This episode 10 > Violet Evergardens episode 10
This episode 10 > Violet Evergardens episode 10
Loves forced drama garbage
Not surprising
Why is there so much console war style faggotry surrounding VEG, to the point where even shows released two years later are compared to it?
I'm just commenting on the tearbait factor.
I loved runway de waratte. But VEG had better directing for that particular episode.
Kyoanifags have been forcing console war shit on Yas Forums since 2007, going against Gainax, Shaft, Madhouse, you name it.
When it comes VEG is even more pathetic since Yas Forums doesn't care about it at all and the conflict is entirely artificial.
This was great but it doesn't top Violet Evergarden ep10.
>he's still doing it
i promise to shill moe with everything i've got just for you
>i'm so sad that i've been patrolling Yas Forums for kyoani posters for over a decade
>le it must be the same people
Trips of truth.
Both are masterpieces of episodes.
First post worst post. Neck yourself.
Now this is a hot take. Evergarden ep10 was the best single anime episode in the last few years.
>kyoani boogeyman
Aw man, i freakin bawled on the Ann episode.
>Toilet Everfarten
pic related, veg is a standard that other shows are judged by
how many times will you spam this?
Era defining show. Proves something doesn't have to be action/mecha/capeshit in order to be amazing.
violet evergarden is mediocre lol
really depends on which respect you're talking about. only the military backstory was mediocre
Nice episode but only Evergarden got me to cry.
Fuck off.
Why would anyone give a fuck about the Netflix release? We got the movie and subs weeks ago.
Evergarden ep10 was much more fulfilling with it's use of a timeskip.
Apex of anime and episodic dramas. This was i
Don't worry, just asthma.
Every day until you like it.
At least get a version that's legible if you insist on shitposting.
So this is how runway threads are going to be from now on?
What about ID Invaded's episode 10?
It's a good episode but not Evergarden ep10 tier good.
Why though? Genuinely asking. Even if you don't personally like VE, there are plenty of worse shows that air every season. What's with the relentless vitriol?
Violet hurt user's feelings.
A nice episode indeed but it's certainly not better than Evergarden's 10th. Ann episode was better in way of symbolism and just visual storytelling in general. The way Clara Magnolia's deteriorating health was symbolised through the withering of the environment was pure artistry. On top of that, the incredible detail in the characters as well as the emphasis on body language make for no comparison.
Ogawa is one of their most promising directors
So glad he wasn't a victim in the arson
>that timely cut
The direction was top notch here.
Bold opinion user.
same. only time i cried watching anything
Violet is the Queen of Anime.
>use of a timeskip
oh my god, i loved this part
ugh. get lost
I want to have sex with moogs
>better than Anne episode
whew lad
I disagree.
Did it really made you so happy to bump the thread from page 10?
I don't know what you mean. Either way i really don't see why you care?
Both top tier dramas.
Why do you type like an idiot?
Define: "like an idiot"
>better than the episode with the mom and the letters
Cute Yuzuru
>Violet Evergarden
>3Gatsu S2
>Runway de Waratte
We've had some good dramas in the last couple years.
Don't reply to yourself.
nice trips
>no new ip
stop embarrassing yourself