Post anime girls taking drugs

Post anime girls taking drugs

Attached: cocaine.jpg (1149x1020, 1.04M)

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Why would a cute girl take drugs when she can just get dick for free for the same effect?

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What about girls who already took the drugs and are currently on those drugs?

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Clicked on this thread thinking it was Astolfo from the thumbnail but it's just the Hot Topic Idolm@ster girl. Gay.


Cute girls get drugs shoved at them every single place they go. Why not get drugs and the dick?

Kill yourself

based fetish

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This made me realize that anime never really show characters doing drugs other then cigarettes & alcohol. Weed isn't popular in Japan?

Extremely illegal. High punishments and public shaming for use of drugs in Japan,

Source please guys?

Wasn't there a Mangaka that was caught smoking weed and had his career ruined because of it?

I didn’t get a response so I’ll postit anyway.

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daisuki cannabis

The classic

Attached: [ShindoLA] METAMORPHOSIS (Complete) [English] - Chapter - 219.jpg (876x1278, 278.63K)

The mangaka of this is mentally ill or something?
Someone sane can't wite this

All it takes is depression

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I don't like this.

Yas Forums fucking HATES drugs.

It's funny because Japanese people are alcoholics and beer propaganda is all over their media

Attached: PUWAH in every fucking anime it tastes like RICE PISS.jpg (500x278, 24.31K)

Are drugs the most degenerate trash ever? Even worse when girls do them. Gross desu.

I wish japs weren't such narcs

Not gonna lie, alcohol a shitty drug to take. Bottom of the barrel garbage that's only accepted due to "culture and history".

The Japanese have a weird mentality where mental issues and addictions are your own problem/don't exist. So alcoholism isn't real and there isn't really any support for it.

degenerate? yes
hot as fuck? also yes

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Integralists get out reeeee

Is that a huge meth rock that she just rolled up into some hay or grass?

Meanwhile, they also believe dudeweed is a crack-tier addiction where you'll go crazy and kill your neighbor.

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Reminder cocaine is the reason we'll never hear Agiri voice anything ever again.

I used to smoke weed everyday and after 2 years of being sober I can say that it fucked with my head. To be more specific, it gave me a sort of state of psychosis where I'd have weird thoughts and basically say a bunch of stupid things. Still, it's good for highlighting your issues, but if used wrong it can make those issues take you over.

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That vision she has of what would've happened if her life didn't go to shit still gets me

Yeah and my dad works at Nintendo

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>if you take drugs you will lose your humanity

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Dumb idol

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I'm still so sad they didn't go deep enough into his drug addiction and lolicon in either the anime or manga.

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Someone post the Yotsuba one

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Thanks, doc

Name of the manga?

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Really nigga? Lmao

baby's first "fucked up" manga

Murder speculation part 2 is really great but this scene always makes me laugh. I love how Japan is so innocent that they seriously believe a super concentrated dose of THC would have the same effect on you as heroin.

Neither one of those gave any results.

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I know the Kaiji OST guy had something like that happen to him

have you tried reading the filename you faggot phoneposter?

This is almost too new. Please go back for your own good.

No hentai. If you're thinking of posting a picture from Metamorphosis do us all a favor and dont.

damn the shadow realm looking lit as fuck

EVERYONE was thinking about this when she left for America. It's good Yugi officially "inherited Atem's power" and just happens to have an entire harem of new Magican Girl cards in his deck.

Oh shit, so relatable.
It’s exactly like when I took 4 pieces of lsd and got to the mall.

The faces... couldn’t look at them.

It's already been posted lmao


>no one replied
Why is Yas Forums so obnoxious?


Tbf that was written in the 90s when Nasu was a student

Ingoshima has all the girls being forced to inhale some form of Aphrodisiac Marijuana so they're more compliant with being breeding Sows for the cannibal native rape cult.

Attached: ingoshima you're alive so fight page 6 horny pot .jpg (900x1355, 654.41K)

Thanks, that was actually useful. I had forgotten how to read it in spoiler images. Have a nice day, blessed user.

i want to drug a girl and make her dependant to the sustance so i can blackmail her to have sex with me so hard bros...

Attached: ingoshima you're alive so fight page 7 horny pot .jpg (900x1355, 527.82K)

Such a stupid manga but kinda fun too.

It's enjoyable in the same way a shitty slasher movie is enjoyable.

you wanted realistic portrayals? This happens all the time in the streets.

Thread theme:

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He is a sheltered user who thinks what he sees in SoL series is reality.

The artist is a woman, and her compatriots in the Doujin community actually began to become concerned for her because this sort of unusually grimdark content is totally out of character for her.

Was the layout always like that?

People always post that mistranslated screenshot out of context. The marijuana that Lio is selling is literal magical marijuana that was given to him by Araya Souren, a magus. It was specifically cultivated to fuck people up.

Shindol is from NYC, he’s probably basing it off someone he knew.