AIPARE and Mewkledreamy (also prichan)

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AiPare rules!

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aipare sucks

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It's going to be one of THOSE threads, isn't it?

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AIPARE is neither good nor bad.

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I deeply regret not cleaning this image properly

I think Nico wants to kiss her wife Kotori

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The triality of ainon

Deal with it, nerd.

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Aine's smile rules!

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>using Hinamori Amu to troll
Impostor confirmed.

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If only Ex-Aid was here

Starschads have the best discussions

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I think people forgot Yume utterly destroyed Rola very early on in stars even without using rainbow memes

And yet, here she is, standing with equal footing to her in the Stars series finale.

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S-Starchads? I kneel

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If aikatsu was aimed at a different age demographic Rola would have been the main character

go away infecgeta.

Rola should have been the S2 main character.

Five minutes away from losing again on the first round.

imagine being a kyoot idle! oh wait i dont have to!
imagine being a fugly idle! oh wait you dont have to!

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>50 episodes of Rola crying a lot

An improvement on 50 episodes of Yummy stagnating because they don't know what to do with her.

Like always they don't really plan ahead when suddenly given another season

Name one fugly idle
Hard Mode: No Nina

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Remove infected lolis

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I want to fuck Ran

I hope all ainons who always want to die get their wish and become infected by corona-chan.

At least AiPare showed that Elza really did loosen up after being btfo by yummy yume

>Elza really did loosen up
Wow, what a slut.

nina is kyoot and super duper cotton candy looking!!! also she uses meccha which is MECCHA KYOOT!!!!!

this ones pretty fugly but .. wait ... i think... maybe i can work with it..
maybe this could be kyoot!
mascara and some lip gloss...

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Aipare Elza was 10x better than Stars S2 Elza. Actually a pretty good character this time. She's great when the world doesn't revolve around her.

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we're on our way!
get this girl some blush!
and i'm gonna need a brush!
lets make her beautiful!

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>hands on her face
YOZORA NO *cough*

Remember that stars ep where Rei was using actual wires instead of unspecified aikatsu magic?

I want to trap a hot dude in wedlock, or a JS.

>only signature posters are infected
Really makes you think.

Given that the dumb gyaru larper isn't infected that is an incorrect statement

This is the moment when Mahiru fell in love with Rola

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Sh-Should I reply to infected posters? What happens if one replies to me?

What do they do?

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I wish she was a dude larping, that'd be funny, instead she's an actual gal and used to post nudes around Yas Forums, so it's just sad

It was satisfying to see Elza being nice enough to care about her students and friends while not being nice enough to blindly put up with Raki's bullshit.

>nudes on Yas Forums
That really is sad.

Stars! was really inconsistent with what the Aikatsu! system did anyways.

im infected with kyoot!
and the love for kyoot idles!
im feelin super sick and idles are the cause, coughcoughyoot

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Stop that.

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Let's see

don't worry Ainon, I'll cough on you

Why would you do this?

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Purge yuro ainons.

what happened to the last thread? couldnt find it in the archive

reminder that anime had a /u/ ending


I want to die.

Uh oh-

> Nina is cute
Opinion discarded

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At least the real Nicoposter is safe.