Brand new manga series from Akasaka Aka ( Kaguya-sama ) and Yokoyari Mengo ( kuzu no honkai ) announced!

Brand new manga series from Akasaka Aka ( Kaguya-sama ) and Yokoyari Mengo ( kuzu no honkai ) announced!

The series will start running on YJ21 (23 April)

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Can't wait for all the teenager problems

Rest in Piece IB..
Yume, Kuro and Sera, i will never forget about you guys..

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Hope this goes well, I really like Kaguya and Kuzu no Honkai art was pretty good, although a little too shoujo-y for my liking.

Kaguya needs to end for IB to come back, no way Aika'll let another person handle the art on it.

>serialized alongside Kaguya
I can't wait for him to put even less effort in Kaguya.

He also started a 100 Days comic.
It was supposed to be an April Fools joke, but he said he liked drawing it and will continue if he can find the time.

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user, these things don't start with the serialization start. The reason he puts less effort in Kaguya already is because he was preparing for this one all this time.

All this woman artist knows how to do is create sluts and still does not know how to draw a penis

Kaguya already low effort in term of art, background mostly using same shit over and over again since most of their interaction inside stuco room.

I don't think his work schedule really hell compared to something like shounen battle manga.

Heck, even kanokari author can sleep 8 hours/day.

Yorimen already married last year, so i bet she know how to draw it now


Is she gonna cuck her husband in real life

He's not drawing so less effort there

From what i heard i think her husband also a Mangaka (?)
She started to talk with Aka on twitter around the day she getting married too.

Maybe she married aka

Yuri or bust!

>Title is something like "The girl i'm rooting for"
So probably an idol manga?

I'm looking forward to it but I hope Aka won't ruin his health doing it. At least nobody will be able to blame him for his regular breaks anymore.

Meh, I wouldn't be reading Kaguya if it only had the art. The characters were what grabbed me.

The title actually Oshi no ko mikrofon (?)
Yeah it seems idol seires, maybe romance idol series rather than cute and fun idol like love live or im@s.
Well after this announced he said he will trying his best to death.

>Kaguya writer
>Kuzu no Honkai artist (which is known for drawing for lewd series)

What is this unholy alliance

It's already been in a filler arc for at least 10 chapters now, So he probably gave up on Kaguya around that time.

Shame because unlike Negi Aka used to give a shit about his fans.

>Kuzu no Honkai
no thanks

>Title is something like "The girl i'm rooting for"
Is he ripping off the manga that was adapted last season?
Oshi is how the idolfags call the girl they follow.

No, it's actually a good combination

We probably got cute romcom comedy idol series when the main girl getting fucked by her producer.

Aka is actually pretty lewd, he had that one AMA where he wanted a girl from a series to step on him.

>implying this arc is filler in any way
>implying the notion of "filler" exists in a comedy manga like Kaguya in the first place
>implying Negi ever gave a fuck about his fans
Wow, not a single thing in your post is true, but good bait I guess.

I bet the pill is just red dye.

No, It's a general idols term.

>Brand new manga series from Akasaka Aka
What the FUCK.

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s/u/bhuman kys or bust!

He already said will reboot it into VN format and Kaguya royalty is for the game development.

>idol manga
Hype lost.

It would be pretty funny, and I wouldn't put it past the japanese to be secretive about it.

Why not Aka x Haruba Negi.
It will become a 20 million sales series for magazine.

They have different publishers, and neither of them would want one of their biggest authors to work with one of their rival. Negi may also not want someone else to do the story, as there is no way Aka would ever want to do the art.

I can't wait for kaguyakeks to use this as an excuse to see their declining series

Negi's eventual new series will outsell this.

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Just publish it on both mags lol


Nah, he is burn out already, and he said his next work will not be romance related series.

He probably will not comeback for the long time like ishida sui

Will this be the next Kimi wa Midara?

>"just split the sales, lol"
>user: financial genius of manga.

Ishida is extensively working on some game/new planned multimedia franchise, he's not just chillin.

It's published in takobons, just distribute it like that

Aka has done the art for other series before and has no problem with that. He is not a childish mangaka. I didn't know that negi was like that

>No Aka x Negi collab
Just end this shit fast and have it happen already.

Negi won't make one until s2 of 5toubun finishes airing. He has lots of time to brainstorm and do a proper outline this time.

>Aka has done the art for other series before and has no problem with that
I know, but he wouldn't do that when he's also doing Kaguya, and especially not if he works with a better artist than himself.

>Yorimen contacted by Shueisha after drawing loads of CSM fanart
>paired with the writer of the most populad title in Young Jump
It seems drawing fanart comes with its benefits

Second most popular title, don't forget Kingdom

Editor of Act-age said he found the artist while looking for the fanart for some other series he worked on back then.

>better artist than himself
I just woke up and I'm already crying
Thanks user, that was a good laugh
What a way to start the day!

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>and especially not if he works with a better artist than himself.

But in art wise, Yorimen already a better artist than Aka.
He also often working with Souichi Taguchi ( Three days happiness artist ) for oneshot or someshit.

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I said artist, not writer. I love Kaguya way more than Toubun but Aka's art is definitely not his strong point.

You think aka is a good artist?

>I didn't know that negi was like that
Negi is a crybaby who's butthurt about some series that ended 14 years ago and in effect he botched his own series because of it. Imagine. 14 years of fucking butthurt that you let it ruin your own series. Fucking Ayafags I swear.

sorry forgot
World Trigger perhaps?

what an abysmal combination

You misunderstand. I said Aka wouldn't do the art with a better artist, the writing is a dierent matter. He even joked once about how he wanted the Juliet artist to be the one to draw Kaguya instead.

yoko's art really doesn't go well with Aka's style of writing in my opinion. This also smells like idol garbage. What a shame, I thought Aka was better than this, it's alright for him to milk fools through Kaguya when it should have ended already, but doing this kind of stuff is going too low.

*different matter*

I don't make comparisons of the artists I have read, but I like Aka's art

>Juliet artist
Most good artists are idiots and can't write shit, nothing new there. Give a manga where both art and story are good

You should wait until we actually know what the series is about to do this kind of judgement. Besides people said the same shit when he started Kaguya after IB and they were all proven wrong.
>it's alright for him to milk fools through Kaguya when it should have ended already
So it's just a shitty bait, nevermind then.

Aka got bribed with pussy.....

Wait, Aka is already married?

Great more breaks for Kaguya.

With his editor, yes

>Aka's art

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The editor whom Kaguya herself is based on? Wow that's nice and cute.