Kirino is your imouto now

Kirino is your imouto now
What to do?

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Murder her and my shitty parents for spawning a literal devil.

pretend she doesn't exist

Ignore and do the fuck I please

what does imouto mean? my sister?

Acquire new.

Get close enough so she introduce me to Ayase and profit

little sister

That depends, did I gave her a reason to be mad at me? No? Fuck her. Yes? Fuck her.

put her up for adoption
if that doesnt work, clean her room with bleach and ammonia cleaning solution while she sleeps

I would... FUCK....THE....SHIT.....OUT....OF.....HER.

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Rough hatesex.


Hatefuck her until she develops mental health problems.

Put her in a cage.

Tell Dad that she is playing incest porn games.
She needs to put into a mental hospital.


Don't forget her birthday next week anons

Dick her butt, I don’t want any mongoloids

slowly and subtly make her fall in love with me through cleverly pre-planned devices. kinda like mc but i'm aware of what i'm doing.

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don't ignore her or be an asshole to her cause according to anime rules she'll fall in love with me, which would be gross, incest is gross
I must act like a background character, a desperate boy who's always groveling for her attention.
then she'll leave me alone.

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>What to do?
Truly a dilemma. On one hand, incest is a sin, on the other hand, I want see this bitch get btfo. Guess I'll go with the true route

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Sniff her butt.

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I would put my foot up her ass the moment she becomes obnoxious.

Hit back.
I wonder how Kirino would reject when hit back.

Go out with her best friend.

Marry her, obviously

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Breed the hell out of her and her friends.

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>incest is a sin

t. never read the bible

Lot's daughters were heavily reprimanded from their actions if memory serves.
t. skim read the bible

Marry Ayase

Kisses, cuddles, hugs and headpats.

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>offers one example

t. "what is abraham and sarah"

Or Seth and Azura.

>Take her to a walk near the local lake
>Shoot her in the back of the head when she's distracted
>Bury her body with the murder weapon in an unmarked grave in an undisclosed location
>Never speak of her existence again

offer to manage her money and invest in memecoins and stocks

Roll with it

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Kirino and Kyousuke have no chemistry and I honestly don't believe that she really loves him.

I think Kirino is a stand-in for the author's actual imouto (who hates him of course) and he wrote the story so she falls in love with him, as a massive cope.
Have fun reading and by that I mean shitpost elsewhere.

Make her dress up like an elementary schooler.

Eat her asshole till she orgasms.

the only right answers in this thread

After reading that, I'm not convinced that their actions were ideal... Kuroneko was a cuckquean that would have accepted her bf banging his sister on the side... they should have gone with that ending. It would have gone in anime history too.

>Kuroneko was a cuckquean that would have accepted her bf banging his sister on the side
That's an old Oreimo meme. She said that only to shock Ayase and it was after she was rejected anyway, just before she finally got it into her chuuni skull.

That's a funny way to spell Kuroneko

Use her to find Ayase

>have to deal with an annoying little sister as well as my little brother
How tiring

This is a smart user

Based Sunohara living with principles, when he had Mei at home.

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Well I never stopped being a chad so we get along fine and I'm happy to have such a competent imouto. I never had any childhood friends to try to turn me into a beta, haha... ;_;

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Rape, kill, dismember her body, rape her again and burn the chunks in the woods


Actual incest is pretty gross, I prefer NBR imoutos like Sagiri.

sweet sweet love

Gayest post of the year

Tell her her favorite anime is shit.

Enjoy your mutant children!

Pee on her

Enjoy your aids

sex her in the pooper