One Piece

Chapter 976: We will uphold our duty!

Cover Page: Straw Hats make shoes with the Tontattas

All of the 9 scabbards with the exception of Denjiro are able tell that Kinemon legitimately thought that the meeting port was "Tokage" so they ask Kinemon to spill the beans, saying they won't get angry as everything ended up alright in the end.
Kinemon then acknowledges his goof and says that he's probably used up all of his luck in life so he just might die here as a result.
The other red scabbards then reply to Kinemon saying that it wasn't only him, and that all of them also used up their luck, so if he dies, they all die together.

Kanjuro says that for now what he must do is find and kill Hiyori if she somehow happens to still be alive and then escapes kidnapping Momo.

Momonsuke sees the Samurai in a panic trying to save him but kills his urge to ask for help because that is exactly what the enemy wants and then says he will find someway to escape somehow and then take both Kaidou and Orochi's heads himself.

Luffy however sees through Momo's ruse and then tells him that they are friends, so he'd definitely save him so he should try to survive somehow.

The enemy's battleship retreats to a reasonable distance away from the SHs and then use the long range canons they prepared to shoot them down but Jinbe's spear wave attack opens up a hole in the enemy's battleship and renders their long range cannon useless. Jinbe has returned back to the SHs as their helmsman~!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>She's the only minks with named attacks
>She want to have adventures
>She's pushed in the Anime and merchandises
>Oda said luffy need 10 crew members
>Oda said the last straw hat members will join sucessively, Jinbe just joined

Who still believe that she's not the next straw hat?

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The lurking Legend

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Big Mom definitely would have killed Germa. They have fulfilled their role in the story now. Whereas the Sun Pirates still have FMI to protect and Tiger's legacy to continue

I voted for Kikudegenerates, but just to clarify I hate tranny posters. Trap posters are ok.


Double Based

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Sorry *slurp* it's just so *slurp* smelly and juicy *slurp* seriously *slurp* do you even wipe or use a bidet? *slurp*