Why won't you NEETs just fuck already!
Don't you want a cute daughter?
Why won't you NEETs just fuck already!
Don't you want a cute daughter?
For that you need to interact with women. And women are scary.
They aren't scary, more like most are disgusting and are vomit inducing.
that's cuz you worship pussy. stop putting pussy on a pedestal, then youll be about to talk to women
I'd love a daughteru, It's just the path to getting one is dangerous
there's something of a gap between talking to women and procreating
why doesn't he fuck sensei?
because he's obsessively committed to his daughter to prove to his father-in-law that he's not a deadbeat
I have twin daughters. All my money goes to them. It's like my life doesn't matter. But in a good way. Parents in ITT would understand.
That's an interesting theory.
Shaft? SZS character designer?
lurk a million more years before posting
*tips pipe*
no. just knock up the first girl that lets you stick it in
Check the manga, nearly all the characters from SZS are there (With different names), Abiru, Kitsu, Matoi, komori...
Even the brothers
Btw, the autor is the same as in SZS
not worth
I'd rather not have a daughter.
She might grow up to fuck a NEET.
Thought so, the design is unmistakable.
>memory of birth of your daughter is ruined by the reminder of your embarassing manga
I'm devoted to 2D, like everyone else here should be
This is another valid reason.
I'm gay
I'd rather have a sister desu
Wholesome thread
just fuck a really manly woman
>not using a surrogate
Can I fuck my daughter?
Because I want a wife who will be okay with me fucking my daughter too. And hopefully join in.
I've wanted to become a father for a long time but it never changed the fact that I am repulsed by the people around me.
So, where do I find a wife?
right here user
I'm a wizard.
>oh hey, lets bring an innocent person into this shit world
Your imouto appears to have static on her cheeks
>Don't you want a cute daughter?
But what if I get a son?
Over-zealous head patting created a massive field of static
Then make him your cute daughter.
Life isn't as colorful and simple as anime. You get to skip over a lot of real-world nonsense in anime that makes you want to die.
cute and funny
Im shitty person and i dont want to ruin someones else life
Not SHAFT, but you wouldn't notice.I guess they've either been taking notes or Kumeta's style only really allows for certain styles of direction.
>no aimlessly looking at random angles while in the darkness
>no attempts at getting taller
>no head tilting
fucking dropped
Entering a romantic relationship with somebody is a shitty proposition today.
no way dude, that's way too much effort
have you tried going outside?
it's quarantine though
guess your fucked then
I'm fine with getting a girlfriend (Assuming I can, top kek), but bringing a child into this fucked world? AHAHAHA no. For Christ's sake, it's already bad enough that I have to suffer just because two people I didn't know fucked in the 90s. Why would I want to bring my nonexistent son or daughter into this bullshit too?
i wouldn't be surprised if some chink bitch in a lab coat made covid19
you better be joking if you want an user or otherwise to potentially dick someone like that
I don't know how to talk to women, god damn it!
Bringing another conscious being into this world is the most evil act you can commit, don't perpetuate the cycle of suffering.
[/spoiler]Did they just spoil the ending in the opening?[/spoiler]
What a fag
Because kids are annoying and dirty in real life.
Agreed. People like to say being parents is selfless since you have to sacrifice your all for the kids. But I see it as egotism as the kid doesn't exactly have a say on being born in the first place. You are the one who are determined you can give them a good life, they don't get to say shit. Fuck that noise.
Oh yeah, go fuck while a pandemic is happening, sounds like a great idea.
Describe parenthood in a single word, you old coots
Women are the only thing I'm truly afraid of