So, how do you guys feel about Re Zero being pushed for summer becasue of corona shit? Sucks really hard if you ask me, so let's have a Re Zero thread!
On the other note, does anyone happen to have that image where horribleretards put the spoilers of what happens after the ending in another anime that aired at that time?
Re Zero
The adaption for the first season was already bad. The second season will be a fucking mess. Screencap this.
I'm hoping for a trainwreck! It's gonna be massive!
I just watched through the first season but I don’t think I’ll ever get over Subaru not choosing Rem
I watched it with friends but I'm probably gonna read the manga to see if it truly is any better. Has there been made a list of all the unexplained plot points within the series? There's so much shit that doesn't get a reasonable explanation or never really gets touched on, despite us being let know about it. The spirit of Emilia being a huge fucking monster, Rem murdering Subaru earlier seems so out of character now that we know her, Ram fucking the wacky wizard mansion dude never seemed super relevant. The whole "who's gonna be the next queen?" arc was just a giant letdown. The assassin in the beginning wasn't evaluated on much, no? Emilia looking like the witch (and also being possessed by the witch?).
I actually kind of like the trainwreck plot points, it feels like a DND campaign.
jajajajaja its gonna be HUEGH like another tortanic XDDDD
woops wrong board XFDDD
please dont ban tranny jannies :DXDDD
The manga isn’t even upto halfway of season 1.
Re Zero? more like Re Kino. it will be better, i can sense it.
No Ren don't care
>the manga
I only care about this faggot cat. I don't know shit about S2 but S1 needed more of this faggot cat.
It'll be just like the first season but without Rem
>it's the last chapter of re:zero
>subara dies
>get's respawned to episode 1 where it all started
just how mad would you be?
cant wait to see subaru finally lose it after getting sick of being a sufferfag
that would be epic and extremely funny desu
Ironic coming from someone with an Overorld picture were every single season was shit
Since they are going to adapt the LN route does Subaru off himself a few times after Rem get's potatoed or is that just skipped?
He only does it once in the LN and WN. The LN version of the scene is less emotional and way more retarded because Subaru fucking talks to himself instead of keeping his voice inside his head
Search the archives, I did a comparison on Yas Forums posting excerpts from both
He offs himself once IIRC and immediately gave up after realizing his save point is right before offing himself.
It's for the better. I really like Arc 4 and don't mind them taking even longer delays to ensure the quality of the season won't be affected.
rem autist what do you do with yourself all day?
Found it for you
Correction: it is in the manga but so briefly shown I missed it the first time through
The manga version is so fucking bad
Right now I’m waiting for my next online lecture
What do you think would happen if Subaru let Rem accompany him to the cult battle instead of sending her back with Crusch? Would Rem have gotten killed during the cult fight?
I think it's a given that Crusch would have died without Rem to heal her during the Greed and Gluttony encounter, or at the very least lost her arm. Maybe Gluttony would have taken both her name and memories instead of just memories and she'd be the one potato'd instead of Rem.
>Would Rem have gotten killed during the cult fight?
Nah Subaru would have repeated it until she survives. Eventhough I am not quite sure if Rem would have let Julius kill him after he got possesed.
The goal on the carriage attack was Rem, the gospel would have redirected Greed and Gluttony and contrived another way of separating Subaru from Rem
>The goal on the carriage attack was Rem
Really? Why is rem so important?
So the events of Arc 4 can unfold the way they do and to be the reason Arc 6 even happens.
So, i checked my thread from last night, apparently the new directors cut censors shit that was in the BD release? damn I have to get the bd shit then
so I'm supposed to read the LNs until vol 9 then switch over to the WNs, right?
I think some anons rather you read the WN wholly as the LN cut out/altered some content.
About halfway though volume 9, there is a picture showing you where to stop
But translations don’t exist for Arc 3 (or 1 and 2) so you have to read the LN which is similar enough to the WN for Arcs 1-3
Yes stop at the chapter in LN 9 called 'interlude', then read the WN translations of the interlude and onwards into arc 4.
read both versions of arc 4
Why WN? Arc 4 in WN is too big. Just save time and read LN up to vol 12.
There are some warm scenes with Emilia that absent in LN though.
Speaking of Arc 6 are they out of the damn tower in the WN? At this pace the LN will overtake the WN.
The LN fucking sucks.
>plot device rock
>characterizations cut across the board
>world building, lore cut across the board
>scenes less emotional and impactful
>did I say plot device rock? It fucking teleports Subaru to the next plot point
Sure waste your time reading that garbage when the anime or manga would have gotten the same shit.
If you like Re:Zero, why gimp yourself with the censored version? The LN editors are making the series more generic and ruin what Re:Zero had going for it. If you are taking the time to read why read the shorter censored version?
Because I want to know what will happen next. I don't have much time and I want to go bed satisfied with what I read today.
Then read a summary then. The Re:Zero wiki has them.
