Everyone is on Team Mini now

Everyone is on Team Mini now.

Whether you like it or not.

Attached: princess corona.png (616x758, 61.76K)

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Green is cute! Join us, we have Syrup.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.24_[2020.02.19_20.33.00].png (1280x720, 1.98M)

Team creme is supreme

Rub me down with your mint green flat chest, pound me with your puffy sinny cute& mini until I dry up like a green tumbleweed; but I will NEVER forsake my liege, Creme.

Attached: 083.gif (444x250, 2.7M)

I was a Minifag that day so many years ago and I never changed. I'm so glad anons see the light now.

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I knew we’d win out in the end brothers.


But you're already a gallant Sir Knight in my command, sir.

Attached: princess corona 2.png (734x804, 25.31K)

I've fallen to chaos? My lady Creme, your highness I...the mini flatness calls to me.

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give me your power

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All are welcome in My Ladyship's command

Reply to this post

Infect me with the good stuff, please my queen

Super virus here we go

Seek and ye shall find

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I remain Team Creme, and none of you filthy infected will ever corrupt me.

I will remain loyal to creme forever, no matter what torture waits for me


Here it comes!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.07_[2020.02.19_20.25.21].png (1280x720, 806.91K)

I think you need a bit of green

Come close and sit with me to receive my gift and blessing.

Attached: princess corona 3.png (1219x1502, 276.82K)

You infect my body but you'll never infect my spirit, I go down fighting!

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Based MINI

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Blessing? You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!

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I want to my Princess Mini's slave. How do I get stepped on personally?

Imposter! How dare you sullying her name!

Yes, your highness!

Peep still keeps me safe, you green ass typhoid BITCH


Worst flavor.

Mini Princess was and is superior.

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Minibro reporting in

Team peep was overrated anyway

Heres some infection bro


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based mini's won with slow and steady strategy

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Appreciate it.

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Allow me to join your cause, fellow mini brethren.

>tfw this year's April Fools gag is so lame we have to resurrect last year's gag to spice it up

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Goodbye team creme, I hardly knew ye

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dow is red and text box is green

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>Last year

Mini is the only team that never lost spirit at any point, even 2 years later.

That was two years ago, and to be fair nothing could ever really live up to it.

Haha sneeed

She kind of did. She's had the most popularity and staying power of all the princesses that's for sure. People remember that PB won, but Mini is the team that gets brought up most and gets the most art posted every time.

>last year's

This was pretty fun, not gonna lie.

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My brother...

What are you doing here, Yas Forums? I thought the board borders were being patrolled by giganiggas with sighted deagles.

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I’ve missed you Mini brethren.


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Mini never dies.


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ive been waiting for this with all my mini pics

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I want to roll around with Mini.

It's not easy being green.