Yas Forums is for ass

Yas Forums is for ass.

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Remember to fap to lots of butts to boost your immune system!

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God I'm so horny (and not infected)

wild coomer spotted amidst the coofers

Yas Forumsooty > Yas Forumsss

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Go back.

woah there mind your distance bro, no homo, just need to be safe out here.

Tits > ass

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Wrong but thank you for posting my wife.

I like my girls with no ass and no hips

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well of course

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god bless

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Wanting to kiss, cuddle and fuck kaname ain't gay, gay.

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Why are Takane and Iori such perfect anal idols?

Prove it, faggot.


For Iori, it's her big forehead and tight butt.
For Takane, it's just her gigantic ass.

fucking fag

Iori is built for anal, but Takane is built for everything

I just fapped, this thread is pointless

Takane's only built for the biggest of cocks

Crawl back to /u/ gaylords.
If she looks like a woman, talks like a woman and screws like a woman then it must be a woman, a bitch in heat. What kinda man would crave for anothers cock?

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>Infected are faggots
Not surprising

I mean, when you put it like that...

Jun is nice

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Please post more of my girlfriend

I want to bury my face in this ass

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Ass too big.


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Why is Kaname so hot i don't understand

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I want to crawl up in there and take a nap

does fapping actually boost your immune system or is that just a myth

dick too small

Takane is made for rimjobs.

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You just know

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Imagine being such a faggot you prefer the hole where shit comes out

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How clean is Takane's anus?

How can you say you love her if you won't eat her poop?

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Asses are for eating.

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2D poop is chocolate.

Literally spotless. Basically edible anal juices.


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Yas Forums is for asympotmatic

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Clean enough to eat ramen out of

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Imagine taking out that plug and licking it in front of her.