Re: Zero


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posting best retard

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>but a crazy slut


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___ is so lovely

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isn't she technically felt's like, great great aunt or something?

God I wanna fuck felt

Is season two gonna get to arc 5?

probably not. would be weird to have the 1 year gap mid season

No. Arc 4 is big enough to last two cour.

They're related somehow, I don't think it was that far back though and I don't know the exact path.

Yeah, I think I heard somethin about Capella being a princess whose death was feigned, and Felt being a princess who was kidnapped as a child, dunno the reason behind that I'm struggling through Arc 6 rn
Doubt it, Arc 4 is long enough even considering the LN condensed most of the exposition

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When is new season coming out?

>season 3 slotted for 1 year after the end of season 2
It would be kino.

I suppose I can wait another four years.

Meant to be this season but coronachan killed the chink offshore animators so it got delayed to next season.

July. Hopefully this does well enough they'll push through to arc 6 at least.

If we get arc 5 leak fag might have been confirmed semi correct. but like fuck that would happen

Speaking of which, can someone spoil how Lust is tied to Meili and Elsa?
Is Capella the 'mother' figure Meili was referring to?

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LN is just now getting to Arc 6, so my guess unless tappei starts dumping out tons of more WN chapters after season 2 to get to arc 7 or 8, LN is gunna overrun the WN, and the way the LN is structured is its direct edits of the WN, per the contract and the hullabaloo that the LN has become compared to the WN.

Arc 5 and 6 anime will be at least by the time the LN is in Arc 8, and that won't happen until the WN is in Arc 9, etc

Thats just my theory though and looking at the patters of placement the anime, LN, and WN get to in pace of each other.

She seems to be, yes.

When was that referenced? Or is that later then chapter 30 in arc 6?


>those two in the same room together at any given point

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Well the first season actually ended in advance of the LNs is was adapting. The LNs are starting arc 6 now, so put a fairly aggressive year gap between a 1-cour version of arc 5 and then another year gap for a 1 or 2-cour arc 6 and the LN would have had plenty of time to be ahead.

So many people in this thread are already infected with dragon blood.

Arc 5 is going to be weird if it ever gets an adaptation. Too much content to fit into just one cour but too little for two cour.

They can probably trim quite a bit of fat if they wanted to, the anime doesn't really seem to give a shit about world building or side characters.

I haven't gotten past like, 25, but I just made an educated guess based on some vague passage in Arc 5 where Capella is described as shapeshifting into Elsa but no one is alarmed because Subaru and others who have met her before weren't there.

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reading discount's LN comparison
> section 5: everyone punches ros, and, get this: ros unravels some bandages to reveal magic g l o w i n g blue/white stripes on his chest; apparently, when subaru made a bet with him, he SECRETLY PLANTED A CONTRACT BETWEEN THEM! the one that was supposedly deleted! the summarizer says that it has the desperate air of a retcon of an obvious oversight (I can only give a k e k of complete and total agreement). I'm too lazy to go reread but I swear that directly contradicts something otto said about contracts in the WN! oh well that's pretty much the least offensive thing that's happened so I'm barely even mad. anyway everyone's pissed at him, but otto says that the contract means ros is obligated to uphold his side of the agreement; that's why he's showing it to everyone. garf is angrier here than he is in the WN, and demands that ros promise not to screw with anyone he cares about again; ros surprises and pacifies him somewhat by swearing a vow on dona's name.


