Shiggy when?
Boku no Hero Academia
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in 5
>shiggy's birthday will be around the same time the next chapter releases
It's time
not soon enough
>Color page is shiggy waking up
It's time
>color page is unrelated to the plot
Probably a few more chapters
>>More liberation army members die
>>Giga wakes up to even the momentum for a bit, but eventually contained by the heroes' sheer numbers
>>Villains are close to being wiped out
>>Shiggy finally emerges from the hyperbolic time chamber in a climactic entrance
>>A dying Re-Destro pleads with Shiggy to not let the heroes win
>>Shiggy starts killing heroes with a twisted smile - fueled by both rage and catharsis
I want this to happen.
Shigaraki is miles away from redestro
That's not Pokemon
>almost 3 days left
toga will consume twices blood and unleash a ragefueled sad mans parade
mad woman's parade
>80 hours and 11 minutes left
>Not Dead Man's March
It'll be Black Parade
would be unironically kino
cooming to monoma
>everyone jobs until Shiggy wakes up and fixes everything
truly the Deku of the villains
they all sound good desu
Missing Deku hours
Soon. Someone needs to slow Endeavor/Miruko/Hawks roll and it'll be him.
imagine a 1000 of togas doing this shit to heroes
This chapter was so stupid.
Please BONES. Please. Use it. For the love of god.
I want more team attacks.
I want to kiss his lips
waifu of the volumefags will never learn
curious x the emo chick. hot.
i think thats a boy?
Toga should have lost the fight. Hori had no choice but to use an asspull to save her.
asspulls are ok if villains use it
It’s kind of hard to tell but I’m going by the eyelashes and the body in that image.
>Hori had no choice but to use an asspull to save her.
Dude. You're one of those "Muh 7 quirks" aintcha?
at least Setsunafags calmed down after she jobbed to Bakugo
Twice did not deserve to die.
Endeavor raped his wife
i dropped this last year, or possibly the year before.
>it just took Toga 226 chapters to use an ability she had all this time, lol
>why did she never such an incredibly useful ability and why was it never mentioned, no particular reason lol
bad writing
She has literally never had a fight before
>one of the first things pointed out about quirks is that some people don't fully understand how theirs works
>200 chapters later this gets shown
so what is it, did she always have it or she developed it during the fight?
Me on the right
her quirk always copied the quirks of people she transformed into, but it either only works on automatic quirks, or she never thought to try and use someone's consciously-activated quirk. The manga hasn't given us enough detail to be sure
Now post them kissing, please.
>No art of her tea parties with Sato.
I don't give a shit about her quirk, but she was defeated. She shouldn't have had the energy to run and touch so many enemies after the beating she received. Also, for some unknown reason, no one was able to react to Toga's movements.
>Decuck self inserters
>>one of the first things pointed out about quirks is that some people don't fully understand how theirs works
what this means is that Hori can literally do anything and you'll justify it with a vague statement made early in the story
She gets a second wind, plays tag, then collapses. It's not that hard to figure out.
>CHADku self inserters
conveniently every other villain becomes defenseless against a girl running at them and can do nothing to stop her
do you know how adrenaline works?
>Re-Destro leads wannabe illuminati from the shadows
>decides to pick a fight with Shiggy
>loses and hands him over everything
>then Dabi let's Hawks infiltrate the organization which leads to its demise
>can't even handle a chuuni bird
Is Re-Destro supposed to be the Brendan Fraser of MHA?
Thoughts on Fat Gum?
Keep in mind, their leader was suddenly flying upward and as great risk of death. THAT would be distracting. Also remember, Toga has some strange ability to fade from people's perceptions, even when they know she's there. Those two together were apparently enough. She also killed at least one person rather than send him skyward.
Yep, based
One of my favorites.
He even has the JUST haircut
That Toga chapter is going to be Kino with Uraraka's voice actress performing that bloodcurdling scream.
nope, it was nonsense
stop trying to justify everything and admit the manga has some flaws
You got 3 chap of ujiko cornered, 3 chap of twice/hawke, if anything it will be another 1 year for shiggy.