Want to know how I know you're a fucking retard?
Nigga what? The manga is at arc 4 already.
See that's the thing, you need to weigh up your individual needs.
However, I am of the belief that it's only right for me to recommend people read the WN over the LN. From a first time readers' perspective you cannot know what is cut and what is not. It's like ordering a steak and allowing the butcher to make up his mind as to how he trims it, he'll trim off mainly fat but inevitably will cut some meat with it. You can have your processed product, but just know some fucking editor somewhere was the butcher and his intentions were to make it anime adaptable.
So whenever someone asks how they should take in arc 4, I will say read the WN as it's the pure essence of the story. But if you need a quick pre-packaged steak feel free to take the LN and never know what a cow looks like.
Don't care one bit. I hated Re:zero season 1 with a passion. But I'll still watch season 2 out of morbid curiosity. I won't watch it just to hate on it. I'll watch it because I'm a completionist. Also maybe season 1 was a sad accident and season 2 is actually watchable? Other than that I'm kinda glad it got postponed.
Was there a new IF story today? There's one every year on April 1st
not yet, it's only 8:50am
>The LN fucking sucks.
The LN is the revised official version of the story now. WN version of Arc 4 is now retconned and therefore filler.
>WN version of Arc 4 is now retconned
Not how it works
>therefore filler.
Also not how it works
Eat my ass
The LN is what's considered canon, not the WN.
Doesn’t work that way either
It's fairly minor. The pile of villager corpses is now more blurred out and not necessarily obviously a pile of burned out villager corpses.
>I think it's a given that Crusch would have died without Rem to heal her during the Greed and Gluttony encounter
Way earlier than that. Crusch ordered the carriage to ram Captain Autismo, which Rem instinctively realized was a bad idea at the last second, grabbed Crusch, and jumped off. Everyone else in the wagon, which would have included Crusch, got turned into pink mist.
Obviously not everything is going to be explained yet because Season 1 was a part of the story not the entire story. Like any other story, certain plot points will be set up and focused on later (Puck, Ram liking Roswaal, Royal Selection, Elsa, Emilia/Satella) and also Rem killing Subaru is 100% in character.
Rem is superficially friendly but is a pretty hostile, volatile and impulsive person who often jumps to conclusions hence why she killed and tortured the MC based on a mere suspicion or why she was willing to abandon the endangered children in order to protect the mansion in the whole demon dog episode. Even when she starts to like him, she's still largely uncaring of anyone besides him and her sister (though she starts to open up a little bit to other people).
Ferris will appear in Episode 1-2 and have a cameo in the middle of the season. So essentially he's going to have less screen-time this season than he did in the first season.
>Eat my ass
Stop being a salty retard. I much prefer the WN version as well but it doesn't change the fact that the WN is nothing more than a draft and the LN is the official version and the anime will be following the LN.
>why she was willing to abandon the endangered children in order to protect the mansion in the whole demon dog episode.
No, the point is she wasn't willing to do that. But she's equally not interested in being lead into a trap by a witch cultist and get murdered followed by her sister and Emilia getting murdered. The way the conversation plays out between her and Subaru makes her look like 'the bad guy' but the reason Subaru was confident in presenting his arguments like that is because he knew they would work. It's a bit of manipulative shorthand because he doesn't have time to explain everything, same way he just says if Rem wants to track him down he knows she can because she can smell him and leaves it at that.
The main thing I do not like about the LN is the way they translated Lewis's name to Ryuzu. Like what the fuck?
>Rem is superficially friendly but is a pretty hostile, volatile and impulsive person who often jumps to conclusions hence why she killed and tortured the MC based on a mere suspicion
I'm pretty sure she only behaves like that when it comes to the Witch Cult and Subaru had the same scent as them.
Who the fuck cares about what the anime follows?
Drafts aren’t public, if it was really a draft then Tappei would have taken the WN down as soon as it got picked up by a publisher like every other lowlife LN author. Those are what you would call drafts
>salty retard
The WN never gets retconned by anything. It’s completely separate from the LN. If it wasn’t then Kadokawa would have made him take it down if it were the same thing.
How the fuck would it be “filler”
Forgetting about Patlash? Anyway that’s how Yen Press did it, nothing to do with the LN
For Subaru yes, but she's not the most friendly person around at the start of the series. It's hard to fully appreciate that because by the time she gets introduced to other characters outside the mansion she seems quite friendly and good with people, but the villagers only rarely ever see her before that and Ram is the one that always leaves with Roswaal. Her going to the capital was like the first time she's been there in ten years or so and she specifically requested to come along.
>Forgetting about Patlash? Anyway that’s how Yen Press did it
Are you fucking serious? It's a specific reference to a western story, how do you fuck that up?
>The WN never gets retconned by anything
Well except for appearance things like Meili's 'hair-dye'
No Rem and Ram, what are you doing?