Is it just a meme to hate on this anime here because 'popular and Netflix = bad'...

Is it just a meme to hate on this anime here because 'popular and Netflix = bad'? I finally got around to watching this for the first time after being told for years that it's overrated trash, but it was genuinely great.

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The remake is shit.

It's good.

Yes. Also because it's number 1 on MAL.

It's kind of a thing for Yas Forums to be "hurr new one bad old one gud durr" on everything desu.

It's definitely not the best anime of all time that's for sure
No shonenshit is even close to the top

wtf? brotherhood was so good

It's a thing to hate on this?

It’s overrated in the sense that it’s not the best anime of all time

Don't people generally like it?
It is overrated on MAL but it -is- good.

Its the best politically charged anime of all time that isn't a space opera and which juggles tragedy and comedy
Its not a mythical holy grail anime that is the best at everything forever, but its the best at what it does

It's good. Maybe great by shounenshit standards by virtue of having a fucking ending.
The main issue is anyone watching it is likely to be new as fuck and should be lurking instead of posting.

It's shit.

It's great by anime standards. Watch more anime, you'll see.

here to say that the dub is garbage and vic mignoshit can go suck off.

Thats your own brain hurting you, not the anime

It's good, but Edward (and winry) are total trash. Still good anyway

2003 is far better

What's with this meme that the original one was better? Brotherhood is magnitudes above the original show in every way.

anything popular is trash according to contr/a/rians, who ironically enough are bigger sheeps than the normalfags they shit on. just watch shit on your own and form your own opinions

both have the same garbage MC

half contrarians pretending 03 is better for the sake of contrarianism, half that one sperg who hates Vic Mignona and pretends that affects the quality of the original work because he's brain damanged

It’s slow, tries to be more edgy than it is, and has a typical shonenshit ending

03 is better directed, and is thematically consistent. The scenes that hit hardest (Nina for example) are portrayed incredibly in 03, wheras they're rushed in BroHo. The scenes that Broho devotes more time on are okay, but the series has devolved into shounen shlock by this point, while 03 stays the course, giving us an ending that really resonates with what FMA (was) all about. That's not even bringing music into the equation, the presentation in general for 03 is leagues about BroHo. Most of the detractors of 03 tend to be storyfags, and even then you're simping for a generic shounen story, not much more. Get some taste.
>caring about dubs

>03 stays the course, giving us an ending that really resonates with what FMA (was) all about.
>random Bones employees writing fanfiction understand FMA better than the literal author
how do you get delusional enough to be an 03fag? Were you born with a mental defect or did your parents drop you as a baby?

Do you have any actual retort, or? Authors aren't infallible, they can fuck up, and lose focus of their narrative. This happens constantly in media, especially manga/anime.

It’s good. Manga is better.

Not Shamballa

Fma is for fedora teens
Watch better anime like samurai champloo

My brain is fine and that dubshitter should fuck off the industry forever.

Who hates it?I've only really seen the Vic sperge that venomously hates it.

How could anything hate something with such a cute boy in it?

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The main character being a fedora tipping atheist doesn't make that the target audience, especially since he's shown to be wrong.

It's overrated.

Both FMA & FMAB are great and so is the manga. Screw what Yas Forums thinks.

Netflix has literally nothing to do with it.

People here shit on it because it's probably the most entry level anime in existence, not that that's a flaw.

Its good.
I prefer 03 personally, but that's a flamewar right there

>Is it just a meme to hate on this anime here because 'popular and Netflix = bad'?
Imagine really being into anime.
Then a show comes along that isn't particularly great, but somehow got extremely popular among normalfags and people who don't watch a lot of anime. These people insist, despite their inexperience in the hobby, that it is the greatest anime ever made. They force this falsehood so hard for years on end that it becomes some sort of universal canon that sweeps all over the hobby and internet, to the point that tens or hundreds of millions of people genuinely think it is the greatest anime ever made. They've also watched a maximum of 30 anime.
That's why people hate FMA

This is something I have been wondering about it too! Also Al should have been a girl.

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Fuck anime and fuck this board.
I'm out you dumb fucking weebs.

What is at the top?

Could 2003 King Bradley kill the Elric Brothers?

Both versions probably could very easily he just has no reason too/ doing so would be a hindrance.

2003 King Bradley was a sociopath compared to Wrath King Bradley. Who exactly was 2003 King Bradley based on?

its not a meme its more like this website has a huge number of mentally ill individuals who hate everything and are very vocal about it

Hitler is a minor villian

Lmao 03 is a directionless piece of shit in comparison to Brotherhood. Even when i finished 03, before i knew about Brotherhood, it left an extremely bad taste in my mouth, and i knew why later on. Every change they made made the story worse. They completely fucked Scar as a character, the new homonculi were shit, Lust's ''development'' was shit, the overall plot made no fucking sense since it was clear that it wasn't what the author intended when conceiving the story. But they sure didn't miss the opportunity to make the story edgy as fuck, sorry, ''darker and more mature'' every chance they got, completely fucking several key characters in the process. Or the chance to tip their fedoras as hard as they could. It's shit and the universal pretentious brainlet test.

What are your top 10?

Who the Amestrian magic super friendly Hitler or the CoS movie?

2003 was better

Unknown. Might have just been some guy Dante had killed to make a homunculus

They are just contrarians. Yas Forums is filled with contrarians.

Not saying FMA is the greatest anime of all time, but yeah.

CoS moive, only found out about it a few weeks ago. Why does the portal lead to 1920s germany? I find that so bizarre and funny at the same time

It's because it was written by shallow retards.

The wiki has an interesting theory about it:

Because that's where the two histories about link up after splitting centuries earlier.

Look at the trivia section.

>yet another imouto that needs to be saved by her onii-chan
It means something when it's between brothers

Brotherhood is a fucking amazing show but it is not worth being the highest rated anime on mal

I think you’re right.

It’s a good fucking show on it’s own. Fuck MAL and the naysayers.

While it is generally overrated I've never seen anyone who doesn't like it.

99.9% of Yas Forums posters who say it's trash will NOT tell you what they think is better, because you would stop taking their opinion seriously.

That's the whole gag.

and 99.9% of the people who think it's amazing also like Naruto, so their opinion is irrelevant.

It is the gold standard for sexy men in anime.

Feels great to be in the 0.01%


what a delusional retard. FMA is great by anime standards.