Mods, Jannies, Hiromoot,
where is this year's gimmick?
It's April first already you lazy fucks

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not in Burgerland it isn't.

your aprils fools prank is a general sense of unease of not knowing what has changed

>It feels like it happened yesterday and yet so long ago at the same time

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Calm down retard. This is an American site.

Who /mini/ here

better be good this year
I want pure chaos

Mini is not even a flavor fuck you.

But this was two years ago when Easter and April 1st were the same day. Last year was the upvote shit.

why off topic thread like this kept alive, while live action thrread got banned while got said it off-topic while its based on anime/manga and allowed in rule

Fuck off newswine.

minichad always

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I hope they bring back the board merge and we get a non cancerous board like /ck/ or /an/.

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>while live action thrread got banned while got said it off-topic while its based on anime/manga and allowed in rule

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I wish /can/ was a real board.

That's boring, and most would quickly realize that's the prank and just be disappointed instead of uneasy, defeating the purpose of the inaction.

What's the likelihood it's gonna have something to do with coronavirus?

But I've heard Yas Forums loved the merge because the ponies drove out all the election immigrants.

You know there's this rare glitch (or at least it existed at some point) where pictures get mixed up and your post ends up with someone else's image? It would be funny if they did that on purpose and you'd have a small chance (~10%) of your image or even your entire post thrown elsewhere and get something completely unrelated?

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Fuckimg burgers slow ass burgers
Never forget ButterBros 4 lyf

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Yeah both sides embraced the merge pretty well, and people just made oc nazi ponies all day.

Hiroshima says one meta thread is allowed, and live actions belong to or at least

>tfw lost my mini folder

I can't wait to be used as an onahole on Yas Forums, april first is the only day where that board is good

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zero (0)
Mods are no fun hacks, it will probably be something twitter related, like how last year is reddit

>implying /mlpol/ wasnt one of the best mergers
Literally the best Yas Forums has been in the last 5 years

Right here. also pic related

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>april already
what's it like living in a non-NYSE timezone?
literally a simulation at best


Yas Forums becomes Corona-chan and all boards are locked-down.
The first post you make automatically bans you from all boards EXCEPT the board you posted on, quarantining you to that board for the rest of the day.
If you make a post with some variation of the words "cough" or "koff" or "coof" then your post is placed in isolation and cannot give or receive any (You)s.

last years was pure dogshit. i expect nothing but that for 2020 as well

That's pretty funny. But it sounds like too much work for it to be implemented. They would've had to start working in advance and it hasn't been that long since Corona became serious business in the West.

>this will never be real and we will just get a shitty "upvote" variation

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I remember when it first started it was nonstop bitching about how lame it was, and now here we are still remembering it as one of the best times.

candy wars was shit too if not for waifufaggotry, we might pull it off this year

Green Nico is good

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/can/ and /fitlit/ were both legit good boards

Yas Forums is in NA

>/can/ was just nonstop Kemo Friends posting
I miss it

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>election immigrants

/new/ was literally created because of the 2008 election and Ron Paulfags, newfag. I hate this website so much.

The actual reason it was liked is because Yas Forums has fucktons of bots/unironic shills and the traffic from that shit dropped 99% because they couldn't/weren't intelligent enough to figure out how to use /mlpol/ when the directory changed.

>implying this wasn't cool

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>Yas Forums has fucktons of bots/unironic shills
>This is what Yas Forumspigs actually believe
No one cares about your boomer-infested shithole you dumb retard.

Never forget.

I'll just sleep instead, posting on a single board would suck because I only like specific topics on specific boards and most of the rest is just awful shitposting/boring content.

Literally the only good thing

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/peep/bros report in!

Lotta seethe for someone who doesn't care.

>Yas Forumspigs

You're such a fucking newfag

That's such a good idea that it's never going to happen.

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I miss you /peep/le

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Right here my small friend.

Got you covered.

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fuck /mini/
/spa/ was kino

Team PEEP!
To be honest it was pretty stupid, board merges, that forced names and even that google interface or whatever were better.

>no crossboarders for an entire day
God, I wish.

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Board merges > Flavor wars

Reminder PB went from 0 to a 100, greatest comeback in history on the last day.

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I like April Fools because I can act as gay as I want without it being actually gay

>implying it wasn't scripted

>/new/ was literally created because of the 2008 election and Ron Paulfags, newfag. I hate this website so much.
You're a total retard and fake oldfag.
First there was /n/ - News in 2006 which got deleted at the beginning of 2008.
Then there was /new/ - News at the beginning of 2010 which got deleted around the beginning of 2011.
Finally Yas Forums - Politically Incorrect was created in Autumn 2011.

>tfw PB
I'll never forget it

>Small chance
>Not just setting the whole site on fire for 24h

>and all of a sudden the cremefags are silent

They were claiming that it was rigged as soon as they dropped 3rd

Never forget how chocolate threw.

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Let's not kid ourselves, it's only because of Canada they haven't done it yet

Hail Peep.

So anyone got any ideas what this years april
fools day prank will be past few years have been
>Yas Forums+ in 2016
>Board merger in 2017
>Cream/PB/Choco/Mini/Peep war in 2018
>Like and Dislike buttons in 2019

Reminder that the point system still should've implemented jumpscares or shock images into your browsing experience if you had a few amount of points
>anons directly sabotaging threads to ruin lurking for a full day
>sanctuary threads dedicated to giving anons points and having them inevitably raided
>etc etc
Would've also made the skellies and such actually rewarding to have

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Don't forget the dinos.

>[00:18] this years april fools is brought to you by dr pepper
Supposedly from IRC

ngl, you guys had the best candywars memes.
>t. cremefag

mfw i can't even remember what team i was on

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>peanut butter girl won
I'm proud of this board. Not crying, faggots.

who /chocolate/ here?

Reeses rise up.

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Surely the drink of intellectuals won't let us down.

I remember
I was peanut butter, I went to bed when we were last, when I woke up we were in first. Glad peanut butter won but it's bittersweet knowing that I contributed actually nothing to the process, and can't share in the victory.

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Wait are we going to go back to what the site looked like 10 years ago

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tomorrow at 12:00 they will launch Yas Forums 2.0. New layout, new functions, everything to brought Yas Forums to the next level, channers will finally know what is really epic. The joke is that will be a permanent change.

Instead of Anonymous everyone is named Moot causing mass confusion with people not knowing who anyone is
Bonus points if they give everyone his old Admin tag

>it was 2010 10 years ago

This I can get behind.

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Minichads ww@

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