Yunyun doesn't deserve any of the bullying.
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Every time
does konosuba get better after the first 5-10 episodes? or should i drop if i dont like it by now?
no you should keep watching it
Watched the ova today and finished first season this week
Quite a fun little show considering the last isekai i watched was probably SAO S1 and Im a casual who doesn't watch shows with "fanservice" or waifus usually
Still don't really get how its so popular though
also is the dub worth watching?
just drop it
You might as well drop it
Yunyun saved the day
I want to hug Yunyun.
did not expect megumin to be so horny
Give Yunyun impregnation and pregnant sex doujins
is that a slutty kazuma on the left
Hahaha what's up with Aqua
I felt bad for Kazuma here, he obviously likes Yunyun, he was practically frothing at the mouth to bang her right there in the living room
Yes please
>Calling bitches on their tsundere bullshit
Based Kazuma.
>locked in a room with megumin
>doesnt take the chance to go to town on her sweet minge
is kazuma fucking gay?
>He hasn't read the LN
Always bothered me he isn't flipping them off in the last few seconds.
>he reads the LN
Is Vol. 17 really going to be the last one?
Me on the left
Well thats it then its confirmed may 1st the last konosuba volume, no sign of an anime. Its all fucking over
Is Yun Yun a loner because no one likes her or because she doesn't try to befriend people?
She's a loner because she doesn't do autistic shit like the rest of her autistic race
please post Darkness
Why does she dress so lightly for winter? She might catch a cold.
Me on the right
>plebbit spacing
Go back to Yas Forums.
how could this have happened
Series is ogre
Did I understand it right in the movie that all crimson demons are actual bioweapons?
Why believe anything like that now, and if it was ending so soon it still would need a sequel.
Cute ending illustrations
The balding weird head guy altered(?) some people to be used as weapons against the big D, yes.
Kazuma likes any average or better looking girl with a pulse.
Author tweeted a week ago that big Konosuba news was coming soon.
Kazuma literally points it out in this scene.
The tempeature would have to be cold enough to freeze the air for her to catch, much less hit it. Clearly it's only like -5 or -10 C minimum.
Its fucking over, not even a fucking hint of a season 3, that Aquafag must have just killed himself
he posted in the other thread
D-did Yunyun tame a flying cabbage?
emperor zell WILL defeat the demon king.
was the movie original content or from the novels?
Rip Aquafag he said he would do it and someone that obsessed probably will.
i agree though fuck kadokawa we could have 2 more seasons
It was an adaptation of volume 5.
More like Komekko killsteals again and becomes the next DK.
90% the same until the ending where they revive themselves and make a big boss fight.
They also changed the final scene with Kazume and Megumin really slightly.
what'd they change?
as long as megumin wins.
>Kazuma spent half his fortune of manatite so she can cast 50 explosions
>possibly has the vampire's ring to use as a wedding ring
there is no doubt
They also changed the scenes where Yuiyui locked them in to fit the normalfag agenda.
Certain doujin need to be made canon.
They cut out a scene before where Megumin tells all her classmates Kazumas her man and brags about sleeping with him before the two of them go out into the woods alone to do the explosion and not learning advanced magic scene.
won't kazuma go back to his world if he defeats the demon king?
They really dropped the ball on Dust's anime design.
So now all we fucking get is more isekai quartet?
They can fuck themselves desu. Konosuba dies with a fucking pathetic whimper to the tune of a fucking gacha and a shitty spinoff. Fuck this
Being only half filthy rich is still being filthy rich.
The manatites are so he can chain cast dozens of explosions himself on the demon king to defeat him assuming the final battles the same as the WN.
It wasn't a heart explosion originally. They made it more lovey because they figured no Kono S3.
how is it dying with a wimper when it's getting a proper ending
>They cut out a scene before where Megumin tells all her classmates Kazumas her man and brags about sleeping with him before the two of them go out into the woods alone to do the explosion
my man kazuma exploded inside her? nice
I hope this volume's at least a biggun.
they kinda had to make it more lovey-dovey cuz they cut the campfire scene, the third night they slept together, and Megumin's confession.
With at least one explosion in Megumin.