Spoilers out
Kimetsu no Yaiba
He ded forever? Did the series wrap? I stopped reading when that stoneface edgelord bitch fought the annoying smiley guy
Has this manga officially jumped the shark?
it went absolute fanfiction cringe
So if tanjirou isn't immune to the sun he'll just run away before the burns get too debilitating.
If he is immune, and the manga is going to continue, then nezuko will make him temporarily regain some part of his humanity he'll be conflicted and run away.
so basically talk no jutsu backfire. Muzan learned from his enemies and success
Fucking called it, LastArcfags utterly and completely BTFO
I feel like this will all be some cop-out to surprise fans and Wani will make up some bullshit asspull
wonder how they're holding up?
>Died in the same state he was born
Hopefully Kanao will save him or something later
It’s not ending until August at least
Defend this shit demonbros
Muzan was one ugly was baby
but this is already a bullshit asspull though
DEMONJIRO could you please behead Zenitsu?
Why HxH ruin everything it touched?
What a handsome man.
>It’s not ending until August at least
LastArc Fags will probably think it's ending in august
He's going to stop himself after seeing Nezuko. It's so painfully obvious that I don't know how you guys don't see it. This scene is so telegraphed.
>Kanaofags still trying
Nezuko will give him a kiss
if Tanjiro lives through this, fuck wani
Why August?
Is it next volume?
That when the popular poll result get announce.
it's very memeable and people couldn't come up with an actual criticism or praise.
Looks too human
Any moonrune reader here?
>Tangerine gets killed by his friends before he kills someone
>Tangerine is saved by some Nezuko shenanigan, mirroring the beginning of the series
>Tangerine escapes and we get another arc
>Tangerine escapes and we get a time skip, series goes full Jojo part 2
Which one will it be anons?
So he still in the feral state like most newly turned demon?
So Nezuko is still the only one sunproof?
wani is a shamless fucking hack
>Tangerine is saved by some Nezuko shenanigan, mirroring the beginning of the series
> Then kill himself like Akaza or let other kill him
>Tangerine is saved by some Nezuko shenanigan, mirroring the beginning of the series
This one, he'll see Nezuko and Tan mind will awaken and fight Muzan's for control of the body
It was roughly translated 2 threads ago, albeit Moon-Spic-Eng
>dead pillars become new upper moon demons
>Nezuko and co. become pillars
>UM Love still a useless demon
yup judging from this page
> Tanjirou with the help of Yushro live on as an immortal demon keep searching for the blue spider lily
> The epilogue showed him visit his love one grave in the present day.
There's no way Muzanjiro actually escapes here
>Tanj is literally just alive to suffer more
>Tanjirou is immune to the sun
Jojo part 2 with grown up Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu would be sweet.
First time we see a Kakushi without their mask?
>Tanjiro p-please stop LIVING
>Giyuu cry when stabbing Tanjirou
>Muh Tanjiro resistant to sun fags already btfo
If Wani doesn't follow through and have someone kill him the whole ending is a shitshow.
No running away.
No sudoku.
No nezuko talk no jutsu.
Someone needs to run their blade through his neck.
Some Nezuko shit is guaranteed, otherwise the ghost ancestors and Kagaya wouldn't have sent her. And it won't be her getting eaten by Tanjiro or something, it has to be benign at worst.
God this is so fucking retarded. I feel like the only good outcome is Wani not driving her manga into oncoming traffic and cancelling this chapter out with a Nezuko talkdown as quickly as possible.
If this is the start of another arc it is a fucking legendary Jump sellout that I hope becomes a disaster.
so these are people who gonna take down Muzanjiro
Chapter 201: Demon King (Muzan backstory time)
Muzan: I was accompanied by death ever since I was in the womb.
My heart stopped beating multiple times in the womb, and I was born a dead infant.
I only made a sound when I was about to be cremated.
Muzan: I have done everything to satisfy my desires, but my power is limited.
Ubuyashiki, I must admit that you are right. All living things will die without exception, but thoughts are eternal.
Muzan: I do not remember anyone that I have killed.
Physical death is the end.
But so what? Thoughts are ever-lasting and indestructible.
I witnessed this whole process, which shocked and moved me.
My body will be destroyed by sunlight soon.
Muzan: However, my thoughts are indestructible.
I will entrust everything to this child.
Although he stopped breathing, his cells are not all dead.
I still have time to inject my blood into his cells to save him.
Kamado Tanjiro, you will conquer the sun and become the strongest demon.
Muzan: since you are Nezuko’s brother and the only person who can use the same breath as that monster (Yorichi), I believe in you.
You will not die. Muzan: Accomplish my dream, Tanjiro. Annihilate the Demon Slayers in my place Tanjiro revives, which shocks Giyuu.
Giyuu: Tanjiro turned into a demon! Restrain him under the Sun, kill him before he kills another person! (Please, die as a human)
Zenitsu: What a cruel turn of events! (Inosuke rememberer a conversation between the three of them) “We are brothers-in-arms.
If someone goes down the wrong path we must stop them, no matter how unbearable.
We must walk the right path.”
Inosuke: I will stop him.
I will kill him.
But when his blade reached Tanjiro’s neck, Inosuke could not bring himself to decapitate him.
Inosuke (crying): I cannot do it.
End. Fake demon king: Muzan Real demon king: Tanjiro
>Shoving his nails into Giyuus head
Dude Nezuko talk no jutsu is a given. If not what the point she there.
And those are the spoilers for tonight
so far
Hope everyone is excited lol
Do I see Tanjiro killing a fucking Kakushi on the left
Honestly Muzanjiro right now isn't that strong. He still in the feral state with no blood art.