Fate/Sakura Night: Heaven's Feel

It is the year 2020 and the best girl has won.
Sakura puffs up with pride.
Show her your love by singing her song!
Lyrics: miraikyun.com/haru-wa-yuku-aimer-lyrics/ send it at [email protected] !

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As an Illyafag, I am very pleased to see this project. Congrats Sakura, you really do have a loving fanbase.

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What's the best way to catch a Sakurafish?

Quiet, infected

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Less than one month until HF3, can't wait

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Remember, do not get close to Sakura!

Due to daily exposition to hundreds of drunkard and homeless dicks, Sakura is a hotbed for all kinds of infections.

Stay safe! Say no to Sakura!

Don't listen to this user, Sakura is healthy ad clean unlike the Rhino

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Sakurachads, keep practicing social distancing!
Stay healthy!
I love you!

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I love you too. Stay safe, user.

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But you're the one who is infected


Sakura is a good girl

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The cutest

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family reunion never ;_;

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I always love the feline mouth Illya's puts sometimes

smug little bastard

Digits and Sakura dies from Corona

Sakura really is kirei*.

TL note: Kirei means pure, clean, or beautiful.

Will they animate Sparks Liner High?


So, do you like Sakura's new look in HF True End?

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We know Shirou

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I liked the VN’s simple design better.

Very cute and fashionable. I like it

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Little big sisters are the worst.

I really, really, really love Sakura, bros.

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I can't wait for the OST in the last movie desu. That might be what I'm looking forward to the most. The scenes will be good I'm sure, but the OST will be godly in the last few battles, I predict

>OPs post
This is literal fucking cringe in its purest form. You fags really are the most insecure character fanbase on the board

Me too. I literally can't stop thinking about Sakura and how much I want to hug this beautiful girl
Sakuranons are the best. I love you too, friend

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Will they give us a Normal End OVA?

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>best girl
>barely exists for most of it
>is a lame damsel in distress for when she is relevant
Based low standards wormfriends.

>sing their love in bright daylight

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What do you want them to animate, exactly?

Show me one other fanbase for any character on this board who act in this insecure cringe inducing way.

You cant

>best girl
What the fu-oh, I see. Its an April fools joke. You got me, OP.

What the fuck newfag you really don't know Yas Forums sings??

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Shitposter kun I...

Lurk 2 years before posting you actual scumbag

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user should try to be happier. Being angry all the time is bad for your health

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>that picture
Saved, thanks kotominebro

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Sakura's life in the Normal End..? They could add some new scenes for Rin or Illya after the HGW too, since Normal End only focuses on Sakura.

Sakura a shit. No retconning film will change this

When's the BD for the 3rd movie?

Eh? What did they retcon?

I'm not feeling so well

torrent when?
torrent when?
torrent fucking goddamn when?

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In 5 minutes

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Two years from now

Reminder that even if Sakura was dewormed, her pussy is still a gaping hole from all the worm rape

>It is the year 2020 and the best girl has won.

Of course the wormslut is responsible for the pandemic.