Why did the USA had to bomb civvies? Seems like a huge dick move

Why did the USA had to bomb civvies? Seems like a huge dick move.

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>builds war machine factories right in the middle of civilian neighborhoods
The Japs were about as honest as palestinians

You mean like how the Japanese tried to firebomb American civilians on the West Coast?

i cant remember the details to well but does anyone remember the story of a siege way back when and the stacking king or general was having a massive as fuck catapult being built
it was so massive in size that the defenders were calling surrender before the new weapon could be used on them and fuck their shit up
after hearing this the king was like fuck it, we spent all this time making this awesome weapon, were gonna use it
its like that

fuck off weebfag

Why did Japan have to ally themselves with a colonial warmongering state after generations of closing themselves off from the world?

Why haven't the japs fucking apologized for Nanking? Seems like a huge dick move.

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You mean the warwolf?

You reap what you sow. I wish we expanded the firebombing campaign beyond Tokyo. Shame we couldnt kill them all before they surrendered

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For sure United Stadian

Why don't just surrender before they did that, they fucking send out warning the day before it.

>Go on a crusade across Asia murdering all civilians in the name of your emperor
>muh Nippon stronk
>We have the Sun God on our side let's bomb country that's not even in the war
In this way, Japs have the biggest persecution complex in history. And they STILL haven't acknowledged their war crimes

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cause they're trash desu

America is a fucking continent you stupid burger ass.

You're right, the Japanese people didn't really do anything wrong. It was those crazy military generals who misled them into doing all this. They were never really THAT fanatical of nationalists.

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What does this have to do with anime?

It's also part of our country's name and everyone else in the world calls us that. You butt hurt spics are the only ones with a problem with it.

yes thank you, its been a while since i read about it

Civilian air bombing was common on all sides during WWII. The atomic bombs dropped in Japan are only asubset of a these historic atrocities; it is hardly as unique as you perceive it to be. Read a book, nigger.

the only people who think of anything else besides the united states when referring to america are the disgusting degenerates to the south that no one cares about

Now you are fucked up moron.
I'm not even from your continent.

Yes, I do remember that america has been pulling 9/11 since that long time ago.

>rape and kill millions
>Nooooo stop fire bombing one of our cities!
talk shit get hit

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Pretty much everyone bombed civilian centers in WWII ( British, Americans, Germans, Russians, Japanese, etc. ). If you're asking more about the atom bombs, that was both a way to lessen US causalities by cowing a nationalistic populace into submission and sending a message to Russia who was getting uppity at the time while also establishing ourselves as the premiere world power. Hell, it could be argued that many Japanese lives were saved as the generals who were pushing for the war might have been able to keep it going without the incentive of facing an enemy with nukes.


This thread became /his/ or even Yas Forums

1) They were a colonial warmongering state themselves by the time WWII came around
2) The good old US of A was doing everything short of firing the first shots to start a war in the Pacific
3) People from Japan who weren't suicidally jingoistic thought the attack on Pearl Harbor would put them in a good position to negotiate Pacific holdings and trade without further fighting

Why are burgers so edgy?

We aren't edgy we are sociopaths.
Edgy people want to kill you just because they like the color of blood.
Sociopaths want to kill you because you cut us off in traffic.

>Its another two nukes weren't enough meme
Well I mean hideyoshi sucks so...

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>Implying weeaboo propaganda is the same as race war inciting
uh, free palestine...?

I hate Japanese movies set during world war II. It's always about 'look at the horrors of war!" without ever mentioning who it was who started said war.

>Weeaboo muslims kicking native jap blood
you arab muzzie cucks dont even drink sake

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yeah shut your whore mouth.

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>Necks almost half of china
>doesnt apologize for it
big dick sushi energy

Imperial japan proved to the world (like spain) that you dont need nukes to carry oit the will of of G-d.

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They have several times. You just don't hear about it because gooks WANT to be perpetually butthurt.
That's not just a jab either they literally have a word for it en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_(cultural)
Japan has even donated millions to the families of those affected but none of it actually went to those families because the gook government pocketed it all.

>Why did the USA had to bomb civvies?
It was done solely to intimidate us. The whole "b-b-but this was needed to make Japan surrender" is a myth created to justify tho worst war crime in history, the likes of which Hitler had never done and it's easily disproved id you read a history book and learn that Japan surrendered because we had joined that front and defeated the Kwantung army (which our allies wouldn't be able to do due to having zero land forces), thus ruining Japan's hopes of retaining the territories they conquered on the continent as the only reason they kept fighting the war is because they hoped we would broker for them as a neutral side. As if the lie wasn't enough, Americans then proceeded to rewrite history and now a lot of young Japanese think it was us who dropped the bombs.

lay off the nail polish cleaner, slava


japan fucking deserved it

They were major dicks in the past and needed nuke to put them in line.

