how exactly are they ruining anime?
How exactly are they ruining anime?
No simulcast. Do that and less people will shit on them.
Next is CGIshit.
Normalizing it, driving more and more people who have no understanding of the art that is anime to it, which in turn leads to situations like western feminazis and other tards demanding anime to cater to their needs. These 'people' tend to be loud enough for the content creators to hear them so we end up with products that cater specifically to them. Just take a look at Marvel and Disney, or Ubisoft and see what the 2010's did to them.
thismore normals = shittier product
The difference between comics and anime is that one is financially stable and the other has been dying since the 2000s
Stop holding back seasonal anime and broadcast then on the same day as Japan.
>using netflix
I shiggy diggy.
normalfag content and cg
they're a streaming service
Fund 2D in-Japan Japanese made animation. Push out originals.
Calling every show they license an "original", calling shows that are clearly not anime anime, making god awful cgi shows when they do have an original, batch releases killing any chance of discussion for the actual good stuff they get most of the time.
Also what this guy said Remember last year when everyone discovered Evangelion again?
They fund the anime they want to stream. The problem is that they give barely any money to japan, and im pretty sure they specifically request that japan do that shitty cgi art style
>Kengan ashura
>new gits anime
Basically they ruin everything they touch.
Beastars along with Houseki no kuni are the only two good looking cgi anime ever, and dorohedoro looks good enough of the times to be enjoyable, but everything else they fund in cg makes me extremely mad.
>let 18+ anime that would otherwise either not exist or get censored to hell and back be a thing
>promotes cgi
>brings in normies
It's saving anime
How is promoting cgi and bring normies in a good thing?
Netflix Japan is a thing.
Anime will still be mostly domestic focused.
More normies=more normiebucks
Cgi is literally the future of animation. It's not quite there yet but if studios are willing to invest in it every anime could be houseki no kuni tier
>Just take a look at Marvel and Disney, or Ubisoft and see what the 2010's did to them.
It's called capitalism, where you put profits above anything else to the extent that you let market research and trend chasing determine the the shape of your products instead of creatives.
>More normies=more normiebucks
that would turn anime into just another type of western TV
fuck off
It's not about money, it's about sending a message.
this what you want anime to become
Devilman crybaby was good though
>driving more and more people who have no understanding of the art that is anime to it
Anime fans have never any no understanding of it as an art form.
Not necessarily. Japs couldn't care any less about what westerners think and in turn weebs (putting sjws aside) mostly dig it that way. Besides it's not like anime isn't mostly total shit right now anyway
Money talks. Just look what happened when Sony moved its vidya division HQ to California.
Japanese stubbornness is strong, but shekels are stronger.
Studio orange is the exception, and i don't think it should become the new default, good shit comes out every year in traditional 2d animation provided the money goes into a good studio with a healthy schelude,it doesn't have to be all cgi.I don't hate CGI animation at all but i think that when it comes to anime it should be used as little as possible as a tool and not just make the whole thing in cg, look at what Ufotable does.
As for normie bucks, refer to this guys post
I don’t get why they want to he as cringy as possible.
Nice Netflix stealth advertising thread you're having here.
I'm still not using that service, and I will still use piratesites and torrents to watch whatever I want.
But don't worry, I use adblockers as well, so almost nobody profits from me. And I don't buy the shit that they advertise secretly in the movies and series they show. I only consume the entertainment media.
>Japs couldn't care any less about what westerners think
tell that to the japanese video game industry
>Besides it's not like anime isn't mostly total shit right now anyway
even isekai has better writing than this
>reee them sjws are taking over everything Yas Forums oops I mean Yas Forums
meanwhile Ishuzoku Reviewers just happened. Japs really don't give two shits, for them gaijinbux are just a bonus.
The comics and vidya industries regularly insult their customers, so I doubt they are completely motivated by shekels. Unless if someone’s paying them, who knows.
oh shit look at her foot what the fuck
Ishuzoku Reviewers got pulled off from a western streaming service and two japanese tv channels, so both western sjws and japs did give a shit.
>Japs really don't give two shits
Let’s hope it stays that way.
>t-these people don’t exist, they’re just a boogeyman!!1!
See here
If you have a captive market, you can do whatever you want. When a corporation is big enough (like Marvel, DC, EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft, etc), it can regularly eat the competition just to keep pumping out the poz.
Plus, they've nailed the best tactic, which is to make the first installment of any series excellent, then milk your stupid fucking customers because they "want to see how it ends". Look at how many stupid fucking bastards on Yas Forums bought Mass Effect 3.
The memesters are right. It's not about money. It's about sending a message.
