Why are there so many anime without a single male character in the whole cast?

Why are there so many anime without a single male character in the whole cast?

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why do you want males in your anime?
what are you, gay?

Even if gender is technically irrelevant to the plot, people like cute girls and the things they do.

It's more aesthetically pleasing.

How do Hazuki keep getting away with hoarding so many fuckable girls?

Because otaku don't like competition.

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Realistically speaking what would sex between these two coworkers be like?

men are dirty and gross, its much better to keep them out of sight in shows about cute things

Imagine working along side this beautiful creature

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>tits too big
>thighs too big
>hair too big

anyone else think this is fucking disgusting?

Sounds like you’re suffering from advanced faggotry user

Men are lame only faggots like men

Because male characters are unnecessary.

I don't know who's luckier. Hifumi for bagging a complete semen demon or Aoba for having a 10/10 subservient slut under her beck and call.

Because maleshits are unneeded

Hifumi is a fat cow that is only good for breeding and getting milked.

Y'all are alright and belong on Yas Forums.

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Because heterosexual relationships are 'unsafe'. If a guy got with the girls, the audience would feel uncomfortable. Imagine a cock thrusting in and out of their tight, tight pussy in babymaking sex, while she moans and clutches at the bed as her hymen is torn.

But no, that would make people afraid that they'll have to grow up and try to put it into an actual woman at some point.

>that typehatena Hifumi doujin

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Why doesn't Hifumi, the largest NEW GAME, not simply eat the other girls?

Men aren't cute.

as long as I’m the one breeding her it’s all good

1. unattached waifus
2. girls are pretty
3. no dicks in my porn

How would you even be able to get work done? I'd be too distracted by the gorgeous babes around me to work there.

Look at this pleb.

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The hedgehog was male.

Tokunou-sensei is basically my god. And Good Smile made his design even better on that figure.

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Because then it becomes part of the harem genre. SoL series work better with only girls since there is no romantic component to it. When you iinclude male characters people would try to ship characters which takes away from the intended purpose.

because it turns into shipping wars even though that's not the series is about. fucking garbage I must say

>what are yurifags

Girls are cute and funny.


men of culture and integrity


There are several factors that make yuri/yurifags unique:
>when yuri is usually added, it’s usually in the form of side couples or multiple pairings instead of a harem meaning most of the girls won’t end up losing
>nips know how to add yuri without overwhelming the other aspects of the show, being only “subtext” really helps
>yurifags rarely shitpost against other yurifags, so shipping wars rarely happen between them even when there’s a love triangle (I don’t know why this is, to be honest)

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The ideal world has only cute girls in it

Males are objectively inferior to females in anime. Anime girls are just next level anime boys.

Who's bigger?
Momo or Hifumi?

it's made for heterosexual men

a radical concept

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anime boys next level it's traps

cute traps doing cute things would be acceptable, but the creators who might do that always have to add in the uke-seme dynamic with some supercool guy who likes to insult you or "accidentally" abuse you
it's time lul.

Momo. She's country grown.

so a top quality woman then

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this is done for Japan anime, so this will not add

it's explained in an episode, the CEO wanted only cute girls to work with

Why do yurifags hate males but yaoifags don't mind females in their shows?

because they hate themselves

I don't hate males, I just don't want them as main characters in CGDCT because they almost always turn the whole thing into a harem. They also add unnecessary drama in most yuri manga and can potentially ruin the entire romance. How many girls do you think have ever broken up a yaoi couple?

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What am I supposed to see? I wasn't speaking for anyone else; but if you want to believe a couple of low-effort shitposts, go ahead.

I objectively say, since there are such people, then they will meet here at Yas Forums

I like this artist

Same reason futa exists

Sakura was better

Because you are hetero

What are you then? Sakura was the only reason I watched the whole show. She's literally perfect

this is the reason, why you like Sakura

I'm attracted to her, not her gender

if so, which of the anime boys attracts you?

These criticisms are actually correct, thought few will be able to understand


Yay ! Free Pudding !

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Good taste

stop right there! you're going to jail bitch!

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yurifags are trannies who hate themselves. yaoifags are just gays

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this is a reach

Dont worry for long funimation will be sure add diversity real soon

because japanese authors are so beta they delete themselves from existence

not really, the majority of trannies are still attracted to women, and what other kind of man would idolize relationships between two girls?

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yuri is the most hetero there is. It satisfies the most pure attraction to the female form.

>literally a homosexual relationship
>"most hetero there is"
yurifags are truly delusional

if you are a man, not a woman


There are no women here

>2D =/= 3DPD
Why does Yas Forums always forget this most basic fact?

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Everything is better with all girl cast.


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