33 years have passed and it’s still the best part of JoJo

33 years have passed and it’s still the best part of JoJo

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I agree. Best anime too

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part 1 is a contender for worst part along with part 4

That would be part 6

33 years have passed and you still haven't read part 7

Part 8 started in 2011

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Contrarians that say that kind of shit only liked the relationship between dio and Johnathan and the aesthetic, aside from that part 1 is worthless

>didn't even show speedwagons speedwagon

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It's a pretty good part and all, but Jojolion's definitely becoming my favourite and i'd say it's already surpassed plenty of other parts, especially the "Countdown for the Harvest" arc. Last chapter specially was spectacular.


You mean worst.

Based hamoncuck

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Eh, it’s not the worst, but it isn’t the best either.
Jonathan is definitely better than Giorno as far as I’m concerned, but I still prefer Joseph.

Literally everyone is better than Giorno

where did you guys download the Rohan OVA?


I'm reading 7 and haven't started 8 yet, so they go to the bottom

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If you like Fist of the Northstar rip offs, than yes.

Nothing to see here. Just the most forced couple in the anime history.

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Part 4 is the most forced part in history
>Joseph cheating on his wife

wow it's almost like JoJo's appeal is that it has a little something for everyone.

ultimately all parts are kino, but part 2 and 3 is comfy and kino as fuck.


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the man wanted to fuck his mom.

wanting to fuck =/= actually fucking

Part 2 is top tier.
Part 3 is comfy as well but the stands are boring and most episodes follow almost the same pattern until the later episodes.

part 3 is impossible to rewatch

koichi is the worst character in jojo
>HUUWHHAAAAT? MY STAND DIED! oh nvm i just gained a new ability that helps me for this specific situation because i grew as a person despite being the same whiny faggot i've always been
one of the most infuriating things about koichi is that the few times he actually suffers - he gains something from it
tamami tries taking over your house? you unlock a stand he becomes your slave
yukako kidnaps you? your stand evolves and you just fall in love with her anyway
rohan uses you? he becomes one of your best friends and respects you greatly
kira fucks you up? your stand evolves, you get the pleasure of chewing out a serial killer, and you get jotaros respect on top of all of the killers info
josukes grandpa and friend was killed, okuyasu was abused by his family for years,and jotaro went through part 3. those experiences toughened them up but were cruel. all of koichis "suffering" benefits him in undeserving ways
for some reason, every character fucking loves him. apparently characters like rohan, jotaro, and tamami are willing to suck koichis dick because he's noble and brave? despite other characters being even more brave and have gone through more shit. it's like araki only wrote him in so small pathetic retards have someone to relate to and think "wow hes just like me so im good enough to gain a stand." he lives an incredible life and we're supposed to admire him or feel like he deserves it because he was forced into a few bad situations and the power of plot gave him new abilities to take advantage of. dude literally has THREE stands. there are characters in jojo that are impossible to like such as j geil, but at least we get to see him tortured and killed. its no coincidence that one of if not the greatest arc in part 4, sheer heart attack, is the one where koichi gets the shit kicked out of him and his convenient as fuck ability can't help him.


Really? A was thinking of rewatching it since it was my favourite part

Based Part 1 is the PEAK

the whole part is basically build up for dio, you already know avdol isn't dead when he gets shot, and there isn't much development in the story anyway. there is no reason to. once you rewatch jojo, you'll realize how much talking there is and you'll get bored quickly when you already understand everything theyre explaining
season 2 has some good fights. dio, vanilla ice, anubis, and bastet are pretty good but season 1 isn't worth seeing again at all

The whole premise of Part 3 is built on a retarded asspull

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>you already know avdol isn't dead when he gets shot

So? That doesn’t make the episodes not rewatchable or good. Are you one of those dumb faggots who think knowing a character dies ruins the whole story?

I'm sure you'll love part 7 and 8 Jonathanbro

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Why is Part 7 so beautiful?

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Because Gyro and Johnny are like dumb college bros

>the whole part is basically build up for dio
That’s what makes the part based
I have never seen such a build up for a villain in any media
For 47 episodes the crusaders were struggling just to beat his lackeys while they were constantly talking about how DIO is invincible
Things like D’arby having a stroke just from the thought of being forced to betray him or Ice chopping his own head on DIO’s command
And them two of them die and one is left half dead just to get past his bodyguard and then another two died just to get a message to Jotaro what his secret is

>I have never seen such a build up for a villain in any media
So you've only seen Jojo

Name a better build up to a villain
The guy had 47 episodes of pure build up

>tfw you knew DIO's stand ability even before you knew what JoJo is because of memes
>tfw you will never experience part 3 the way it was supposed to be experienced and shit your pants while DIO is fucking with the crusaders

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Anyone read the latest jojolion chapter? Why the fuck did Jobin kill Norisuke when he was gonna be willing to sacrifice himself for Tsurigi anyway?

If we're counting all media Sauron

His plan to use the Locacaca is so that they don't have to sacrifice anyone again, but he got scared that Norisuke would ruin the plan and under the pressure he used his stand and kills him, if he really is dead


Except he never showed up so it wasn’t really a build up

Jobin thinks if he used the Rokakaka then the family curse would be gone forever


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Jobin is unironically a great villain. I wonder what he'll do with the higashikatas now that they just saw them kill their father and joshu saved yasuho


Because his father was about to connect the pieces of the murder of that woman and surfer guy. He was asking Jobin "What did you do with that man" before he killed him. Basically, Jobin panicked and decided to kill him so Norisuke wouldn't spill out the truth - his plan is going out of control, so at this point he's gone full murder mode.

has any villain fucked up that much? he acted out of impulse and panic. only villain who fucked up really is kira, but he didn't do anything comparable to what jobin did in the latest chapter
still love jobin though

Kira killing Hayato although he quickly got saved by an asspull.

was definitely a fuck up, but jobin did pretty much the exact opposite of what he wanted all along in the latest chapter. he wanted to set his family on the right path and move up in the world but he killed his dad right in front of all of them
wonder what happened to make everyone forget

Well, He killed his father, but at least california king bed can erase the memories of it. It's probably what's going to happen considering the flash-forward some time ago in the manga, the ones that showed norisuke being put in a bodybag

Great: 4, 7
Good: 2, 6
Meh: 1, 5
Bad: 3

Great: 2, 7
Good: 1
Meh: 3, 5
Bad: 4, 6

You're objectively correct