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section 7; emilia finds ram and ros in the snow, her yelling in the same as the WN, the difference
is the arrival of the oousagi. lewes told her to watch out for dangerous witchbeasts along the
way, and;
>Emilia: "'I've done enough'; I refuse to accept those words from anyone. As long as I'm still
alive, [enough] won't do! —So, I refuse to give up on anyone!"
>Standing, Emilia spins around, instantly swinging her arm to send a wave of frigid air at the
forest behind her. The witchbeast leaping at her freezes from head to toe in midair; a small, snow
white being, with red eyes betraying it's malice.
—The witchbeast, [Oousagi], has finally come.
>Emilia: "Come at me. ... Because I am indeed the witch. And because Puck's here."
>The witch of the glaciated Elior Forest, and the great spirit who became her protector, Puck.
—Who better to bait the squeaking horde clacking its teeth as it approached?
>Emilia placed a hand on its chest, touching the remain of the crystal hanging there, as if in
>—Not to pray for help, but as a vow to do what she'd said she would.
>Emilia: "Take Roswaal and Ram with you, back to the tomb... I promise, I'll keep all of you
>At Emilia's confident order, the maidens who resembled Lewes rushed to obey.
>This was the prerogative of the one who could direct the Lewes clones as they wished,
regardless of right or wrong. —Emilia, however, was the most heroic and magnificent holder of
the prerogative in four hundred years of Sanctuary's history (jesus fucking christ that just goes so
fucking far that I don't even have the capacity to react right now).
>The breaths of the witchbeasts, approach step by step, were put to an end; Emilia cleared a
bloodied path as she rushed to the tomb. The girls behind her followed as if she were a ruler
they'd sworn endless fealty to.
>—Not a trace of cloudiness remained in Emilia's eyes or steps.
excuse me while I go bleach my brain of what I just read

this absolute gem of Emilia shillery

Will Rem say "Who's Emilia?" at some point?
It would be funny.

>best retard
Umm bro something's wrong with your Minerva pic?

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>Emilia: "'I've done enough'; I refuse to accept those words from anyone. As long as I'm still alive, [enough] won't do! —So, I refuse to give up on anyone!"
>Standing, Emilia spins around, instantly swinging her arm to send a wave of frigid air at the forest behind her. The witchbeast leaping at her freezes from head to toe in midair; a small, snow white being, with red eyes betraying it's malice.—The witchbeast, [Oousagi], has finally come.
>Emilia: "Come at me. ... Because I am indeed the witch. And because Puck's here."
>The witch of the glaciated Elior Forest, and the great spirit who became her protector, Puck. —Who better to bait the squeaking horde clacking its teeth as it approached?
>Emilia placed a hand on its chest, touching the remain of the crystal hanging there, as if in prayer.
>—Not to pray for help, but as a vow to do what she'd said she would.
>Emilia: "Take Roswaal and Ram with you, back to the tomb... I promise, I'll keep all of you
>At Emilia's confident order, the maidens who resembled Lewes rushed to obey.
>This was the prerogative of the one who could direct the Lewes clones as they wished, regardless of right or wrong. —Emilia, however, was the most heroic and magnificent holder of the prerogative in four hundred years of Sanctuary's history (jesus fucking christ that just goes so fucking far that I don't even have the capacity to react right now).
>The breaths of the witchbeasts, approach step by step, were put to an end; Emilia cleared a bloodied path as she rushed to the tomb. The girls behind her followed as if she were a ruler they'd sworn endless fealty to.
>—Not a trace of cloudiness remained in Emilia's eyes or steps.
excuse me while I go bleach my brain of what I just read (this is discount user's reaction btw)

>Flugel sage known to be omniscient conveniently sets everything up for Subaru to succeed
>His artifacts are connected to Od Lagann the core of the world and records everything throughout time
>Subaru looks, acts, smells, and writes like Flugel
>Flugel also took care of and loved Satella
>Subaru randomly shouts he'd save her

So Subaru is Flugel who restored himself 400 years and Satella gave him the power to return from Dead because Flugel told her too. Seeing all choices that could be made through the Od in a hope to save Satella from the witches that are seperate from Od. So Subaru's father mother and everyone else is long dead

My theory at least also Satella is nothing more than a spirit so the Flugel soul will probably be stored somewhere too

And yes, supposedly both parties should have full knowledge of what the contract entails. This reflects poorly on Emilia in the WN because that means she agreed to a contract that kills everyone in the event of her death. I'll have to watch or read her backstory to see how this has been altered because I assume it has and that it's one-sided now and not her fault.

