Daiya no Ace season finale

So how do you like this season? What are your favorite moments?

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I wish it was longer, the season ended just when our boy Sawamura was making his comeback. I hope the next season comes out soon.


>I hope the next season comes out soon.
maybe in 2 or 3 years time

I really just want the third year to start up. I hate every single third year now including Miyuki and the constant Inashiro circlejerk is the worst. Meanwhile the first years actually seem fun but they don't get to do anything except the one that swings really hard and constantly fucks up his helmet.

Okumura stole my heart this season. Its really not fair how Sawamura keeps failing even thought he has the ace number now and the shilling of the third years was retarded. Cant wait to see them graduate.

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>I hate every single third year now including Miyuki
fucking this
I wonder if I would end up hating most of the players in Sawamura's year once they enter their 3rd year too. The current 3rd years feel like they overdue their stay in the series, l think Terajima knows that too that's why he's trying to keep the 1st years irrelevant so we can learn about them fresh by Fall Tournament when the new team is put together... but honestly, this is getting repetitive and boring.
>It's another chapter of Zono jobbing
>It's another chapter of Miyuki saving the team
>It's another chapter of Kuramochi stealing base
>It's another chapter of Shirasu isn't a background character

Zono jobbing is worse than everyone else. He's on the team solely to bat and he has like a .100 batting average. They put him in the easiest fielding position designed for a top tier batter with mediocre fielding and he might get one hit every 4 games.

at this point Zobno is there just for the lols
He is so fucking bad but it's looking like Sawamura's batting average is catching up to him.


it was very painful

sadly, I think koishen will take years

Zono is better than Tanba

Can Seidou lose early this summer so the 3rd years can retire early too?

Tanba is pathetic but he doesn't jobbed as much as Zono

It's a slideshow far inferior to the manga

Even if this season is just a slideshow, the content is still much better than Act 1.

Sawamura finally becoming the ace

>Sawamura was making his comeback.
>chokes again in a match
It's all so tiresome.

this, it's like zono is a designated jobber, holy fucking shit.

the only way to keep the story interesting is to stop Sawamura (and Furuya) from developing too fast

Koushien champion will be next year when better and more talented players join the team with the unbeatable Muramura battery as the pillar after 3rd years fuck off.

Same. This boy is probably one of the big reasons why Act 2 is so enjoyable to read/watch.
Back then I don't even think it's possible to like him so much.

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It was shit, loss of Production I.G. is felt throughout. Madhouse is not the same, they might have as well started from remaking S1.

I'm sure it's a better experience reading the manga, these flashbacks every 2 minutes do my head in.

>they might have as well started from remaking S1
like slide show from season 1?

Fuck Zono. Annoying ugly jobber. So many good players could have taken his place, but this shit tier jobber had to take it for some reason...?

Zono is only .200

S1 of Act 1 was so much better until Sawamura literally threw the game away on Seidous final game against Inashiro. Has there ever been a bigget cock tease in anime history?

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>hating on based cheetah

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I hate his HYAHAHAHAHAHA and his character has no personality aside from being useful in the game and bullying Sawamura.

I hate this fucker like you wouldn't believe

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nah don't be such a pleb. The third years have stepped up the batting line up, can truly feel the pressure lifted from pitching which has been the Seidos main star focus of the show. Can't deny Miyuki needs a change, he's captain arc was sick early days but feels like he's flatlining a bit, but this will undeniably change once they face Inuishi.

Also hating based cheetah...

they're bros, why hate?
>no personality
The majority of this season was showing how he needed to stop being selfish and work for the team whilst also leveling up in his third year and becoming vice captain.

How far ahead is the manga right now?

Nah Act 2 is better, new characters are fun and interesting. Old characters can go both ways but you already have a special bond with them. Games in A2 is also better paced and feels more intense.

This has to be the worst sports anime ever created. You can literally tell when they are going to lose and when they are going to win. Also 0 character development.

The Sawamura choke as soon as he becomes ace is unforgivable. Honestly feel like I'm hardly any further forward after 170 episodes and just when you feel it's turning a corner you're suddenly back to square one.

Not far. Just 2 games after the anime bonus one big showdown between Yakushi and Ichidai.

>still ongoing
I dropped this show so long ago.
Did it get less boring?

bait harder bro

Nice bait, HQ tard

You stopped at which part?
>still ongoing
It's one of the best baseball manga in Japan and Japan gives more fuck about baseball than any other sports.

Well it's his first time debut as an ace. Even though Sawamura is loud and annoying, his mental state is as fragile as Furuya's ankle. He can play like a chad in his 3rd year later.

I don't hate him for bullying Sawamura, I'm just saying that's all his character ever do aside from playing baseball.
>The majority of this season was showing how he needed to stop being selfish and work for the team
No, that development is already used back in the Fall Tournament in ss2.

>46 posts
>6 images
seriously bros?

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Kuramochi is fine, gets the job done, has nice interaction with Haru and the rest of 2nd years. But fuck the rest of 3rd years though.
When the fucking shortstop is the most tolerable 3rd year player, Terajima really fucked up with character writing. Most people can't even tell you where shortstop is.
Shirashu, Shirashu2, el shirashu negro, shirashu hair, shirashu bald, and dimple are fucking interchangeable.

mfw kawakami takes the mound

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One of my favorite development in this season is Furuya calling Sawamura by his first name

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I hate every single fucking gimmick each character has in this show.
>Zono's annoying accent
>Ochiai's hand glued to his beard
>Sawamura's speech before piching
I can't stand like 95% of the characters in this show. Thanks Madhouse

I don't really follow this series, but does this Haruno Yoshikawa character show up a lot?

grrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm a wolf!
raichi spastic laughing

Anime, S1, episode 68.

Is Haruno Yoshikawa a major character in this series?


What's her purpose then? And apparently she got recast at some point? Why did that recast happen?

She's just one of the girls who help out with food, scorekeeping etc

>What's her purpose then
Being a background character. She's just a girl manager that sometimes gets a few lines to say
>And apparently she got recast at some point? Why did that recast happen?
This season, don't know the details

But they changed her VA right? Why did that happen?

Yes. Like I said I don't know

Who gives a fuck? She's so irrelevant that I didn't even notice the change.