Easter chocolates.
Sexy buyfag thread
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Buyfagging is dead
You can stop making threads.
I CAN believe buyfagging is fucking dead!
*cough hack wheeze*
The show must go on.
SAL is basically on indefinitive hold until the whole corona-bullshit is over. Just got an e-mail from AmiAmi that my order from last month also won't get shipped. I JUST WANT MY KUROINU WALLSCROLL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
SAL is just the start.
Some of us won't get a plastic butt ever again.
At least the dude who was killed got out before all this started.
Natalia you got a voice!
If I die I'll donate you my plastic butts.
How long is this corona bullshit going to last anyway. I''ve heard so many contradicting things that i just gave up learning anything about it.
Until they come up with an antiviral which could be as early as fall.
Extreme measures will probably be in place for a couple of months more. But the actual virus will be around at least for a year.
Fuck, anyone wanna sell me their Illya?
>Not on the list of suspended countries
>Package has been stuck in Tokyo for 2 weeks already
Maybe they will finally find some room on an airplane now that half the destination are suspended.
Where did these go up for sale? I thought Amiami and HLJ normally carried Sega prize.
Suppose to release this month I'm expecting delays and a delay in shipping
I wish they'd make a normal, cooler looking Kuro in her battle suit. I love Kuro and idols but I can't have the latter on my shelves anymore.
No, Burgerstan.
Who knows that's what is so fun about it
What's certain is that buyfag threads will die faster than usual today with all those threads being made non stop
With all the delays and the shipping issues, there's not a lot to talk about. I mean sure, we could either talk about
>I ordered this figure when this all started and it arrived
>I ordered this figure and it's taking forever to get to me
But apart from that, there's not much. Have there even been any major announcements in the past few weeks?
Buyfag has an unbreakable, cast-off will of PVC.
I never thought trying to buy a trading card deck holder for a character I like would be the hardest item to collect of theirs. Tried requesting searches for the items from several places and those were all dead ends.
What a weird thing.
There's never really anything to talk about even when it's wonfes anyway, you can only talk about a figure for so long.
I'm curious if shops will go into rush mode today to send everything out before the ban is effective though.
It's already past midnight in Japan
This probably won't arrive until 2021
Even if they rushed most countries have stopped accepting those items, so its not like it will move from Japan anyway.
Just use EMS if possible, not a big deal
Is her circulation gonna be ok?
That might be a bit too tight, also, her tan loks like one of those spray-on tans.
So they can't do anything, I guess orders from countries that are not banned will get processed faster then.
It is tight because she is pulling the string user
I mean the leg band.
Anyone know what second from left is? Jlist completely baited me and they don't even have her on the site. I like her face and hair though, but I don't recognize her character. She seems familiar though.
Looks like a Tsunako character
Oh you're right. Thanks a ton user.
Posting pre-order collages (one of them is a second hand from amiami I haven't received yet but threw her in anyway).
Got my last order through just in time before the shipping stop tomorrow
I'm saving a good chunk of money thanks to being on lockdown
I might buy her when shit calms down
>Claims to be on lockdown
>Green post
Fuck off and stay home, you shitlord.
>replying to infected anons
I love that White Heart but the price is ridiculous so I never got her
Yeah my package got shipped out over a week ago but it hasn’t moved an inch from the initial Tokyo office it was in. I’m kind of an idiot for going with SAL right now though, I’m sure it’ll take over a month to get my package.
Loving anime a bit to fast?
dont even know why i updated it, its all getting delayed to god knows when anyway
I'm convinced many of the preorder collages aren't legit. I see tons of them but when it comes to "post your collections!", nothing.
post yours then
Is this from the guy that killed his family?
The stack of boxes looks familiar
No wonder
What kind of psycopath has a stand display and covers it with boxes anyway?
Because you don't even need a camera to post preorders.
I know most will get delayed, but I'm still looking forward to them.
But everyone has phones nowadays
Damn, Ranka really let herself go after losing the Himebowl
>liking Rem
no wonder he killed his family, absolute psychopath
death end re quest
Not them, but my room looks like total shit right now because I’ve been stewing in here all the time during quarantine. No way would I take pics right now
I don't post my preorders or my collection so I can see why others wouldn't want to post it.
That's the bros stuff. The killer liked Madoka and Miku.
I spent thousands on plastic butts and I wish I had saved my money instead.
More like buyfagging, been on the anime train since like 2003'ish, though there was a gap in the middle.
I mean I could just go downstairs and photograph the current collection, in the meantime though here's a collage of that, I'm pretty much doubling it in size at the moment.
But most rooms are usually not bad enough that you cant take a picture of a shelf or a display without it looking like you live in a dumpster
Some people seem to over state how much they buy in these threads, which is really weird and useless being that we are all anons
It's his brother's.