Neru-Neru isn't retard bro she is smart and compassionate and very powerful based nerupilled

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>throughout time
And every reset that has happened

If she revives for some reason while Emilia is still forgotten then yeah she could, but I don't really see how Rem gets fixed while Emilia isn't.

He doesn't look like Flugel.

>but I don't really see how Rem gets fixed while Emilia isn't.
If Subaru could only restore one person, it would be Rem. Emilia's case is THAT serious except the whole election business - she's still alive which she should be thankful for. Same thing with Julius, Crusch, and everybody else (except those comatose people in the city).

He's 16 but he resembles him just not entirely. So safe to say he'll look different full grown

Subaru is 19/20 by the time anyone gives a description of Flugel, and they all agreed he resembles Julius more than Subaru.

Thought Yamaha was 17 when he got isekai'd and thus at least 18 after the year-long timeskip + post Arc 5

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I know for a fact they say he looks more like Julius not in a literal sense, but because they both have "handsome faces"

>Thought Yamaha was 17 when he got isekai'd and thus at least 18 after the year-long timeskip + post Arc 5
you're somewhat correct, but they only get a description of flugel during arc 6 where he's 19 or nearly 19.

He's 17 when the series starts and turns 18 shortly thereafter. There's a year-ish timeskip between arc 4 and 5 and the current travels during arc 6 are taking quite some time. The whole trip might take up to 6-months or so, so he's currently probably 19 but could be up to 20 by the time this is over and depending on exact timeframe. The twins are slightly older than he is and Emilia is obviously much, much older.

>oh well that's pretty much the least offensive thing that's happened so I'm barely even mad.
Oh god

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Tap dancing dick wizard battle, good for memes, bad for dramatic character scenes. Especially because that's Ram's 'big scene' the culmination of everything she actually wants and as a side character she doesn't really have a lot past that.

What ever happened to Subaru's leg tht got tainted with Dragon Spooge? Is it still all black and corroded or whatever?

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Yeah, and his arm. They got aids, but cool aids that makes them slightly stronger and regenerate.

He still has dragon aids in his leg and arm but it gives him a slight STR buff instead of anything else.

Wait so if he were to go through with fondling Crusch's hot lady knight body, taking the aids onto himself, wouldn't his entire body become super strong and regenerate at the cost of the temporary pain of taking said aids onto himself?

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copy pasta

Possibly, although iirc it was painful to absorb the aids and it might not actually be good for him with too much of it. Felix told him to stop. Now that could be because Subaru was helping Crusch and Felix couldn't and he's jealous and butthurt because he's a little fucking shit, but it's hard to say.

Well he’d become black if he did

And we can't have that, now can we?

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My only regret in binging this show is that I missed the ep 18 shitstorm.

At last I truly see what Felix was trying to stop.
It wasn't concern.
It wasn't envy.
It was racism.

does he sperg out again or what

How did you miss it? Literally every single thread that day was about the episode

He sperged out before, his reaction here is after he's all good and sperged out.

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Imagine if this episodes reveal happened back at that time like it should've

I ignored the shitstorm since I wasn't watching rezero at the time. I don't think I was watching much anime at all that season, except for Sweetness and Lightning, so I didn't browse Yas Forums very much.

You'd sperg too if you were interrupted with some bullshit while proposing a threesome.

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>Director's cut kept in Julius's yaoi hands in the final episode
pffffhahaha oh no no look at his hands

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It's crazy how much the anime can extrapolate scenes to make the dude look as cringy and hard to watch as possible.
Sure he's retarded in the WN but to see his face go muppet mode in 1080p 24fps is a real paradigm shift.

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Cute boy.

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Only Julius got anything in this cut. Clearly it's the work of fujos so why would they cut the yaoi hands?