The U.S. was fighting japan before Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor was known about beforehand (entire carrier fleet conveniently not in port), was very useful to the U.S. and may even have been a false flag
The United States had been funding Chinas war with Japan for about 5-6 years before Pearl Harbor
All these are very basic facts that any history buff or even just a fan of military vehicles would know

>you could continue to firebomb the predominantly wooden cities of Japan, invade the country (or not, Russia was already itching to do so and was likely going to)
>option B, test out your kickass new weapon, demonstrate its power to the world, and more importantly Russia, and avoid having to invade the mainland
Yeah it's a real big mystery

Yeha and act like a total sociopath. By the way you cant coast on your hyper inflated eceonomy forver and when it falls, as every other nation has fallen, beware the wrath of the world. Expect full scale genocide of U.S. citizens.

I reject the concept of the civilian, since every single member of a nation contributes to the war effort every single member of a nation is a military asset and therefore a legitimate target for any opposing military.

Bombing major cities is acceptable because it is a military target. Bombing minor cities with no military objective is a war crime. The US and Britons have not admitted to their despicable war crimes during the 20th century 30 Years War.
Pearl Harbour was 100% a false flag and the US knew about it well beforehand, as well as provoking the whole thing. They declared war on Japan first by cutting off the oil trade. Economic warfare is one of the many aspects of 4th Generation Warfare. What makes America's war on Japan so embarrassing to the point they had to lie about what happened is that the island hopping achieved nothing except pointless casualties, and the nukes did not cause Japan to surrender. Americans are posers. It's a good thing OP posted In This Corner because they even say in the movie that Japan surrendered because of the Soviets and that there was nothing they could do.

Gooks are in Korea, amerimutt. You can't even keep your racial epithets straight.

ask a japanese if he considers himself an individual human being with his own dreams and aspirations and not just some ant

Not even mentioning how they funded the Chinese and urged them to attack Japanese territories, starting the entire Sino-Japanese war. In fact I'll go so far as to say that between the treaty of versailles and the sino-japanese war, the U.S. carries the greatest responsibility for WW2 coming to pass. All so they could fix their own economy that THEY destroyed.

Go to /x/ faggot. 30 years war there were no “war crimes” because the Geneva Conventions didn’t fucking exist. They got what they wanted and didn’t want to surrender so we bombed their asses. Yes, letting people get stuck in side the ships at Pearl Harbor and drown to death not knowing what happened was a “false flag.” Only a weaboo faggot could come up with shit like that. Why would we waste the lives of more US citizens when we can wipe japs off the face of the earth with the drop of a few bombs?

Oh please, do you really think a japanese doesnt have more dreams than an amerimutt? At least they can vote for multiple political parties, not just libdem kinda right and libdem kinda left.

japan has had the same ruling party since the war

>Yes, letting people get stuck in side the ships at Pearl Harbor and drown to death not knowing what happened was a “false flag.” Only a weaboo faggot could come up with shit like that.
Dude, its common knowledge that the U.S. DoD knew about the coming attack beforehand.

>Bombing major cities is acceptable because it is a military target.
Bullshit, they had no real military value. They were targeted because they were the only ones left.

Thank you, sleeper agent Mahmoud. One Saudi dinar has been credited to your account.

Don't pretend burgers didn't bomb civilian targets like Dresden.

>test out your kickass new weapon, demonstrate its power to the world, and more importantly Russia, and avoid having to invade the mainland
American propaganda. Look at the timeline and you'll realise that the Japs called a council to decide to surrender almost immediately after the Russians declared war. They did not react to the first bomb, and this was before the second bomb. The nukes were less devastating than the firebombing and the shogun knew this, but 1.5 million Russians on the border that just declared war is an unwinnable situation. When America revealed their hand to the Russians, it did two things:
1. Keep the conflict going on for another 45 years
2. Allow the Japanese to surrender to the Americans instead of the Russians because fuck the Russians those guys are crazy

The plan to invade the mainland was irrelevant because the Americans were not the determinant of Japan's surrender. Since Japan surrendered to America, not the crazy Russians, America pretends that they caused the surrender. This is ahistorical propaganda.
Responsibility for WW2 lies with Britain. But the Americans are evil people. Even after the war, they fucked over the Chinese nationalists so that Mao could win the civil war.
War crimes have existed since long before the Geneva conventions. All you need to do to understand this is read through peace treaties. Pearl Harbour was a false flag because it was used as an excuse to enter the war officially. That's what a false flag is. America knew it was going to be attacked because the Japanese sent them a message declaring war. The Americans pretended they didn't receive the message, mysteriously moved most of the ships out of Pearl Harbour and then let the attack happen. You Americans are brainwashed shitters and need to understand that the rest of the world hates you. The Japs keep making movies and anime about the nukes because they hate you for what you did.

Palestinians were kicked out of their homeland and replaced by non-Semitic foreign assholes that don't stop bombing schools and hospitals.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both minor cities and had no military value. Nagasaki was the city with the highest Christian population, and this is possibly a factor in why it was bombed.

I don't get it, was what I said a common talking point in Saudi propaganda?

Because the USA had to show that they are willing to throw nukes to form and protect their hegemony in the region as well as show the Japanese that they would genocide their entire race and country if they didn't capitulate.

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>didnt use AIEEEEE
you had one job user

You basically justified 9/11 / implied there's no such thing as "terrorism" since all targets are valid in warfare.