Literally the only reason the show is worth watching and he appears damn near halfway in

Literally the only reason the show is worth watching and he appears damn near halfway in.

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Is this how you play?

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He gets to appear in S2
But he's sane

In S2 his appearance is still very strong, even if short. It also makes you retroactively appreciate even more.

I'm just waiting for this bad bitch to come back. I know she does, and so will porn of her.

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Honestly it's a fun series

It is? Hmm, guess I watched it wrong.

I wish this was longer, and that the artist didn't have such a pregnancy fetish. I don't even know if Elsa could get pregnant, she's a zombie.

The emilia ova was pretty good until all the action happened. The animation was so fucking shit jesus christ

Evil girls don't get lewds.

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wrong pic

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She barely did anything in the anime that made her presence worthwhile. She's easily replaceable with any other character.

I haven't read the WN or LN, but I want to say I heard she has a fairly important role later on.

How can you and I have completely opposite opinions? Petelguese is cringy as fuck

Cuntti exists for Emilia
Dude knew Emilia is best girl.

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Just read it user I guarentee it will be better than the anime


>bad guys are like totally craaaazy
>all carbon copies of each other personality wise
kinda lame

how is a whale the same as Betelgeuse?

Is Sloth the weakest sin archbishop?

I just watched a few clips so far because I'm not sure about the series yet, but am I seriously the only one who remembers how he randomly flurry punched the shit out of a follower during a monologue? That seems like a scene you'd iconically associate with them.

the whale wasn't a bad guy though, just a force of nature

you could argue that Sloths insanity is also a force of nature

Anime-only Remfags are in for such a massive disappointment, I can't even schadenfreude at them.

But that isn't the belly stabber goddess. Fuck Subaru.

She dies like a bitch sadly. Any straight man would have gone for her and not the boring bitch but you know...Japs.

Who? You mean Ramfags?

Will totally bang the waifu on the right

>Re:Zero except Elsa is the Jealous Witch (and appears physically to Toyota from time to time) and Betelgeuse is the primary antagonist
My brain is trembling

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Isn't Beetlejuice just Subaru from a different timeline?

No Subaru is Flugel. He goes back in time with Emilia to live happily but she ends up going crazy and he has to seal her. Time loop.

There can be more than one different timeline though.
The anime made it pretty clear by drawing heavy parallels on both subaru and betelgeuse

To date he was just a dude that went insane from not being able to protect em's aunt. So no.

You haven't watched it yet? How slothful you are.


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Not gonna happen, that would mean a bad end for Subaru and Emilia. Unless they treat it like a timeline to avert and create a new one where they are happy.

She still stole the show every time she was on screen especially that episode where she made a pact with Subaru and protected him until the end while everyone was against him.

I am in fact literally very slothful and now a little fucking scared.

People have constantly said Subaru is that SAME guy and that Emilia looks exactly like Satella. Put 2 and 2 together.

She and Emilia will be the stars of the second half of season 2.

>and Emilia

More or less. He was a really hard-working person who became "Sloth" due to special circumstances. His personality is totally incompatible with his deadly sin, so his powers are relatively weak as a result. That also partially explains why he's so weird, the contradiction is problematic.

Despite being weaker, he's arguably the most troublesome one to deal with because of how absurdly persistent he is, though. Most of the others just wallow in self-indulgence rather than proactively trying to prepare for or accomplish things. Well, their self-indulgent behaviors are usually disastrous in their own right, though.

I suppose

No, he's constantly doing absurdly over-the-top things, so that instance doesn't particularly stand out.

Whether you like her parts or not, she will be taking center stage in the second half of season 2. That's a fact.

No retard, Emilia already had her chance. People already know her, her backstory flashback is actually more about Petelguese and Sirius, she doesn’t have the mystery factor to engage people. It’s funny how you specify second half as you know she doesn’t do anything in the first.

Characters like Echidona do. She’s new, her background is mysterious, her plot is mysterious, people would want to know more about her. All the witches have that going on but Dona is center stage. Or are you going to tell me “most magnificent heroine in 400 years” is more interesting

Regardless of how you the audience receives her, she and Beatrice will be taking center stage in the second half of season 2. That's a fact.

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Well you can’t say I didn’t try to tell you

Has your hate for Emilia gone so far that you mentally exclude her from the plot or something? Honestly I'm pretty worried for you.

Has your “love” for Emilia blinded you?

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I don't particularly love Emilia though. She's up there, but my favourite character is probably Echidna. But to refuse the reality that is the story is something else. It'd be like me telling you Echidna isn't relevant in S4.

S2, that is. I meant Part 4.

The screaming "funny" evil character really didn't fit with the oppressive tone of the better parts of the series. The anime really suffered from too many random sufferings that didn't really impact the plot: everyone forgetting about Rem, and Betelgeuse taking over Subaru just took some time away from having a more realistic transitioning from despair to hope.

Subaru went into max suffering too quickly when something happened and usually recovered instantly after a while and then it turned into a basic "everyone suddenly listens to the protagonist for no reason because the plot demands it"- anime

Matsuoaka is such a god when he's playing these crazy retarded hammy villains. When the other VAs try to emulate him for the body swapping parts it only highlights how much effort he gives to the dumb role

the cicero of anime

>"everyone suddenly listens to the protagonist for no reason because the plot demands it"- anime
We're hitting levels of speed watching that shouldn't even be possible

So I just finished watching the new OVA. God that shit was confusing as fuck and pretty mediocre overall outside of some scenes of Emilia being cute.
Who the fuck is the fire horse nigger?
How could he control the kurohebi poison?
Who the fuck is Puck's original contractor?
I always assumed Echidna created Puck since Beatrice calls him nii-chan but why would Echidna make him protect Emilia if Echidna really hates her?
God fucking fuck you Tappei hurry up and finish Rezero already you hack I hate having all these questions that will probably never be addressed until Arc 11 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Dona does it because the Gospel said she needed to


How strong does Subaru become? Sure you can say that his rewind ability makes almost everyone job, but supposedly he's getting more abilities, no?

God if that is true then that is some shitty ass writing fucking book of wisdom EZ plot device bullshit


Yes he gets the authorities of dead arch bishops but watered down versions. He'll never be strong enough to solo anyone because his development is more towards becoming a leader and strategist and supporting his allies

>Who the fuck is the fire horse nigger?
Melakuera the Arbitrator. He's one of the four great spirits, the great spirit of fire. Ever since Puck killed him, Puck has been considered the new great spirit of fire.
>How could he control the Kurohebi's poison?
He couldn't control it. The Kurohebi was involved in the incident when the forest was frozen. Melakuera un-froze the poison that was leftover from that incident, causing it to run amok.
>Who the fuck is Puck's original contractor?
I don't know what you mean by "original contractor," but the one he made the pledge he talks about to was a witch named Echidna.
>I always assumed Echidna created Puck since Beatrice calls him nii-chan, but why would Echidna make him protect Emilia if Echidna really hates her?
Perhaps she has a reason to keep Emilia alive, even if she hate her. Or, perhaps she simply knows that Puck will protect her regardless of what she tells him to do. The point I think you're missing is that Puck wasn't always a spirit; he was a person who Echidna turned into an artificial spirit, and very probably Emilia's biological father.

Well poison part makes sense now. Makes me wonder how they will ever bring the snake down since it seems infinitely harder to deal with than whale and rabbit.
Still wish we knew more about Puck and Echidna's goals god fucking damn you Tappei hurry up AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA