Alternative interpretations

Alternative interpretations

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Normally I find race-bending pretty cringe, but I found these to be really good.

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lmao niggaruto

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i was gonna make a "we wuz ninjas" comment but I like some of the art in the 2nd and 3rd image

Could he have beaten frieza? Would he be able to go SS? Would he even need to?

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The only thing I don't like is Itachi's dick sucking lips.

>give me your wallet no jutsu

It helps that the hair-styles are pretty well drawn and they work well for each character.
Having poofy blonde hair works well for Naruto
Having tendrils also work swell for Sasuke and his whole too-cool aesthetic

black Nagato would be kino

Black Josuke feels like the real one

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>The white world shall know Pain

Akatsuki-themed Soundcloud rappers are the funniest fucking thing

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All these niggers in the thread, kek

I don't like Naruto's face, hair, or lips, he looks kind of like a feminine clown, sasuke's hair is a little girly too. I like Sasuke/Sarada's kid forms in the 2nd image a lot, 3rd image is just overall good, the Pain interpretation is best imo but the other 2 look good. I think a more serious facial expression would have served Nardo better in the first image

Go on.

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I mean it is the original.

dude thats just prince

sasugey doesnt look so bad , but naruto looks retarded

Filename my man.

Naruto on the first one is find of fucked, the rest is surprisingly not bad. I'd read an original manga with this art.

Black Pain makes some sense, being an african overlord suits him with all the piercings and summoning giant statues and spiritual stuff.

The issue is there is definite talent here, but its being used for someone else's work.
If this person directs that talent towards making something novel then they might actually be set for an impressive work.

Yeah, that's why I said I'd read an original manga. It's not really an issue either way, I just don't give a shit about Naruto, or redraws. It's not like this is somehow less artisitically genuine than the thousands of Touhou doujinshi.

Could have beaten Frieza but I don't think they'd be able to go super saiyan on command. You have to know how to do it, right? Goku had no clue, Vegeta just had legends - it was the actions that coaxed it out.

There's a black dude on youtube who, you can tell really like Bleach, and now legit makes a comic in the style, or at least a close approximation.

What her name figured out the back tingle method. Vegito probably can too.

Forgot the link:

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I want to be racist but I dont mind it tbqh senpai-alam.

Story of my life

>Many years ago, humans acquired fruits called “Black” from a tree that descended from the skies, which turned humans into sorcerers. Although all Black are now extinct, humans still have sorcery inherited from their ancestors but as generations go by, the effects of black in the bloodline diminishes.

>Blessed by “Merlin” (aka the god of sorcery) with the Arodihs arm, Sano, a young sorcerer raised and trained in isolation and secrecy to be the world's savior known as the "Trinity", has now been released into the Eden continent for the sole purpose of "dawning the Infinite night". The infinite night is prophesied to eclipse wars past in mayhem.

>As his fellow gifted allies and sorcerers accompany Sano on his quest, Sano learns that treachery, betrayal and evil have plagued nearly all of Eden. Suffering from the hauntingly reoccurring nightmare of his father's demise, Sano struggles to live up to the title of the Trinity but will not rest until the mysteries of these tragedies are resolved. Sano seeks to find those responsible for his loss and walk path away from revenge but rather one towards forgiveness to find closure.

>Ridding Eden of evil will require him to learn the secrets behind his father's research on fully rejuvenating the effects of black in bloodlines with the immense new source of power that is “Apple Black”.

Fucking yikes. Art is decent though.

>Sasuke, you're like a brother to me man, we we were tight n shit homie. Shit was good holmes, but now you wanna throw that all away just to fuck wit some ol' creepy as snake motherfucker? Sasuke this some ol' faggoty ass bullshit right here, nah mean?

>Ay, it ain't like that, Naruto . I'm an avenger n shit and in order to carry out my sworn obligation I need all the shit I can get so I can go slap that honky ass beatneck ninja I'm forced to call my brother. The creepy snake dude is just a means to an end, and once my ninjutsu game is on fleek I'mma bury that fucker six feet under, can ya dig it? I ain't into no fruity ass nakama shit, that shit is for gay ninjas.



Ehh, if not for the low quality DnD names its a pretty standard get the MacGuffin Plot.
The art seems nice enough to carry it

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As I said, he really likes anime. It just think it's impressive just how like his art is to Kubo's. And he is living the dream I think many on here had when they were younger.

That's a different Universe ass pull, bro also it's piss poor character development fuck Toriyama

Itachi looks like a black woman here

^Looks like a Jap woman in the half the time in the OG too.

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Hahaha wtf Itachi looks even more girly now

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What have you done to my penis

This would have made the series a million times more interesting. Hell, Super should have started with someone wishing Goku was a girl.

Anyone know where to read this, while we are on the topic?

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A classic

As a black guy, this stuff makes me cringe so hard.

>As a black guy
Im sorry you're black.

This sounds just contrived enough to be japanese

As long as it is done nicely and not some Tumblr shit were they just give people dark skin along with a billion physical deformities and mental issues to make the most special character I don't see the problem. Would be pretty funny if the same guy did Killer B and the Raikage as white, desu.

Nah, I love it.
I feel you. It can definitely be done well, but the majority of it that I’ve seen is the cringe stuff.

The problem is that a lot of people do it in a way that shows a lack of respect for the original work and it shows that they are just trying to feel proud of themselves for being 'progressive'.
If you want to make Mexican Naruto, go for it. Remakes and remixes of older works have been done for millennia. Many of them are just as good if not better than what they take from.
But do it in a way that feels novel. Make it its own work that uses Naruto as a base to build from and develop, not just 'here's an anime character that I made brown because I want to feel like I'm part of a movement.'

If it is done in admiration for the source material I see it as okay, as with the re-colouring above, if it's about vandalizing the characters to stick it to the Man^TM that's rarely good.


I have a distinct memory from high school of this chunky ghetto dude screaming “I’m niggato” and attempting to wall run on the gym wall but he just kicked a hole through the plaster on first impact.

does the N.S stands for Nigga Sasuke or Naruto Spic?

How do you feel about brown or tan edits?
I don't mind the ones that just adjust the skin tone rather than facial features or hair, because they're most likely done for fetish purposes.

Why are all the characters white?