Beastars Chapter 171

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Chapter 171: Staring into my lips and threatening me

I always thought it was an urban legend...
...until my head was inside Legosi's mouth.

They said for herbivores, inside a carnivore mouth... already a death place.

So when you're in there... can see the Sazu River/River Styx.

But the river doesn't have much water
and the land looks so dry
It represents my dire and poverty life itself

My parents were in need of money, they sold me to the livestock market when I was born.

They decided my price and locked me in cages.

And even when I escaped, I have no money for education until now

Kyuu: Such a gloomy story.
Kyuu: My 21 years of life... the river...

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Legosi: Forry, Kyuu-han...
Legosi: Do you haf any infury?

Kyuu: Looks like this guy's "Sanzu river/River Styx" is enough to drown me

No kidding, I would still be poor when I die.

At the last minute, when the water was up to my knees, I thought "This is the end of my life", I wanted to cross the river. But looks like I can't achieve that either.

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When I realized about it...
...that day, I sold my info about Legosi for money.

Kyuu: You stack up all the cash in front of me to make it looks like there's a lot
Kyuu: You're good at making business, I see.

Melon: Let me know if Legoshi takes some action. It's enough profits for make up for your guilt, isn't it?

Kyuu: ... You know, I don't care if you win or what would happen to the back alley market
Kyuu: I just want to make my life a little better.

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My life keeps on being sold.
My world is just about animals selling animals.

Legosi: Kyuu-san.

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Legosi: Kyuu-san

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Legosi: Day 2 of fasting...
Legosi: It's a bit... harder than I thought. So I came here asking for help.

Legosi: I finally noticed that I'm actually a big eater...
Legosi: Every night at school, I ate 2 bowls of rice... Does this bag have rice in it?

Kyuu: He's so hungry he can't even think straight... yet he can stand still.
Kyuu: That is just the beginning. It will be harder in 2 or 3 days.

Kyuu: When you bit my head, I heard your stomach grumbling
Kyuu: For your ferocity to show up, you have to be "hungry"

Legosi: ...Is that so...
Legosi: Still... I want to ask...

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Legosi: Just for once...
Legosi: I have a request...

Kyuu: ...What?
Kyuu: You already want to eat me after only 2 days of fasting?

Legosi: No... It just...
Legosi: As my specie, it's really an embarrassing request, so...

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Legosi: Please tell me... to "Stay"

Legosi: Preventing myself to eat until the duel... is too much for me.
Legosi: But if someone say "Stay" to canines like me, I'll be waiting until death.

Kyuu: It's amazing that such a specie would throw their lives just from a single word.

Legosi: Of course it depends on the one to speak.
Legosi: Since you have been close to me, your word is strong enough for me.

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Kyuu: Just "Stay"?
Legosi: Yes
Kyuu: For real?
Legosi: That is a special word for us canines, I will protect it.

Kyuu: What the hell?
Kyuu: I suddenly thought he would keep his promise to death and it hurts my chest.
Kyuu: I'm just so weak, that's why I keep on being poor like this.

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Kyuu: Nope!
Kyuu: You're being way too open for me.
Kyuu: I don't want to hold such heavy responsibility.

Legosi: But aren't we fellow disciples? ...Please say it.
Legosi: Just say "Stay" please?

Kyuu: I don't want to say it!
Kyuu: Don't threaten me!

Legosi: JUST SAY IT!
Legosi: "STAY"!!

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Such a good boy

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Kyuu: I won't say...
Leogis: Then I will make you say it

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Legosi: Why can't you such say that single word...?
Legosi: Kyuu-san
Legosi: Are you hiding something from me...? Just say it now.

(Note: "Stay" in my translation comes from "Mate" in English - pronounced as "Mah-teh")

Kyuu: Mmm... Ah
Kyuu: S.. (Ma..)
Kyuu: St... (Ma...)

The nose and mouth of mammals are connected.

When the upper and lower jaw are sliding down, it creates a Y-shape
And by hanging upside-down like this, they can only make a "Shh" ("Mah") sound

This wolf...
...when he gets hungry, he's really ferocious.

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Kyuu: Shut...
Kyuu: ...your...
Kyuu: ...mouth!
Legosi: Oof

Legosi: Cursing at me just makes me more hungry

I can expect how abnormal he is...

Legosi: The act of stay is our canines' specialty
Legosi: My body will keep on heating up until you say "Good boy"

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Legosi: That's why... When my mother told me "Wait until we can see each other", I waited for so many years so it wasn't that bad... For "Stay" I can wait much more...
Kyuu: What the hell are you talking about?

This guy is plain crazy, stupid,
ferocious, straightforward,
and honest by his own specie.

I betrayed you because of my craving for money
To you, i'm just a small and shameful being.

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Kyuu: ...Stay...
Kyuu: Stay, Legosi.

Kyuu: And when I'll be saying "Good boy"...
Kyuu: ...please eat me.

I'm so weak.
I'm begging you.

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Legosi: What are you saying?
Legosi: When I hear you say "Good boy", I'll already have beaten Melon.

Legosi: Look, my body temp is already rising.
Legosi: My hands are warm now.

Legosi: Thank you for the long "Stay" command.
Legosi: I will protect my words.

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Zaguan: Legosi... Is he going to be okay?

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Zaguan: He haven't came out of his room for days...

Sign: Do not enter

SFX: *grind grind*

One week until the duel.

Last word: Next week, the reason behind the noises...?

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Paru wtf

I ate all the butter on the table at a restaurant, thinking it was cheese

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>Sex power up
Daddy is pleased.

>they respond to stay and good boy in an extreme way

Yeah there's no way for that to be abused.

Thanks TL-kun

>SFX: *grind grind*

I bet he's grinding those dentures down till they are flat like an herbivores. He's going to autism Melon to death.

>I suddenly thought he would keep his promise to death
I wouldn't be that surprised.

wtf legosi!?

The rest of the tenates probably think the dumb wolf is quarantined but forgot to bring in food prior.

>This guy is plain crazy
Have she just noticed?

Is she gonna double cross Melon now or what?

Are all rabbits suicidal?

Everybody has that one aunt, I swear to God.

Yes, Haru already went over this


You just realized that?

I guess Kyuu's Imaginary Chimera didn't work on Legosi this chapter since he's so hungry he is becoming even more delusional than usual.


*laughing in Juno*

Rokume remembers


I have a feeling there'll be a third character name San near the end of the series who has nothing to do with the previous two.


That stupid fucking tattoo always hits me when I least suspect it.

I hope it falls off when he starts shedding fur for scales.

The real autist was Paru all along

I think he's clawing/biting at the door

He has no teeth

why is he straving himself again?

He's constantly wearing his dentures though. He just took them out twice so far

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To eat fruit

You just know Paru's gonna find a way to keep it even after he starts shedding.

He fights more ferociously when hes hungry.

This is kinda hot. But in a bad way

Ya know he was kinda a striking figure on his first appearance but hes so goofy looking walking around like that

oh no he leveled up

>Sup, homes...

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Legosi: Is money rice? Can I eat the moolah?

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