for spamming too, those are my favorite. I love when people break the rules and dont get banned ever but mods delete regular ass threads about an anime on fucking airing day, it really makes me have confidence in the state of the moderation team when people can spam Yas Forumsnigger terms daily with no sort of punishment at all. Thank fucking god they decided to do their job on a minor infraction one time rather than actually try to range ban actual fucking problems like MP. I'm so glad they ignore the literal thousands of reports levied towards MP and the other shitposters and instead decided to flaunt their power in the most non-effective way possible. Better go ban a R/a/dio thread too, we need it for the DBS threads that are clearly just Yas Forumsnigger infestations. God I fucking love the mods so much.
>O-o-other OPs don't get deleted
Then report them if you think they're breaking the rules. Simple as that.
>I'm a retard and cant read
People report, nothing is ever done. The point is that seeing them delete something this minor when I know god damn well that I've reported MP thousands of fucking times by myself and she gets off scot free is fucking infuriating user. Yes its "what about"isms, but there comes a fucking point that it gets fucking ridiculous
MP gets posts deleted literally all the time, newsflash, MP means Mobile Poster. Which means she evades. Fact is OP broke the rules, he got reported, mods deleted it. End of story. Make a better OP next time.
Guys, I think Nogi might want a Misaki-centric spin-off too instead of just having a Junko one.
Fuck... I shed a tear.... And I KNEW it was coming. Well played.
Told you she was a good girl.
Why are you saying that user? Don’t tell me you only think she’s cute just because she’s a girl and nothing else.
Good for him. It's not his choice.
>Random nigger scientists
So anime is dying too huh
>he doesn't know funimation has a foothold now in Japan as part of a production committee for many anime
>MP gets posts deleted literally all the time
She fucking doesnt. I can count maybe 5 times in 5 years user
>MP means Mobile Poster. Which means she evades
So range ban the fucking area she live in. My area is range banned on my phone where I live (no, not because of me). I literally can not post from my phone no matter how often I do the airplane mode trick. My only option would be to get a Yas Forums Pass, and Yas Forums passes are fucking traceable so if the bitch shitposts with a pass then she shouldnt be able to evade with it and would have to deal with the punishment. And yet somehow there is no range band against her. Why? Why do mods turn a blind eye to literal spam so often?
How would he have done in the Gabe fight. With Kazakiri's help of course
That sucks.
>I can count maybe 5 times in 5 years user
You don't refresh threads very often I see.
This was literally made because its so rare for her to get banned
this doesn't change my post in the slightest.
Not him, but MP doesnt get banned often from what I see. Its mostly Yas Forumsfag posting wojaaks of some other fragrantly Yas Forums term shit that gets banned here. MP gets away with it because shes usually just subtle enough that the mods cant tell she's breaking rules, you'd only know what she's doing if you lurked here for awhile. Hence why we have had to explain to a few anime onlies who she is just this season
If she was banned all the time, it would be the norm and the screencap wouldnt exist because t was a normal occurrence. The fact that it exists at all denotes its rarity
The Raildex games love to make things purple don't they?
Accelerator's everything is purple too.
No. MPs posts get deleted all the time. I know because I check. Not often enough mind you, but it happens. Just because phone IPs are dynamic enough that you don't see mass purges doesn't mean it's not happening.
Can you give me an explanation on who tf that Yas Forumsnon is that's causing these people to go fucking ballistic?
Lurk more
It will be purple, look at the opening
See All you need to know if that we've been dealing with a contrarian spammer like this for 5 years now
Just wait til most anime is produced by China in 10 years
I would unironically prefer that to having jap anime turn out like western media.
He'd be able to hold her off provided its him after the unprecedented power thing. We never really got to see him in action with that power, though judging from his confidence its safe to assume that had Accelerator not transformed with the Black wings, he might have been able to tango with Accelerator on equal terms instead of the one-sided fight before.
Kamikoto moment soon?
I want to do sexual things with Misaka
>judging from his confidence
Kakine was confident the entire fight user. It doesn't mean much.