>meanwhile Ishuzoku Reviewers just happened.
and they were banned from multiple channels and removed from funi now there's no way to watch it in most the west legally now just imagine if funi gets more powerful and their money actually starts to really matter to japan they would control the content
Cherrypicking a comic panel doesn't mean that anime will end up being that extreme. Even if sjws do manage to nudge them a little it'll probably won't affect the industry as a whole. Anime already has gay and futas (hell netflix did devilman) but they're not put on a pedestal and presented as "pure" the way sjws want them to but they'll still eat that shit up. I honestly wouldn't mind if there's a character like Ryo or something in a show every once in a while because they'll still be treated like a character like everyone else instead of some hamfisted purity sue that was just put in for muh representation
>Plus, they've nailed the best tactic, which is to make the first installment of any series excellent, then milk your stupid fucking customers
The thing is, many of these faggots don’t even make the original content. They just buy the rights to it. Like how Disney bought Star Wars; they didn’t invent it.
Not sure, but I haven't been tempted to watch anything in 5 or 6 years and that's around the time they took over.
Basically, bored anons just wanna talk about sjws and anti-sjws, because our lives are hedonistically awesome.
>but le chink virus threatens my livelihood
No. It only exposed that we're still all rich and doing well, and that most of us just work in bullshit jobs to keep us occupied.
>Even if sjws do manage to nudge them a little it'll probably won't affect the industry as a whole.
yes it would as they would control the flow of money from the west now go look at the people who run funi and CR and just imagine them having a influence on the industry just by saying "this doesn't meet their standards and they won't stream it" and anyone who subscribes to CR and funi or watches anime on netflix helps this
cgi garbage and *coofs* sjw themes
Netflix holds subs hostage until months after the anime is done airing. If they simulcast there would be less complaints.
Well then, make money, make your own streaming service company, compete with them.
how can I understand anime as an art form?
It was pulled from broadcast TV channels because it was essentially pornography.
How truly horrible it must be to wait for subtitles to some cartoons for a few weeks.
How did people back then survive, when they had to watch cartoons on television?
>implying that the sjws will give their sheckels to the anime industry
Western companies do all that progressive stuff not because they need sjwbucks but because they want to have a good pr. They're usually huge studios that everyone will comment on so they have to tip toe around whatever triggers people to present themselves as the good guys. Japan won't lose money if they don't give a shit about sjws because there are barely any that would give them any money anyway, no matter how vocal they are.
>now just imagine if funi gets more powerful and their money actually starts to really matter to japan they would control the content
They already control the content that the (paying) customers get to see. Funi benefits because they are a near-monopoly and can outbid all competitors for exclusive streaming rights. Personally, I think lawmakers should just ban exclusive licenses for streaming platforms, there is literally no benefit to the consumers. Imagine if multiple companies could stream the same series at the same time; it would force them to actually step up their game.
People need to realize that pure capitalism is a failure, and only leads to monopolies that ruin industries.
You can’t; they can outbid whoever they want. You capitalist cucks don’t realize that corporations are just as powerful as the government.
Eh, aren't exclusive licenses merely limited for some time anyway?
>Japs really don't give two shits
Not for long. They've already been showing signs of gettting poisoned by he west stupidity.
See SAO's author apologizing for the attempted rape episode.
Other channels still aired it.
I do stream most anime on pirate sites that I only watch once in a while.
By attracting people like you.
aren't allowed by the WOKE as they're considered transphobic
things would have to change as of right now there's a very problematic issue with japan fetishizating LGBTQRXYZ people
also no traps, lolis, non-obese women with large breast, every woman must be a yass slay queen I could go on
Meh, that's nothing. Other nip autors have to apologize to their otaku fanbase in Japan for daring to imply that some chick gets raped, so then they have to retcon the event and say that the perpetrator was just an eunuch.
And? Consumers want to see the most current series, so their options are limited.
>but because they want to have a good pr.
which would matter to studios if they have to keep in the good graces of companies like netflix
If anything, ishuzoku reviewers should be the ultimate sjw anime.
>non binary pansexual in the main cast
>muh sex work is real work
>prostitutes are treated with respect, no one calls them out and are presented as normal people
If sjws could make up their minds for two seconds about whether or not they like prostitution this shit should have been a hit for them.
You can’t make up your mind when you have no brain, user.
So there's a bunch of puritans pretending to be sjws. Big deal.
On the internet, I can be an eternal futaloli with tentacle penises.
My argument would be that anime is a uniquely Japanese cultural product, so however retarded it is, as long as the retardation is Japanese then there's some value to it. I have no interest in Western cultural products.