Who the fuck watches this shit? I have just been exposed to ep1 and it was the purest solution of pain and cringe I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing.

Attached: cringe.jpg (437x561, 81.68K)

High IQ individuals

it's an anime for manly men

the girl that spills the tea has hijacked this sorry thread

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Why doesn't she transfer to Ooarai? She'd fit well in Leopon.

the early episodes are definitely the worst but this is still a retarded opinion, dunno what else to say


Attached: chovy dab gif.gif (1577x948, 773.56K)

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Based OP laying cold hard truth.

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His gramps sound like a loser
I would gladly die in real combat to have my legacy memorised via medium of anime girls

Attached: 75384530_p0.jpg (1092x1400, 861.61K)

Whatever helps you refrain from suicide.

They didn't make it for homosexuals who can only express themselves with buzzwords like cringe. Accept that not everything was made for everybody or man up and obey the three episode rule.

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 02 [2839159D].mkv_snapshot_06.58_[2020.03.09_15.56.31].jpg (1920x1080, 833.49K)

You guys are not autistic enough to show your family members anime right?

>GuP faggot who obsesses over little girls calling other homosexuals and telling them to "man up"

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It gets slightly less autistic.

only cock-gobbling homosexuals watch "manime", simple as

>man cringes
>describes the facial expression with the appropriate word "cringe"

Koume needs your help anons! Will you save her?

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>Liking little girls is gay

Attached: Miho3.png (581x849, 243.97K)

I too want to reply to bait, can anyone hand me some?

It sure does, cheers

I'm going to tickle her tummy.

To be honest, GuP requires a very high suspension of disbelief. I was only able to watch it after many tries. Once you achieve it, it is a highly enjoyable show.

Attached: chi nu.png (1280x1080, 2.56M)

I've got bad news

But user, you haven't gotten to the best part yet!

Attached: 1449316618429.jpg (1920x1080, 142.43K)

Give me some hope

cute wig

Not a wig

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user pls no, dont tell me you showed your grandpa GUP

It's okay, I for one don't mind if it's a wig.

my precious wife

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I watched Kimi no Na wa with my parents.

Attached: kinuyo.gif (444x408, 369.72K)

What kind of wig, though? What if Chovy is totally Mussolini bald underneath?

I hope she beats the cancer.

Saki fans

Attached: saki 167 teru and saki.jpg (1984x1400, 1.01M)

so I'm not alone then

Oh what did they think?

Ok, if you're actually physically cringing at a fucking TV cartoon, then your trauma and disorders go far deeper than we can possibly diagnose on this website.

Consider seeking professional help.

Dad got bored in the middle of it, but he gets bored of anything he watches. Mom didn't particularly say anything but she didn't dislike it.

People who aren't morbidly allergic to good taste

Attached: gup rare shizuka.jpg (309x581, 116.76K)


Attached: erika wani swimすけべいす - エリカさんとわにのまとめ (62402846) 3ページ.jpg (1040x997, 679.2K)

For me it's the grey one on the left.

pedos and military fans

Me on the right

Does anyone have the Yukari version of this?

Attached: Heinz_Guderian.jpg (410x578, 149.01K)

That's a rock

Only got this one. Pardon the meme font

Attached: 1527009062923.gif (591x694, 156.99K)

No, he's just more shy than the others.

The one I mean was black and white but thank you.

Wani is cute!

Attached: 1da82a15f787a28b528e84a834e61c14.png (900x975, 417.46K)

here's without the meme font

Attached: floofoddball.jpg (591x694, 64.45K)

the cutest
thanks user

Attached: erika.png (868x812, 398.38K)

sodoko > all

My sister told me that she watched the first episode and though it sucked.

*lets her late war German Cat team get dabbed on by early and pre war meme tanks*

Attached: 1584717022020.jpg (3580x2060, 1.2M)

Have you tried fucking the shit taste out of her?

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What's the deal with the Finns? How can one be poorer than Anzio? Also, is it true that Mika whored herself for 'little favours'?

Attached: 17.jpg (1280x1837, 541.99K)

Aight I'm watching ep2 after a nut with a cup of mint & lemon and it's tolerable

>liking hot girls is gay
>liking muscular men is not

big cats are memes themselves