Ishuzoku Reviewers

Waiting for the uncensored blurays like:

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So the anime is censored?
Thank God I didn't watch it then, I'll wait for the blurays too.

Yes but there are uncensored versions out there.
The Taiwanese version is double uncensored for example, even showing some puss.

Would she offer to take care if customers herself if she try thought she was a good match for then?

Attached: E39AEC09-CA2C-44FE-B30F-A584DE21A67C.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

I propose that when the BD's drop, someone should stream them, and we could do one big marathon, where we try to spot the differences. Sounds like a good time, doesn't it?

is there a version of this with subs

new chapter, the demi-god heroine appears

RIP Kanchal, shouldn't have made golem copies of the legendary heroine to fuck

>[Judas] is waiting on releasing the final episode's subs so he can release fucking meme-subs for April Fool's
You know it's going to happen

Here are the subs.

I'm glad she made an appearance in the last episode.

Attached: 1585488647966.jpg (1534x2202, 487.66K)

Confirmed to kick Kanchal's ass next season

>muscular thighs
possibly better than soft thighs
But a lot of the guys have used the doll so he's safe because everybody who knows is an accomplice.

Attached: K8.jpg (1242x1759, 832.5K)

She's going after the source, the guy who made the dolls in her image

Not really, she was there for all of the reviewer gang. But then she saw Crim and nope'd the fuck out, because if an angel is involved it's ok. Essentially, she was being a shitty prude and then got BTFO later by the big wolf guy's infodumping.

I meant making a webm with subs

>"doing thing like:" meme
physically revolting
normalfag anime of the season, glad I dropped it

On top of that, two more chapters of the anthology have also been translated.

Post link user

It's the age regression chapter and the owl receptionist egg laying chapter.

You think he could make a killing just making top rate dolls of all the most popular girls in the world and taking a small cut of the profits.

Crim saves the day, also the reviews are mandated by the Goddess all these plebs that hated the show will receive divine punishment

Attached: Heavenly Reviews.jpg (1242x1760, 949.53K)

>the spread of reviews will need to be taken as a heavenly will
her face looks very disappointed in the god that's giver her the hero blessing

Which release is that?

No one can even ask the goddess anything right now because she's taking a nap.
And who knows how many years it'll be before she wakes up.

oh god a Cool chapter

Is it just the shitty TL or does this chapter feel really disjointed to anyone else?

I think it's just the TL.

Holy shit, she is terrifying. They were all gonna die right there if Crim wasn't there.

so it's pretty safe to say that Stunk wouldn't stand a chance in hell against her if she really went through with her blood purge,right?

I wonder if Demia knows her personally or if she's fought Death Abyss a few times before

Did COOL do this chapter? toddlercon feels very much like him, also Stunk's a hypocrite, he won't do a halfling because they look like little girls but he's fine with some straight shota? Are there really people like that?

Getting ara ara'd is not the same as little girls. Now if FemStunk was into shotacon stuff, then he is a hypocrite.

the art in this series gives me nichijou vibes
not sure why

Oh, then I apologize for being hasty, I mean I would do it, but I don't think I'd like going all the way back to toddler age

So far the only relation between the hero and the demon lord is that the hero charges less for taking on jobs.

Recent TLs have been pretty dogshit.

I assume it's half-assed since official will supplant it eventually

Official won't be until July or possibly even later with the current state of the world.

Excuse me, but is there some kind of actually interesting overarching plot developing in the midst of this hentai-not-hentai manga?

You mean machine TL'd

Basically Crim is an anomaly that other parties are taking interest in. You're not supposed to be able to see or touch angels.

The only puss shots were in the op.
I was expecting more but was kind of disappointed.
Still had some good wanks to the show nonetheless .

>They didn't animate the scene of Crim getting choked into unconsciousness by the Dreameater
What the fuck that part was so funny though.

The end of volume bonus page for the demons didn't make it into the episode either.

I hope all of the end of volume stuff is going to be in a mini series or OVA or something.

Will we get them, the only english company that didn't wash their hands of it is from a nation that could easily turn around and decide to block the blu rays
I'm not sure I've seen anyone bring up COOL's chapter in the anthology yet but I'm just here to say GIWTHM.

>Waiting for judas like
Am I the only one who hasn't touched the final episode yet?

Not like you're missing much, it's your basic bitch hentai tits, not like the shading or animation quality is in any way noteworthy.

You didn't read half the thread then.

I wonder what Stunk's childhood must've been like since his mother was part of the harem his father had.

Crim got choked out? post the page

No it's not

>Waiting for the uncensored blurays like:
There's nothing left to uncensor you retard

Attached: 81.jpg (900x1350, 445.43K)

Are dreameaters the most powerful creatures?

There are only two points of known censorship in the AT-X broadcast:

The first being the pussies in the OP which we saw unobstructed in the first episode of the Taiwan version.

The second being of Meidri's egg laying scene.

The fan-translations are about 70% accurate. Most of them are okay, some of them are off and few of them are totally made up.
Take the dwarf chapter for example, the beardstyle of the girl Stunk choosed was 攻め (aggressive/edgy) not popular. And the TL guy made up some later lines to make this mistranslation looks reasonable.

Attached: V9.jpg (1242x1763, 868.72K)

It would be illegal if they didn't censor those. You're not going to see those in the BDs.

In the Japanese BDs.
In any other country's BDs though...

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Is the bottom of the page supposed to say "for readers who are curious, there is also a place where you can find girls with long beautiful hair". I don't speak japanese, I'm just trying to make sense out of context. It's a weird non-sequitur to go from bearded dwarfs to hair fetishism in the same brothel. It makes more sense if it's a different shop and the narrator just wants to mention it.

I started marathoning this a few hours ago, it's better than expected, genuinely surprised. The AT-X broadcast was uncensored, just grab the raws and download the AP subs separately, that's what I did, only need to fix the timing at the beginning and after the OP since AnimePlaza trimmed out the eye-catchers, in their version. I could upload my fixed subs if you want, I'm watching ep11 tight now so it shouldn't take long before it's all done.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Ishuzoku Reviewers - 06 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.56_[2020.04.01_02.16.40].png (1280x720, 934.9K)

For the past 12 weeks anons in these threads have been doing that and sharing their sub fixes.

Are you sure it's not a third party edit?

>Meidri's egg laying scene.
Seriously? are there any screenshots or webms of this?

Is this a same voice actor chart?


Well, never mind.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Ishuzoku Reviewers - 07 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.02_[2020.04.01_02.50.52].png (320x320, 155.8K)

Yep, the bottom panel is completely wrong
It's suppose to said: For the readers who are wondering why the sudden change of atmosphere
Stunk's choice is like went to a brothel that has many long beautiful hair girls
But he choose a delinquent with a Mohawk

Unless the third party is someone who works for whatever company had the distribution rights in Taiwan, then no, it was not a third party edit. That was actually stitched together from the first episode before whoever in Japan got pissed off and called up whoever in Taiwan so they had to air the same version that aired on AT-X.

As for Meidri's scene, this is what aired on AT-X.

Attached: the one time AT-X was censored.jpg (1280x720, 130.75K)