
How is it that Kakine got his own spinoff series, but Misaki doesn't? Kakine is best known as "that guy who got his ass kicked by Accelerator" while Misaki is one of the most popular characters in the series with top sales in merchandise.

And before anyone mentions Astral Buddy, even Misaki herself admits that she's not the MC of it.

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>reddit spacing
don't coof on me sir

Mikoto has a large dick.

>Misaki is one of the most popular characters in the series with top sales in merchandise

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Misaki herself is boring. Drill girl does all her dirty work. Misaka is only good for teasing.

Why is there only 5 original threads allowed on Yas Forums at any time.


Misaki doesn't need her own spinoff. She's featured plenty everywhere that isn't the Accelerator manga. Any more Misaki would be over-saturation.

In speaking of Misaki though, I'm most interested in GT2 out of everything we know will be coming. I wonder if she will feature in it. Perhaps. There's that theory she might have had her own adventure for Christmas Eve and ended up seeing the Anna kiss too.

She's too hard to write around. Her ability is usually an instant win and when it isn't she's fucked. Kamachi shot himself in the foot when he made her unwilling to use the clique as direct soldiers. She is both too strong and too weak. Accel pretty gets written out of his comic until it's time the end the arc.

Shitsaki is generic trash only retards like.


Misaka appears often in both the main series and she gets her own spinoff too.

Misaka is actually a good character people want to see

Misaki appears a lot in the main novels, Mikoto's spinoff, AND the spinoff of Mikoto's spinoff. Also why are you implying Mikoto's not also in danger of over saturation?

Aine is infected!

Attached: ApocalypseWitch_v02_10.png (1025x1455, 2.48M)

Away with you vile beggar

What is the whore saying?

give me a hug user

Is Touma a horse archer or heavy cavalry kind of man?

Infected Yas Forumsniggers get out

Attached: 1485938098195.png (1212x1111, 2.34M)

rude user, we just want a hug


Jesus, all the infected are here

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I'd rather get a magic spinoff
I vote for an Etzali one because its in AC and we would get Xochitl brown fanservice

They fucked off for a few hour then I guess they got bored of Yas Forums and came back here or something, fucking crossboarding filth

>MP is a Yas Forumsermin
everything makes sense now.

Astral Buddy is Misaki's spinoff. It rightly features a weaker character that the reader knows nothing about as the protagonist so Kamachi wouldn't have to write absurd shit for her to be reasonably challenged and her character development wouldn't be held back by novels that are much further in the timeline like Mikoto and Accelerator.

>Astral Buddy is Misaki's spinoff.

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>good character


How do I get myself infected?

Tomua ending up with Kuroko would be based. They have a lot of chemistry together in the few moments they shared together in the series.

You can get permabanned if your infection reaches critical levels.

Fuck I wish that were true, the site would become good again

Misaki becomes shittier the more focus she gets, she should remain a side character forever. Even better, she should officially become gay for Mikoto. Being around that thunder gorilla genuinely made her 300% more entertaining.
I'd rather have an Othinus prequel or an Aogami spin off.

A Misaki spinoff will be redundant with Astral Buddy already covering her side of the events.

Kys apefag

>Fuck I wish that were true, the site would become good again *sip*

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Anyone remember what she is saying in this gif?


>Kys apefag
I'm clearly an Othinusfag in case your room temperature IQ failed to notice.


Attached: [Horriblesubs] To Aru Majutsu no Index III - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53.jpg (1366x768, 146.89K)

Sure thing Mikoto cuck

Shitdex III was a mistake

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Do you expect GT2 in June? I think we'll get another HO volume before GT2.

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>I think we'll get another HO volume.
Great, I've only been waiting for more than half a year for that.

ho never
index forever

ho never
index forever
AW 3 and anime soon

Misaki isnt the MC of Astral Buddy.

Is there going to be an NT adaptation?

Why do other Kamachi series make Indexlets seethe so hard? Are they THAT insecure about their low IQ battle novels being objectively inferior to masterworks like Heavy Object and BASED Sign?

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Imagine a series where Misaka is Misaki's slave.

You mean Railgun?

I do expect GT2 in June but it's not as if I'll get mad about having to wait till July.

dumbest shit i heard so far

Nice damage control, Indextard, but I was talking about Raildex as a whole.

Yes, and we got a major backstory for her in Mikoto's spinoff, which helps foreshadow her involvement the main series and we are going to get how her clique formed in AB. Idk what more a spin-off entirely focused on her can do.

check back in a few years

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Ask again

The same thing the railgun manga did? Story arcs where she is the MC? I mean thats like saying "well misaka got lots of screentime in Index so theres no need to give her a spinoff".

What are the chances of me getting married to Kamijou-san? I really love him and spend the rest of my life with him and have two children together with him and only him.